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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Questions in two areas:


    1. Splinage: What would be the optimum number of splines for joints? (Wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc) Do you need a spline for bicep flex?


    2. In the instructions it says I need the "Mirror Bones" plugin, symmetrical model (CFA). In the unzipped folder, I have the Mirrorbone, MirrorConstraint, and the RMWeight .hxt files. Ho do I know its the Symmetrical (CFA) version?

  2. All of a sudden I was having problems rendering TGA decals, using 15.e. I tried everything but kept getting artifacts. I finally installed 15.0J+ and now things are rendering right again.


    I put jeans and a t-shirt on Knuckles and deleted the underlying body mesh. I think I'm gonna leave him bare-foot and rig his toes while I'm learning to rig. So over the next couple of days I'll be studying up on the 2008 rig.


  3. LOL, Thanks, Nancy,


    The title of the thread (which is the title of the short) has probably mislead more than just yourself. :D


    The curious world of the Transvestite will not be explored in this vid. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)


    Knuckles is a thoroughly straight young man, and not a cross dresser as implied. Although he is a bit of a nebbish.


    Storyline is him on a web cam showing pictures of his new girlfriend to his old girlfriend.

    That's about all I can say without giving too much away.


    I project it to be about a minute long and If I can match the image I see in my mind it should be hilarious.


    All those Art Nouveau images paid off big time in modeling training. I'm quite pleased with Knuckles as a first character from concept to shaded render.


    So, I'm sorry to disappoint you on the subject of his wardrobe. He's not getting my camisoles. :lol:


    I guess I'll give him a pair of jeans and a t shirt before I rig him.

  4. got the feet done and attached! My very first model is complete. Cept for that rigging thing!. I want to put in Mark's 2008 rig. It will obviously be a learning process.



    Mark, did you ever make an installer for your face rig? That was very, very cool, and I'd like to put it in Knuckles if at all possible.


    I plan on using this character in various things so I'll be studying Caroline's thread when she clothed Gala, I believe.

    Didn't she make that a plugin?


    Here's the feet I modeled and Knuckles in his Speedo's until I figure what clothes to put him in.



  5. Glad you got it. I could and would have compressed the files, if needed, but audio always sounds better to me uncompressed. Kind of like a resolution thing with imagery.

    If you need them compressed give me a holler.



    EDIT: OKay! Fine! If your' gonna harp on about it like that, Here! Here's an MP3! :lol:


    Let me know if I can help in any way.


  6. Darkwing,



    The JPG a couple of posts up has the settings for the file as it is now. A couple of Churches have expressed interest in showing the video on their projection screens in their sanctuaries. My friend has an old DVD player and a letter box big screen (I think LCD) TV. I'd like to convert it once, to a format that would cover all of those parameters. I've had an overload of information on the subject, pixel shape, aspect ratio, resolution, etc. My head is spinning so much I'm surprised I can type this, :D , thanks for any help you can offer. (simple as possible, if it can be)

  7. I'm not sure that's been decided upon by the powers that be, David, but a logical place to me would seem to be shortly after 2_09_05, when Krewel ponders the bushel and a half of precious Gems Lord Googly Goo has promised him. (Seems to be a gooey film?)

  8. I made a post in another thread that consisted of this:


    I have a friend who wants to see the video, but isn't on the internet (Oh, the horror!) but he's not that stone-age, he has a big screen TV. I want to burn a DVD to take to him, but I need to convert the file. I have an AVS Video conversion program, but I'm not up on specs enough to know what to convert it to.


    Here is a shot of the settings as they are. What do I change them to for:


    A: A Big screen TV


    B: A Big Screen HD TV If there is a difference.


    Could one of you amazing A:M Forum Technophiles help me get a clue?




    Thought I'd try a fresh thread.


  9. Now you have made my day, Nancy. I was under the impression that you were going to give it a pass. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!


    David, Greed is a fun song. Hint... hint.....


    Holmes, How about another recording session?


    I see you down there....

  10. I have a friend who wants to see the video, but isn't on the internet (Oh, the horror!) but he's not that stone-age, he has a big screen TV. I want to burn a DVD to take to him, but I need to convert the file. I have an AVS Video conversion program, but I'm not up on specs enough to know what to convert it to.


    Here is a shot of the settings as they are. What do I change them to for:


    A: A Big screen TV


    B: A Big Screen HD TV If there is a difference.


    Could one of you amazing A:M Forum Technophiles help me get a clue?




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