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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Meowx

  1. Is it possible that there's a bug with the trackpads and A:M where it acts backwards in perspective mode? (Assuming he's using a trackpad.)
  2. Thanks! Interesting catch, went back and looked at it (because I didn't remember modeling something like that), turns out it's just a funky angle. It's just two splines, the left-right one and the up-down one, but the top one looks like it angles back unnaturally at the lower resolution in real time.
  3. Alright, after a few down months of not having much time to work on stuff due to moving, I've had some time to get back to work. This is the main character of the project and the model is pretty detailed, I've trimmed it down to 15768 patches (which is still pretty damn heavy). Granted, it's been a WiP for a long time now and a bit of a learning journey. Other character for this project will be far lighter, and won't require their models to be quite as heroic. No model is ever done, but I'm finally getting to the point on this one where I'm about ready to put it aside and start picking up work on the other parts of the project I've started over the course of the last few months. Please point out any flaws or offer any constructive criticism on my work thus far, I'm here to learn after all! Finally, here's a quick speech test I animated this morning to try out some lip sync for the actress who will be voicing her. http://modenstudios.com/daughters/speech_test.mov
  4. I run a Mac with Quicktime Pro as well as some other sound editing software and I'll be glad to take a look at it and see if I can't get it to work.
  5. Can you post the .wav file you're having problems with?
  6. You also might be in Perspective mode. Hit the \ key (above return) to toggle perspective on and off.
  7. Yeah, you should always try and make a copy of the model you're working on every week or so and work on that new copy. That way, if something goes corrupt, you can just backtrack to the previous version instead of having to ditch the whole project and start all over. This has saved me innumerable hours with A:M.
  8. This was my assumption. I'm using 15g. Oh, and one other thing, DON'T use preview render until you're done - it will bump the resolution back down to the pixelated version.
  9. I actually have that problem ALL the time myself. I have to: 1) Apply the image as a decal somewhere. Doesn't have to be on the model. 2) Close all windows and then save the project. 3) Reboot Hash. 4) Open the project again, but not any windows. 5) Go into the project hierarchy and find the decal. 6) Right-click the decal and choose "Edit." This should bring up the image at full resolution. 7) NOW open your model and view the rotoscope. It should be the correct resolution. I *THINK* that's all the steps, it's been a little while. I have to do this all the time to get decals to show up at the proper resolution in real-time previews, too. Let me know if you have any luck.
  10. yes
  11. Just messing around with materials; is something like the compositing in MAX possible with A:M? http://www.3dvalley.com/tutorialsdata/bk-shadingtut3.jpg Something like that is what I'm looking at.
  12. One more quick thing, perhaps I'm missing something obvious... is there a way to export the UV view ON the texture map? To, say, paint over it in Photoshop? Multiple passes of my AM manual come up short. Or is this something that you can't do. I've just been taking screenshots of the UV view.
  13. Hey, nice, I hadn't realized how well it works with AMPaint. Thanks for the link, Rob!
  14. ...I knew that. Was just testing you! *whistles innocently*
  15. Title pretty much says it all. Is there a graceful way to flatten a connected cylindrical object? Or do you have to kinda hide half at a time while flattening? Thanks!
  16. Nancy had linked this fantastic site the other day: http://www.cgtextures.com/ A LOT of high res stuff there, for free!! Not a whole lot in the way of textures of humans, but a lot of other stuff.
  17. Hey another quick question on dynamic simulation - does it matter which order you do "Simulate Spring Systems" and "Simcloth Simulate" in? Will one mess with the other if you do them in whichever order you want? Not sure if Simcloth counts as a spring system or not.
  18. All right, after playing around with it some, it appears to be a problem with dynamic collisions. A couple of the hair strands had collisions turned on, turning them off solved the crashing problem. Can someone else check to see if they have problems calculating spring systems when Dynamic Constraint collision detection is turned on? Here's with a small angle limit, makes a much nicer more subtle effect. The strands have collisions turned off so they compute, I suppose I could emulate collisions with an angle limit there too. (edit: yeah, was simulating from front view in wireframe.) Untitled.mov
  19. Sweet, I didn't realize that affected all the bones in the chain! Perfect! Any ideas why Simulate is crashing me? Anyone else having that problem or is it perhaps a bug in my model?
  20. I wasn't having any luck getting a AM hair to fit with the style of the model I'm using, so I've set up an IK dynamic chain to control hair movement. Problem is, it seems to ignore the Euler limits I've set for the bones lower in the chain. Am I missing something or does a dynamic constraint just ignore Euler on lower bones? I know it adheres to the Euler limits on the dynamic constraint bone itself. Attached a movie of a quick motion test where the hair just kinda flys all over. I've tried Simulate on the Fly both on and off and get the same results, but that brings me to another problem - I can't seem to simulate spring systems. At all. It gets a few frames in and then crashes the program every time. Untitled.mov
  21. I was considering doing that, but won't that destroy any decaling/CP weighting/smartskinning associated with those CPs?
  22. All right, this is still popping up and I've discovered that it's not actually the maps. No color map here, just bump. I was having problems getting the belly button to work (it sits right on a CP) and found some of the surrounding patches to have the same problem. However, after removing ALL maps... The glitch was still there. Much less noticable, but you can especially see it on that bottom spline. I'm at a loss here. The normals are correct. There are no bias adjustments. I tried removing the CPs from ALL groups, and got the same result. Any ideas?
  23. Back looks like an RX7. Front doesn't, too pointy.
  24. Connection timed out for me, but I'd imagine it's something along the lines of what you see in a lot of video games - a hefty amount of texture detail makes even the simplest model look really complex!
  25. man I knew I shouldn't have used animated gifs as textures
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