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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Robcat,


    Those couple of strategic new pen strokes improved the caricature considerably. Is caricature drawing something new for you?


    Robert, your artistic skills impress me only slightly less than your understanding of the fine points of animation, and both of those only just behind your grasp of all things A:M.


    I always learn something from every one of your posts. Just thought I'd let you know.


  2. I alway enjoy looking at your projects. I am always impressed.


    I went skiing once. As I stumbled my way down the slope, there were these youngsters literally skiing circles around me.

    Wonder what made me think of that story? :D


    Keep it up, you are doing wonderful work.

  3. Lookin' good, Holmes. Individual walks for everybody coming off the gang plank. Good animating.


    Billy Bob's Better Barrels Business Be Boomin' Bountifully!! Made me smile. :)

  4. When I sent out emails to my regulars about "The Ballad Of Eddie", I accidentally (honest!..Really!.. ) sent an email to a reporter for the local paper. We ended up doing a short interview over the phone and this is what came out of it. Got in two good plugs for Animation Master. :D

  5. Of all the 11 second sound bites I've heard, admittedly not all that many, this one seems the toughest to animate to. I still can't determine what she's had nine cans of. Up until the time you added the bird, I was troubled by the squeak at the beginning of the clip. Now, of course, I realize that it is not a squeak, but a chirp!


    Excellent job, Nancy, with a very tough sound bite.

  6. Great Chickens! Don't ba-a-alk at using them to set up a good yolk!


    (sooner or later SOMEONE had to say SOMETHING!) :lol:


    Seriously, Mark, all of your modeling is so clean, concise, and inspiring!


    The stuff you show always serves to egg me on. (I can resist anything but temptation :D )



  7. P. S.

    While looking again at one of the pictures you posted. Play around with the"O" and the "P" keys to smooth and peak splines as they go through a CP.


    For example in this shot, the yellow vertical spline is the dominate spline with a nice curve, and the horizontal ones crossing it are peaked. Select a horizontal spline with the cp and hit the "O" key the spline should then pass through the CP with a smooth curve instead of a sharp angle.



    Check out Largento's (Mark Largent) Wannabe tutorials Here


  8. tb, the secret to good modeling is good splining. and the secret to good splining is the fact that splines flow. there are many good heads and faces posted over time on this forum that you can study as examples, one of the more recent is the one that mtpeak2 (Mark Skaodacek) posted when he was demonstrating his great face rig.

    Mark's Face Rig


    splines flow in curves, when you add or adjust a spline, it is a good idea to look at it in several views. Top(5), Front(2), and one side or the other(4 or 6). I sometimes look from the back (8), or from underneath (0). These numbers are, of course, on the number pad not the keyboard numbers.


    Study the wire frames of good heads and models. splines are most often evenly spaced with smooth curves. A spline can look good from the front and side but when you look at it from the top you might see that it is out of whack the rest of the splines of the model. That's one of the reasons someone can get creases.


    the Cooper Tutorials are an excellent way to practice your "splinage"


    Learning how to make the splines do what YOU want them to, is a major part of the artistry of A:M modeling.


    You are doing quite good, but faces can be hard. The link to the Cooper Tutorials are evidently broken, but here they are in zip form. download them and save them. You will want to refer to them from time to time.


    Good Luck


  9. ...my b..b...buh brain hurt.


    I've been intimidated by rigging from the git go. If this happens to those who dwell on Mt. Olympus, what chances do us mere mortals have? :D

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