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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I had closed A:M and when I opened it again things were back to normal. Too bad, I wish I had taken a screen capture of a view that had part of the patches shaded W/wireframe and the rest of the model just wireframe and no CP's. I was a very cool look


    Oh well. Thanks Luuk.

  2. I was modeling a jacket and in the fever of splination I inadvertantly hit a key or combination of keys that turned my view from shaded to shaded wireframe with no CP"s. The wireframe is the same color as the model.


    To repeat in a redundant fashion:


    What did I do?


    How can I undo it?


    How can I do it again?




  3. I love A:M and this forum. I check it for new posts more often than I check my email, and I check my email several times a day.


    I've been slowly making images for my website upgrade and learning about materials a bit. Because I plan on using the "Christie" font throughout my website, and want to have the lettering look a little more "3d" I modeled the Alphabet which has taken me some time. But it has helped me gain a higher "spline consciousness".


    I'm very much looking forward to the time when I get caught up enough with my "day job" projects to actually try my hand at animating something. Here are a couple of the images I've come up with for the site. There is the main "enter" page, and a close up of the navigation button. Also an image work in progress.




  4. Robcat also posted this response to a request for a face tutorial , this is the famous "Cooper" tutorial that many consider to be the quintessential.


    BTW, I recommend following the uncondensed version of that tut. The original seems to be down but it's still on the wayback machine:




    This one has a few more explanatory comments. You may need to give it a few minutes for the jpgs to load.

  5. Hi Alex, Welcome to A:M,

    I looked at your model and played around with a couple of ways to make a ski. From looking a the ones you made I suspect you haven't gone through TaoA:M tutorials yet. (The art of Animation Master) TaoA:M is the first link in the forum under "Getting Started".


    Largento did some excellent tutorials on understanding how splines and control points work, they are foundHERE.


    The "easiest" way is to learn how splines work, and how they are persuaded to do your bidding. It may take a little while at first, but it is well worth the effort.


    Here is a project that contains your model and a model of a couple of different ways of making the skis take a look at these in wire frame and shaded wireframe and maybe it will help.


    Part of "splinesmanship" is learning to use the fewest amount of Splines and CP's to achieve your desired shape.


    Best of Luck


  6. Thank You, ludo_si,


    That was fascinating to me. As well as educational. I sampled the clips and will study them more thoroughly a little later when I have a bit more time.


    Was that AM Paint that you used to make the decal for the eyeball? If not what program was it?

  7. A few months ago I found, and went through, a simple but excellent little tutorial on how to make a beveled cube. It was step by step, but I am not sure if it was a video tutorial or not, I'm thinking not.


    I am pretty sure I found it in the tutorials section somewhere, but after searching through there for an hour or so, it seems to have eluded me. In my (often faulty) memory it seems to have been one of several "mini" tutorials in the same 'place'. It was not the Qvids. For some reason I want to think they were done by Ken H. (But that may only be because of the fact that I hold him and his skills in such high regard.


    I wish to go through the tute again, but I can't find it. :(


    Can anyone help?



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