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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Thanks all,


    I'm totally stoked for this. It is indeed my intention to get "GeneSpleen The Animating Machine " up here from Houston for the show. I also hope to have animations playing on a screen above the band as we do some of the numbers live.


    Sneakin' Out will open, then my band will do "The Album". For the third section of the show, I intend to have various musicians that have played with me over the years rotate through a "structured" jam. That should end the evening with a loose, party like atmosphere. The refreshment stand does sell "adult" refreshments.


    With luck we'll have a couple of videographers there, so there may be a few live video's posted on Gene's utube channel. There may even be a shot or two of me in there if they have an extra strong double wide angle lens. :D


    To be Continued . . . . . . .

  2. Wow! May it be a successful venture!


    Thanks, Rob. There is a realistic hope that we could be sold out by mid July.


    Wish I lived closer!


    Yeah, it's a pretty long commute from the moon, 'specially with those NASA cut-backs. Too bad, too, I think the music is right down your alley. who knows, maybe we'll be successful enough to do a "Satellite" tour. :D


    Here's some shots of the Aladdin.





  3. I've set a deadline for myself to finish the CD I've been talking about for over 20 years.


    August 12 will be my 61st Birthday, and I've booked the Aladdin Theater in Portland, Oregon, for that date. It's an intimate venue (only 600 seats) where national acts perform regularly. I'll post a few pics of the venue a little later.


    My friends "Sneakin' Out", (Who performed at Carnegie Hall last summer) are booked to be my opening act.


    Here is the Poster that I've made to Promote the Event.


  4. Like Nancy said, when we did the mix about a year ago, it was just supposed to be background babble. If necessary I can do a remix and bring it up front more. In my mind, with this mix, before it was animated, I had envisioned her moving away from the camera for the last bits rather in moving towards it. When the actual Vocals start they should be more present in the mix.


    If we need to adjust the overall volume a little I can do that, too. I'm just thrilled to see the melding of our artistic endeavors.


    Let me know what you need, Nancy.

  5. Very nice work on your chairs.


    Reading in one of my Fine Woodworking magazine "collection" (starting with issue 14, I think), some time back, I saw in an article that making a simple chair is a very difficult thing to do. The Windsor chair being one of the most difficult.

  6. I'm wrapping up the imagery for my website. On the link to the video's page I have one image for the animated videos, but I wanted something different for the link to the "Live" video section. I wanted to do something with the ribbon style that has evolved, but my time (and perhaps creativity) is running out. So I put this little "concept " together. Not very Art Nouveau, but kind of interesting in it's own way.


  7. Thanks again, everybody!


    Gene, I bought a ball cap once that had "E=Fb" on it. I thought it was cool, but thought the formula didn't look 'Scientific' enough, so I made this one for the poster.


    Nancy, in prehistoric times back when I was in high school, I would get bored in class while the teacher was explaining for the 12th time for folks in the back of the room that 2+2 did indeed equal 4. I had been sketching for some time and was attempting to develop my "own" artistic" styles. (I've posted below a re-visitation of one of those styles done a couple of years ago for my friends, Sneakin' Out ) the lines were a composition choice to balance out, with their straightness, all of the curvature. These red lines obviously come from that. They weren't, however meant to distract from the image, and be that red and obtrusive. However there are differences from progressive and final renders. I've re-rendered with softer lines. I like them angled as they are, rather than a more 'geometrical' approach. That's what's cool about art, everybody sees thing a bit differently.


    Matthew, my man, back in the 1900's (during the last year of the sixth decade to be precise) when "Yes" was still "Maybe", I undertook a year or so of serious, independently funded Pharmacological research at laboratories conveniently located at various outdoor musical events up and down the West Coast. During my research I saw many images of this style, but alas, I find that I remember none of them. :blink:Stanley Mouse was a hero of mine, and his poster work was an inspiration for starting these Nouveau Images.



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