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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by cfree68f

  1. this is an incorrect statement. What you need is transparency. If you want to make the light bounce and hit other parts of the room other than parts that are inline with the hole/window then you will want to use Radiosity, but it isn't required to get light to pass through a hole or a transparent part.
  2. Hey David, Its a good start, but you are missing some key features that say baby. His Eye brows are not opened up enough. Proportionally they should be higher up and more shallow on the slope. He sort of has ape like eye sockets. You might add a ridge for the brow line as well. Babies don't always have these, but it will add some room for more expression in the eyes. The nose is to adult like, mainly along the bridge. try fattining the bridge a little and sinking the nostrils back into the cheeks just a tad. Something about the nostrils is off. They don't show up enough? or the SSS might be hiding the divit.. not sure. As chubby as this little guy is, you might try giving him a bit more of a line from the nostrils to the edge of the mouth. Nothing sharp like muscles would create. More of the Arnold on Different Strokes Chubby cheek effect. Good job rounding out the front of the face. The second to last spin was very flat, but the new one is much better. The lower lip is just a bit small. All babies have a severe overbite but they have pretty puffy lips as well. Think of the "bow" shape you'd imagine on cherubs. I think the main things harming readability as a realistic human baby are the eyes. specifically the brows. Maybe the forehead a little, not sure. Theres a dark patch on the ear and I can't tell if its a flipped patch and SSS or a really deep indent. It adds a bit much complexity the ear, like he's got an extra hole. You might soften that just a tad assuming its not a flipped patch. Something I just thought of that might help with the brows a bit. some more obvious eye brow hair. even slight might add to the expression. If you are going for ultra realism.. try giving him some downy thin blondish or darkish hair. and model a little bit of some open skull ridges in the scalp (instead of ultra smooth) Babies skulls aren't fully formed and they can have rather large dents in their skulls do to the open ridges. Great stuff. Keep it up.
  3. By roughness I think he means just give it some noise or something so its not so smooth. You'll want to give it a little specular hilite, same on the skin and maybe a bump or displacement map. Looking great so far.
  4. You joke, but take a look at the following picture and consider the ramifications. Chilling is it not?
  5. yeah you've definately screwed the pooch. Looks like its caused some hair loss to. Hmmm. Was your chihuahua from Quintana Roo. The pansies don't grow to civil discourse south of tiajuana, or so the fat lady said. You might try some Just for Men #5. That chihuahua looks like its got some gray hair going. That might make it work. Another thing, what did you make your intra-sphincter electrodes from? anything less than sterling silver and your wombat plasma will congeal and explode well.. you get the picture.
  6. OMG, it worked I tried reversing the polarity in synch, and got nothing then suddenly it hit me, my wombat plasma wasn't pure enough, so I strengthened the mix with L'Oreal Excellence Creme 8RB Reddish Blonde and bingo.. the skinny dog works for us now. I've created a collar that injects the anitidote on the hour. I don't have time to draw up blue prints, you'll have to piece it together from the photo attached...
  7. Welcome to the fold brother. Soon we will have enough yellow panzies to launch the coversation to the contrary, may it be a civil one. Don't be confused. Its the Chihuahuas and their masters the Red headed Mafia. Fight the urge, look into the light, all will be revealed.
  8. Awww man! you ruined it. I could've strung this out for years.... wa unless... YOU are one of the read headed tribe! Then how do we know that you aren't a Chihauhua! You'd want us to think you had your friend send that post, or you'd want us to think you thought your friend thought he'd send that post, in which case we'd think you ment for us to think that and you'd want us to think you thought it, before you thought it. Thats ok squirrel boy, you'll have to get out of the cat litter box on the other side pretty early in the morning before I'll think you thought that. Don't pay attention to him people, he's one of them. The fly's radar is going off like gangbusters, he's telling me to tell you not to think what you want him to think you think. So don't think it. Listen to the Chihuahuas!
  9. nah its a terrorist call to arms for the red headed tribe from easter island. Come on its kind of obvious don't you think? Am I the only one who sees the danger? Don't the flys sitting on your shoulders reciting Shakespeare tell you guys about the Easter island tribe? or the chihuahuas gnawing on your ankles. I mean they where talking like this years ago. Don't even get me going on the viagrarian watermellon conspiracy to destroy all One eyed Tube worms of Impotencia and their constant attempts at erecting basecamps under massive tents in the bed rooms of middle-aged baby boomers. Don't you guys get the newsletter?
  10. Thats a good first ear Tot. Jeff is right. I hardly model faces from scratch unless they are very different from ones I have already. That 40 minute face was painful to start with since I was a little out of practice with "from scratch modelling" But like a bike it came back. Feel free to disect it as you wish. If you see the alien on my avatar. He's actually the cooper model I did but tweaked for about 15 minutes using the distortion cage tool. Keep up the good work. Oh and take any criticism with a grain of salt. Everyone started out learning to model and some people still can't model a good ear ;-)
  11. Yeah Right! and then you'd go and blow the whole Red headed continuum straight past civility toward chaotic owl parts. Then what? mass desegregation of the conversation toward purple hilarity? I don't think so, red man cometh and slaughters diodes.
  12. The eagle has landed? The orange headed dwarf speaks civil at all occasions?
  13. keep it up, like drawing you can only get better with practice. I've got a couple of models and faces under my belt so with the "handicap" (sporting term, not the other) you actually beat me by a mile ;-)
  14. See.. not so hard after all is it ;-) I worked for about 40 minutes and figured I'd gotten far enough. its not perfect.. but its got some kind of character.. maybe a mardi gras mask.. Happy MardiGras everyone. and the model. Keep it up.
  15. First off Jirard, You're good man! I'm definately liking the style. The only small thing I see as far as animation is the girls brow, and forehead. You might want to add one more spline for facial gestures and depending on how you texture the forehead. Having so much of the face made up of so few splines is usually asking for trouble when it comes to trying to get certain expressions. Other than that both models look awesome! You're really starting to make me wish I could've helped you ;-) Keep it up.
  16. looks good to me. Good job. And I like her shape as well. Only thing I might change is the fatness of the calves toward the ankles. But that could be part of your attempt at stylization.
  17. Hey, Don't blame me ;-) I just threw the ball at you.. You're the one who hit it out of the park! Cool stuff. I wonder if you can use expressions on the "Overlife" percentages? I'll have to check that out. You could probably do some cool motions with the forces and hair using sin curves.. something like an anemone in waves.
  18. Yes John.. you are crazy.. like a fox. great stuff as usual.
  19. Thats wacky.. it almost looks like they are dancing ;-) pretty cool.
  20. lol.. I got my scripting languages mixed up thats what happens when you try to type it off your head yo ugot the idea though.. looks great.
  21. Awesome! Is that displacement, or did you model that?
  22. Hey John, For what Nancy said give this a try... Flare Intensity = If((Mod(GetTime(),2)<1),Rand(10,20),0) or something like that..
  23. (monotone voice) Rodneywilldomybidding.. Hewillbethenextonetotrysomethingwithexpressions...andhewillnotrepeateverycommandIgivehim... Very cool John, that definately does look like camera flashes at a stadium. Now if you really want to go crazy.. see if you can make them do a wave around the stadium, as if people are clicking right as the Runner/Car/whatever is getting right in front of them. Just kidding.. its awesome.
  24. Colin aka.. "SATAN!!!" (in my church lady voice). lol.. I like it John. Thats what I'm talking about. Heck for that matter.. you could even make the crowd with expressions ;-) Your experiment also reminds me of a "Will of the wisp".. Try adding a Sin curve to the lens flare intensity for the flash effect or.. just some random noise to vary the flash brightness. I knew I could count on you John. Awesome stuff as usual
  25. UhOh... I think I see where this is going. This wouldn't be a model with a purpose, say, I don't know.... REVENGE?
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