sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. LOL Thanks guys. Holmes, the fun part has been sorting through the volunteers to model the T'Shirts. ;)


    My Backup singers are going to be wearing them and at least one of them has ample qualifications for displaying the product.


    As a matter of fact, there almost seems to me as much interest in the girls t-shirts as there is in the CD. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. :D


    But it's promotion time, and they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity.


    In a couple of weeks the T-Shirts, CD's and some posters will all be available from my soon to be re-constructed website.

  2. The CD is done and in duplication now. I should have product in two weeks, about two weeks before the release party.


    After I booked the Aladdin Theater I found out that the cardinal rule for CD release parties is to not book the party UNTIL you have the CD in hand, and I found out why that rule is in play. The deadline forced me to accept some mixing flaws that I didn't have time to redo.


    C'est le vie.


    The Nice Rack girl was painted by Peter X. O'Brien, from Portland. The rest of the artwork I did in A:M.


    Here is the Title cut, the CD artwork and inserts. Also the T-Shirts that I'm getting made.











  3. Mark,


    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the strip(s). I don't know how much encouragement you get for your efforts, emotional and financial, but I want you to know the the Wannabe Pirates is one of my first computer stops as I begin my day. Every day. Sometimes even before the (gasp...) A:M Forums. Blasphemy, I know, but there it is. :D My CD will be released soon and if the cover isn't too risqué I'll talk to you about an add.


    Please, keep up the good work.


  4. When running through TaoA:M a couple of years ago (Wow! That long ago!) I remember that same problem happening with Thom during that "lesson".


    I believe that it was inherently something in the 2001 rig. I posted on the forum and the most predominate reply was to try the Squetchy Sam rig and the 2008 rig when finished. the 2008 rig is now finished, Thanks Mark, and used quite often.


    As far as I know, the available rigs are: Squetchy Sam rig, 2008 Rig, Holmes' Lite Rig, and Anzovin's TSM. From my observation the most commonly used rigs lately are the Lite Rig and The 2008 Rig.

  5. Saw today's strip, great fun! Nice touch with just the eyeballs in the dark. I know it has been done before but it still caught me by surprise and was fresh and new all over again. You used it well.

    I didn't notice the aliens teeth in the strip. maybe it was just the dark closet. :D

  6. Truthfully I feel like I'm wasting my time. With minimal response to the renders I've posted, I don't even know if it's an improvement or not.

    I feel your pain brother. I've been working on this move at least a little bit every day for about two years and the responses I've gotten to various posts seem consistent with what you are getting as well. I figure either:

    *People just don't care

    *It is so awesome that the viewers are just speechless

    *It is so horrible that the viewers are just speechless


    Either way, I gotta love what I'm doing because that may be the only reward I ever get



    My experience with A:M and this forum began just about 2 years ago. I had never been involved with an online forum of any kind before. (Come to think of it this is the only forum I am involved in.)

    I visit it several times every day and click the "view new posts" tag each time.


    I have notice several trends, one of which is what you are talking about.


    Newbies are children. They are coddled, cajoled, nurtured with as much support as can be given. then we have the teenagers (figuratively) exploring the same old things with brand new eyes, and we have the mature adults who just do. . . well, what adults do.


    The things that I see from you adults (speaking from a toddler's perspective) mostly overwhelm me. I am struggling so hard to grasp the things that I am currently working on within A:M that the level that you guys are operating in is another realm that is almost mystical. Just like kids just expect "Dad" to perform miracles on a regular basis as easily as breathing, spectacular is the baseline for anything that we see expect from you.


    I'm stalled (busy work life) just before installing my first rig for my first character for my first animation, and quite frankly I'm intimidated as all get out.


    As a performing artist, yes I want the applause, but I rehearse in private. I write, and record in private. Maybe the analogy doesn't hold, but I'm just saying that you can't build your art leaning to heavily on what response you get. It can be false anyway.


    Mark, these sets look spectacular, but spectacular is what you ALWAYS do. Maybe a little more before and after, so we can see better what you've done.


    Holmes, you're startin to get the hang of a few things. :D With a little more practice you'll get there.


    The mortals are reluctant to criticize those who dwell on Mt. Olympus


    See you in the movies.


    P. S. : Then you have the eccentric aunt who mumbles to herself, wears funny hats and. . . . Oh! Hi Nancy.. . . :D

  7. Mark,

    I have become a fan, and Wannabe Pirates is a regular morning stop of mine along with this forum and facebook. Usually before I check the news. I appreciate your work and creativity and am enjoying the strip immensely. It is well, and professionally, done and should eventually bring you the dividends you desire and deserve.

    Thanks for doing the strip.


    P.S. One hour! Not 3 hours? OMG!

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