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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Thanks You, Nancy. You too, Paul. I've actually thought about animating "growing the Music ribbons" from the guitar. I'll put that on my list of things I'd like to do in A:M. It's item number 4,723.


    Very cool, Myron! That is poster material.


    Thanks, David. As you can see, I tend to respond to the slightest bit of encouragement. Here's the "Poster".


  2. The arm flapping helped.


    There are many others on this forum who are more qualified to speak on this than I, however, I would suggest at frame X, keyframe the raven model's transparency at 0%, and Valkrye's at 100%. then at X + 20 (or whatever interval you choose), keyframe the raven's transparency at 100% and Valkrye's at 0% and that should give you a smooth dissolve.

  3. I've been waiting for a clear day with no interruptions to Rig McKnuckles, so I put this together for the page on my website for music clips. The image is only half done, there will be "Music" flowing out of either the headstock or a guitar chord.


  4. Good work, Holmes,


    Slowing down the sound (Drawing it out and lowering the pitch over time) at the same time you begin the slow motion shot usually does the trick

  5. I just modeled the body for my first character using Alonzo's Tutorials located HERE. Click on the Page 1 link.


    They are simple, basic and easy to follow. May seem boring to those who like video tutes, but I liked the fact that they stood still long enough for me to study them.

  6. btw, before anybody gets all prais-ey over my modeling prowess, allow me to place this disclaimer: Old Man Willies is based largely on Sir Nigel. I played Dr. Frankenstein and pieced the model together using Sir Nigel's head, hands from here, teeth from over there..etc. I then tweaked, moved cp's to taste, modeled boots, pants etc.


    I've come to call that technique "Frankenspleening."

  7. Where the splines intersect, are the CP's "welded" together, or are they just next to each other?


    In the view from the front(Num Pad 2), it looks like these CP's are connected. but when viewed from the top (Num Pad 5) you can see that they are not actually "welded" together. therefore they will not make a patch.



  8. using a straw, put just a few wee drops of water into it.

    If you aint drinkin for the flavor, then don't waste your money on a single malt



    Thanks for the tip, Paul. I've always drank mine "neat". What size straw? The skinny straws that come with the sissy drinks? Or the even skinnier stirrer straws that the "finer establishments" provide to stir the Jack in the coke?

  9. A bottle of 35 year old Macallan perhaps? Or a more modest Glen Rothes? Out here the prices on single malts have taken a horrible jump. That, plus a go-round with Hep-C have curtailed my research into the elixer and put a resultant dip in the Scottish economy. (the Hep-C was conquered with 6 month of Chemo, but that's another thread)


    So enjoy it for me, as well as yourself, fae alba. Looking forward to your short.


    ( My characters name is Knuckles McGurke, haven't asked him yet if he's Scottish or Irish. Just thought it sounded like a funny name. You'll understand better when you see the short.)

  10. I managed to download the files in real player and convert them to MP3 and then to .wav. I'm hearing a little tiny bit of crackle sporadically, and an occasional compression pop, but I'm not sure I'm hearing the kind of static you refer to, Holmes. I've zipped the converted files.


    Nancy, if you do re-record these,("Once more with feeling" was perfect!) stay farther back from the microphone and leave the camera sitting on something so it doesn't move. Don't worry too much about volume, as long as there is a clear sound I can make it louder.


    Holmes, let me know if the wav files are any better or not.


  11. LOL


    If you're interested in the "true" story, from a Campbell's point of view I'll tell it to ya in some other way...won't hijack this poor thread any more!


    And as long as we're REALLY hijacking this thread,


    This thread was so seriously hijacked a few miles back that I started another one for rigging "The Earl of Tredor". This one was becoming too much fun to interrupt for stuff like actual rigging.


    I must admit, though, that I was expecting more and better (or worse) wordplay. I'll try to think of a suitable punishment.

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