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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Robcat, I'll try to find time tomorrow to play with displacement and normal maps and post the results.


    Here it is with the bump percentage turned on in the material. With the bump map on the design I was trying to make it look like there was a raised design that has partially rusted away.


    I thought there had to be a fairly high mesh to use displacement maps?


    The bump map percentage is pretty slight.(75%) I tried it higher but ended up going back to that percentage for the look I was after.


  2. Ahhh, Rob, now that makes more sense to me. I'll remember that for future use. the negative number helped me a ton, after trying that, I ended up going back to what I had originaly.


    Darkwing, that's good advice, but I have to concentrate on one thing at a time, or I get lost or distracted. You're right about the render times this one took 45 minutes for the one frame. But I didn't mind because I was just going for the look.


    this is another version of the vase, I think maybe I'll play with trees and put a cascade Bonsai Pine tree in it.


    I do feel like I'm getting a much better handle on the Bump Map thing. Robcat's advice helped a lot.


    Edit: I just realized that I had the material bump percentage at 0. I'll make another posting when the render is done.


  3. Thanks, Rob,


    I figured there was a way. It's just that my ignorance is sooooo vast.


    Your'e talking about expanding the images folder, right?


    If it's just a matter of reversing the black/white of a bump map you can set the percentage to - number.


    Very Cool, saves me a bunch of trouble

  4. Still studying bump maps.


    I put a bump map and color decal on the model and matched them up using translate and scale in the PWS (1). I repeated that with a second stamp each in another place (2) on the model changing the scale and translate adjustments in the PWS.


    Now I want to go back and replace the bump maps with one that has had the colors inverted.


    I can do that easily on the second one because the translate and scale numbers are still the same.


    My question is: Is there any way to get the scale and translation numbers of the first (1) decal back in the PWS?


    The numbers in the screenshot are from decal number two.


  5. Wow! Thank you everybody! After 30 years with my future x-wife, I'm not used to this sort of positive, encouraging response to the things I do. It has been my hope that these images will impress prospective employers (read gigs) and customers (CD Sales) that visit my website. Ergo: If this website looks cool, maybe the music is good too. (You know, the ol' bait and switch :D )


    Seriously, though, thank you , it means a lot

  6. I love the raku feel as well and design of the vase - beautiful!


    And I love the flourishy organic thingies poouring out of the vase - wonderful!


    But my feeling is that the neon green flat coloring and look of the "ribbons" doesn't match the coloring, 3D dimensionality of the jar.


    Perhaps a more unsaturated copper tarnish or antique gold or malachite or brushed tarnished silver for the ribbons (if you want contrast with the jar) might look good?


    Or even making jar & ribbons same material?


    Love the designs.


    Thank you, Nancy. I'll play around with your suggestions, and probably make other versions as well as this one. I'm going to need more than a few images for the website. I'll post them when I get them done. These were meant to look somewhat plant like. (albiet in a surrealistic, abstract, old hippie kind of way) :D

  7. Submit a sample PRJ that shows the problem to AMReports. Bump maps are a fundamental that ought to work in regular renders.


    It's a good idea to submit another report (with simple case, different material) - I had already submitted a simple case with this problem using gradient material and bump decal and NO multipass. The report shows as currently assigned - so I assume that means it's being looked at...(thanks mucho, Steffan)


    Robert, Nancy, I'll try to do that in the next day or so. Never filed a report before. I'll have to play around with a different material.


    Eric, The vase is for one of the images I'm making for my website upgrade. I'll post the model in my Art Nouveau thread. Feel free to use it if you like.


    Thanks, Steve, it is a Darktree Simbiont material, I downloaded their free porfolio and their AM plugin some time ago. It is in their metals folder. Rustysteel.


    For anyone who doesn't know yet how to use them. You make a new material, right click on the attribute, select change type to Darktree/simbiont. then open up the new attribute and select load darktree to load the material.

  8. I've gone back and finished up this image to be closer to the original vision I started with. It has been a learning experience working with materials and bumpmaps (TURN MULTIPASS ON!) I think other versions of the vase will reappear in other imagery. I like the Raku feel.


    EDIT: Here is the model if anyone would like to use it.



  9. Thank you Eric and Josh,


    The material is indeed a Simbiont so I switched off the bump enable in the material but it rendered the same, so I turned it back on and switched on multipass and that did the trick. .


    Glad you liked the vase, Eric, with that Rustysteel material on it, the vase has sort of a Raku look.


    Thanks again, guys.


  10. I've been taking another run at bump maps. I made a bump stencil and put blur on it in Corel. I put it on as a bump map on the model and did a render lock on the model and it looked fine, but when I did a render to file it barely showed as a shadow trace on the surface.


    Is it because I have a material on the Vase? Why would it render one way in render lock and another in render to file?




  11. I have been trying to learn how make materials from scratch. Shooting for a material that would look like a slab of Marble Stone. I will be continuing to do that, but in the meantime I took a break and played with the Darksim plugin.


    15 minute render for 1 frame, but there are 12 different materials in the image.



  12. It was probably a glitch. It had nothing to do with any of the rendering possibilities. When I closed A:M and restarted, it was gone. A while back I had inadvertently turned off Show decals and found out that there was a keyboard shortcut that I didn't know but had accidentally used. I was hoping that this was the same kind of thing, because it looked cool, but I'm pretty sure now that it was just a glitch.


    Thanks you for your help, though.


    Happy Splining,



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