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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Shameless self promotion:


    Ken, if you were to split that chor into two halves an 25 seconds, that would leave a perfect place to insert "Bubblng Goo" if and when it were to be used.




    Great animation, by the way.

  2. The voice in my head says: "Gotta go to the studio and get some work done." I mumble back to the void: "Just 5 more minutes, 5 more minutes." And now the Sun has gone down and my slowly spreading posterior has yet to leave my chair that lives in front of the computer. I am, however, happy with the results of the days playing. Now I get to go spend my Friday evening in the studio. :D




  3. So..... Gene says to me.......I wanna do an up-tempo, peppy, funny, video about the Plagues of Egypt.


    I gave him the song he wanted, so he's giving me the honor of making this post.


    Here's what we came up with.


    I'm proud to announce the latest release from Spleengene Animations: (Our 5th Collaboration.)


    Then Came The Plagues



  4. Up to now, I've pretty much been posting only still images, but this IS an animation forum after all.


    So I'm starting a project. I've created my first character, I have the head complete, although there's gonna be a lot of tweaking yet to refine the head further. The body should be easier, hopefully.


    Here's the sketch I used for rotoscopes and a turnaround of the head so far.




  5. I opened the EXR image in A:M. My computer tried to open it with an expired demo version of Photoshop that I downloaded some time back. I have Corel but it doesn't recognize the file extension. (Stupid me, what is the EXR format, anyway?)


    Did you create the original image in Photoshop?


    Thanks, Rob

  6. I agree with Steve392, that is way more than semi-successful. Rob, you know I've been working on getting a handle decal and bump maps. Could you possibly post the greyscale image that used for that displacement map? I don't wanna steal it, just wanna study it. :D

  7. Mark,

    I'm trying to model a cascade Pine Bonsai tree for a project I'm working on, and I remembered you masterful job you did on this landscape. When I first saw this image, my first thought was that the trees were from a photo.

    I used the treez plugin for the regular trees and modeled the pines

    I'd like to learn from your modeling expertise. You have such a good eye for the graceful, natural curves of the branches.


    How did you handle the needles on the pine tree that's on the left side of this image?

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