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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Wow, Nancy, great stuff.


    Making the mushroom image was actually the goal in itself. It was the electronic version of some art pencil sketching I did many years ago. I just wanted to see if I could reproduce it now that I'm starting to get a handle on modeling. It came out much better that I had hoped.


    I wasn't necessarily going to use it on the website per se, but now I may have to find a place for it somewhere. :D

  2. Thanks, Shelton. I like the black, too, usually it pops the image out, but this time it seemed to pull it back in for some reason.


    Ok, I'll blame all these on Nancy. But this tea is really quite good. Would you care for a cup, Gene? Ms Gormezano?


    I know, I know, I'm getting sick of this one too (maybe it's the tea), last ones I promise. But it is amazing how the background color affects the image. Of them all, the neutral Taupe one seems to me to strike the right balance.







  3. Finished, for now, will revisit and refine, after some time passes. I'm happy with the general concept, but still need lots of tweaking to get it where I want it to go. I still can't decide which background looks best on this one.




  4. Art Nouveau derived from following organic flows and forms found in nature. I've been playing with a style of graphic art that I used to do by hand many, many years ago. Don't know why mushrooms fascinated me so, but I was drawing these years before I found out that mushrooms were desired for more that just their beauty.


    I went through the Sweepers tutorial yesterday, wow, what a tool! Will save me hours of modeling time.


    This image is a WIP, there's one more cluster and some accents to go, but it's starting to shape up.


  5. Holmes, I'm in the process now.


    WOW ! I had no idea how many flipped normals I had (waaaaaaay too many) and I even found some internal patches. This has turned into an educational exercise in modeling 201. I would have been embarrassed to have you clean up the mess that was. In some cases it is easier to re-model parts of the model than fix the normals. Part of my problems came from trying to bevel edges, but today before I started to fix things I had inadvertently watched Ken Heslips little tutorial on controling edges with group bias adjustment.


    Give me a day or two and I'll send you the model bright and shiny!


    Am I right in assuming that modeling with the "Show Back Facing Poly's" off makes it easier to fix the "normals" problem as you go?

  6. Your film is a master piece. There are so many aspects over which to rant and rave. The character design, the attention to detail, the animation itself, . .and on .. and on . .


    It inspires to aspire.


    Thank You Profoundly,


  7. I don't know what you had in mind, Holmes, for merchant stalls. I'm not sure what a merchant stall would look like in Jinxland, but I had to take a break from my Nouveau imagery (my eyes were beginning to cross) and thought I'd give it a stab. Extremely handsome action figure not necessarily included. If the stand model would be useful I'll gladly donate it, but don't feel obligated to use it. It was a pleasant distraction.


  8. A couple of times now, I've tried to use copy/flip/attach and it does what it implies but it does it on the y axis instead of the x axis. Is there a way of controlling which axis the CFA follows ?

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