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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by pixelplucker

  1. This looks like it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/55mm-ATI-NVIDIA-GeForce-GT-240-VGA-Video-Card-Cooler-Fan-Replacement-42mm-2Pin-B-/171092853561?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d5edc339
  2. If it was working in safe mode then hardware acceleration wasn't being used. With the fan working means that chip isn't forcing the card to thermally shut down. You may be able to find that card if it's older for cheap and maybe not much more than finding a fan for the old one after you get done with shipping. What model was it?
  3. Replace the fan if you can, good chance the bushings in it are worn out and it is dragging causing a load on the card.
  4. Fans should always spin. Newer cards allow you to control the speed but they should still spin. My first quadrophonic card died because of a failing fan. You might be able to replace the fan depending on the card. I think most use themal tape but if the card is really old the fan can be really difficult to remove.
  5. I'll check the sub division settings, that could be the problem. Thanks
  6. Just installed the omega drivers and performance is the same. The card doesn't seem to handle opengl3 very well at all. Is direct x gone? I have to run 3d coat with dx and one of my other modelers doesn't launch. Might have to upgrade the card anyways.
  7. I have had a clean install of the ATI drivers for a while. Overall the ATI cards seem better made hardware wise but their drivers are questionable where as the Nvida cards I had in the past ever single one had failed over time, longest lasting was the Quadro series. With that in mind after my last Nvidia card I swapped to ATI to give them another whirl Overall most of my programs seem good with it (reasonably speedy, stable and no mouse trails). Last couple of updates on AM my shaded view object manipulation seems sluggish with pretty low frame rates. I can't narrow down to the driver version and AM version specific because in between I have updated the ATI drivers and AM. Using Catalyst version 14.12 on an HD 6900 series. Older card because I will have to change out my power supply for the newer card I have on another machine. I'll check out the Omega drivers and let you know. Thanks
  8. Fuchur, are you using an ATI card? AM seems a little sluggish now and wondering what settings you are using. Thanks
  9. FYI Silo offers their source code to be used in other software. Easy and stable link to sub d surfaces.
  10. Did some quick testing of Ipad to pic connectivity with the Remote Desktop and fount that Win 8 and Win 10 work excellent with much of the touch controls working, Win 7 has a cursor that is awkward to use. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test AM on the other machines because I'm on the sub and only have it on my Win7 machine. Maybe all it needs is some toggle buttons for modifier keys such as shift, control, alt and rub. Rub is right mouse button, sorry for the auto correct.
  11. Big problem with a program like AM going open source is you will lose the continuity it has, tools will become convoluted and version to version will have compatibility issues as well as the influx of programmers joining and leaving the project making spaghetti out of the code. I really don't believe that AM will lend itself to outside programmers without a major rewrite. You need programmers that know the code and know it's workflow. You need programmers that actually use the product and not off the shelf script kiddies that slug out crap in Python.
  12. Open source? Open sourcing of a long standing product would be putting it out to pasture like a dying cow. AM needs visibility not to be given away and have dozens of programmers and wanna b programmers tucking in bits of garbage code snippets and taunting it into Wings or Blender. Lack of version to version compatibility and stability is what keeps me away from using any open source software in my day to day work flow.
  13. Items selected would stay selected without the. Need to hold down a modifier like the shift or control keys. Clicking them again would unselect. Double tapping in a background would deselect all.
  14. On this little Mac mini the interface scaled nicely. Selecting buttons wasn't really an issue but access to modifier keys, making multiple selections on cps is where I ran into a snag. Ideally the tough screen interface could work well if I could use multi tough and had lazy select.
  15. Wondering if it is possible to implement touch support for AM for those with touch screens and for tablet connect via remote desktops. Need a lazy mouse select? Use common gestures for navigation, maybe modify for view manipulation? For kicks I tossed on Remote Access on my iPad to my pc and AM displayed perfectly, navigation wasn't half bad but was almost impossible to do anything with since I would need a 2nd mouse button and modifier keys.
  16. Had an idea for a game for tablets/phones and was wondering if anyone here uses the Unity engine and can help produce it. Will need animators, texture artist, sounds. Idea is this: Zombie Taxi Driver. The idea is the player is the passenger, the driver is a zombie. You have a set amount of $$ that diminishes as time goes on (meter). You need to get from one end of a town to another before you run out of time/money. View would be inside in the back seat of the taxi and as you give directions the zombie would look in the rear view mirror and make a zombie groan. Controls would be slightly delayed since your directing which way to turn when to stop and when to go. Repeated tapping will distract the driver causing the reaction to be slower so there isn't any button mashing but takes more timing. Traffic can be random and the city would be very simplistic looking.
  17. Heres some jpg's of the art. I sent the final art to Jason. 3" wide is pretty good for a left chest embroidery. Can't go too big because of the buttons and stitch count's increase.
  18. They might have implemented a sympathy policy for all those that got stuck with Win8. So first off does it looks less like a phone?
  19. Easy enough to revise so if you change Thom toss me the picture.
  20. I think you can use nulls as pivot points and constrain the poly model parts to them.
  21. Makes sense, I also heard that developer kits for Android and Apple's iOS are extremely expensive. In the past I did some extensive beta testing for a popular 3d modeling program. When the 64bit version came out they completely modularized it and used XML to tie it together enabling easier edits and porting. This task did take quite a few programmers over a year and half just to get to alpha. Obviously this would be a daunting task for the AM team I'm sure. On another note there was an update to the new Wacom Bamboo Fineline for those that want a pressure sensitive stylus on the iPad, there are other models for many of the Win8 tablets too. It works with Bluetooth, though not as precise as the regular Wacom enabled screens it is very usable and works with capacitance screens. It actually seems far less laggy than the Surface Pro 3.
  22. Interesting, the first negative review is someone who hates pc's and blames them because essentially they have fat fingers and no right mouse button on their hand? It's a remote desktop running on an iPad ffs! That like saying I hate going to the races on my bike because the f1's pass me all the time... With that negative review I think I'll give the app a try. I'm assuming a kick starter would be out of order on this idea. I thought the programs source code was much more modular and able to be ported through a different compiler. Only ones that could answer that would the the programmers. My thoughts were that the app would have the modeler, an i/o for mdl files. Simplified animation timeline maybe restricted to storyboard mode, real time render only so textures would have to be baked in. Maybe even limit the rigging to auto assign and bone fall off. I thought that it might be a good way to get people interested in animation where they may want to go and get the full blown version and really be creative. Seems like too much work I guess.
  23. There is the Wacom Bamboo Fineline and Intuos Bluetooth pens out now that work with iPad and many Android tablets. I tried the MS Surface versions 1-3 and found them to be way over priced for what they are. Intel is coming out with a new chip to replace the horrid Atom chip so maybe the Win tablets wil be better and more competitive in price. The cost of the i3, i5' and i7 based machines are so high your just better off getting a laptop. So no one things an iPad version of AM is worth it?
  24. Then your better off buying a laptop since currently there are better laptops for far less than any high end Win 8 tablets. I thought that there might be a nice market for those that want to drop content, not necessarily create, into an app. Animate their scene and share it. Maybe leave the content creation on the full AM side.
  25. What is the going rate for apps? Under $10.00? I would probably pay as high as $30.00 maybe more depending on features. What would you pay?
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