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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Hi Folks,


    Are there any decent tutes on creating and modeling a character. I did the Cooper face tute in ToaA:M, but I'm thinking more cartoony character or somewhere in between. Just thought I'd ask.



  2. The important thing is to make these characters and props your own.

    It may not make much of a difference now but years later you'll be glad you did.

    The resources on the CD/DVD are indeed all there to use.


    I did a few quick tests and it looks like to be a straightforward job.

    You might even be able to throw a couple different chickens in there if that isn't too distracti




    Hi Rodney

    I've been helping Gene on this project, modeling a few props. Spurred on by your comment that this looks to be a straight forward task, I thought I might give your suggestions about changing the decals a try. I opened the TGA's in Corel Photopaint (which you use) and was going to change just the colors to start with. Some decals had masks & others didn't.


    I copied the tga's to a separate folder to revert to. I then tried to alter the originals, thinking that that would change the color of the model.

    My attempts to change the colors were less than "pallette-able" and I have now officially "Baaaaalllked" at changing the chicken.


    I know that time is a rare commodity for you, but perhaps you could walk us through a step by step of this process. Then we would know how to make the models on the Extra's CD our own.

    ( I seem to remember something of an army proverb about volunteering) :D

  3. Thank You, Oh Kind And Noble Sir!!!!!!


    As loud as you can get it with out the distortion would be nice. What you have is a digital recording of a vinyl record that I made in 1980. The other two video's that it is being put with, were all done in digital domain.


    Uploading here is fine. I don't know of any other way of transferring a file that large.

    thanks again for your help, Jim.


  4. I started to put this in the help wanted forum, but I wasn't sure it qualified.


    After 40 years in the music business, I’m making a stab at becoming an overnight success. It’s too late for me to do it by being young and pretty, so I’ll have to rely on bullsh*t and trickery.


    One arm in my multi-pronged attack on the American Psyche, will be revamping my website. www.myronleroy.com. I would like to have some unique and interesting background images, with different themes.


    Which brings me to the reason for this post. I was wondering where to find that imagery, when it dawned on me that I have already been obliquely associated with some folks with incredible imagination and talent at creating visual imagery.


    Each image used will be used on the web site only, unless other arrangements are made.

    I’m not asking for anyone to make any new images unless they feel inspired to do so.



    I am a musician after all, so it will come as no surprise that I have no money to pay for these images that I so desire. (What do you call a guitar player with out a girlfriend?. . . . . Homeless!)


    I will, however, try to make it worthwhile in other ways.


    If I use an image of yours, I’ll send you a digital copy of my CD entitled “Nice Rack”, when it’s finished, hopefully this fall.


    Each image used will have an {“Image by:YourNameHere”} button that will expand to give your website link or other info that you wish known.



    Art Neuveau



    Grateful Dead





    In the immortal words of Bartles & James: “Thanks for your support.”




  5. Thank you Robcat and Holmes,


    I only have the MPG of the movie although I can convert to other formats as needed. I checked with Gene, and he only saved the final render. I will acquire the QT pro later this week and see what I can do with Robcat's first suggestion.

    I can convert the audio file to wave or whatever format QT needs it to be, and I can strategically add time to the audio to match up the time element. I'll probably ask more questions after I get QT pro.


    thanks guys. Myron

  6. Thank You, Robcat



    QT wouldn't recognize the MPG, but I have a program to convert the video into .MOV which I did. I am, however using the free version of QT, and the Export options are grayed out.


    the video is the "Ain't No Way" vid that Gene did a couple of months ago. I've taken the audio track and "normalized" it in an audio editor.

    Would it be at all possible for you (or someone) to swap out the audio tracks?




  7. Thanks, Steve, and thanks again for your help.




    Like the golf instructor told his student: "I can tell you're getting better, because you're missing the ball closer than you used to!"


    My progress in A:M is in baby steps. there are no fan bones or any CP weighting, just painstaking placement. In the hose, each bone is a child of the previous one with the nozzle being the last. That bone has IK Lock turned on. The pump motion was done with a pose slider. The bones in it were put there for constraining to if used in a future project. Could I have made any easier to animate with, without CP weighting or fan bones?


    I just downloaded Largento's Comic tute on CP weighting from the Godzilla thread, so I'll play with it some more.


    Glad you didn't think it "stinks" :D



  8. Rather than using bone fall off, try manually weighting the CPs. Here's a quick tutorial page I did about how to do it:




    With a little experimentation, you should get good results. I know this was a big obstacle for me when I first started. I couldn't find any documentation on how to do this and it was a mystery. I finally saw it done in one of the video tutorials and it was a revelation.


    Hope it helps you, too!


    Mark, Dagnabit, I thought I had all of your wonderful tute pages rounded up and held in a place of honor in my A:M Tute's Folder. This must be new? Regardless, keep them coming. I LOVE these. thanks, Myron

    (And now back to our regularly scheduled program)

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