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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by MasterFunk

  1. Here is the second scene I was working on earlier. Scene2FullShot.mov
  2. Thanks a bunch! I knew about the falloff but I forgot to calculate it.
  3. Does anyone have a cp weighting tutorial? I have searched the forums but didn't find any. Thanks, MasterFunk
  4. Rendered out the first shot of Scene one. Crits welcome as always. I did work on the last shot but I still need to render it. Scene1shot1.mov
  5. yeah just use the transparency. Animate it going back and forth for however long you want it to be there and render with motion blur.
  6. Thanks for the crits. I changed the angle of the second shot and worked on the jumps a little. It still needs some refining. Scene_2.mov
  7. Here is the second scene. Any crits would be appreciated. ninjashort.mov
  8. Yeah you just gotta move the points above the ground. You can do it like Robcat said or you can go into muscle mode and move the points manually.
  9. Here is a pic from the first scene I am working on. The shadows are a bit sharp though. How can I soften them?
  10. The last prop is finished! Here is the house.
  11. I fixed it. I placed the finger bones like real fingers when they are not supposed to go there. I set all the constraints back and now it works perfectly. Thanks Robcat. I changed the lighting a little bit and made the hands a little bit more natural.
  12. Looks Great. The animation is very smooth. The only criticism I have is that in the run cycle the back legs seem to move faster than the front.
  13. I have a mac and I thought TSM2 didn't work for macs. I will take another look at the model. Thanks for the help!
  14. Thanks! I have run into a problem. After I installed the finger bones I tried the hands clench pose sliders and it turned out really bad. There were fingers in every possible direction, not resembling anything like a fist. This didn't bother me too much and I just made new poses. The poses looked great when I created them but when I tried them in an action the first joints all locked. Why did this happen? I attatched the model file. If anyone has any idea what the problem is it would be very helpful to me. Thanks, MasterFunk Mastertest.mdl
  15. Rigged him except for the hands and smartskin. Here is a shot from the scene he is in. No work on lighting yet.
  16. Ditched the hair and put the hood up.
  17. I worked on his body some. He is wearing a robe and I intend to make the belt more like a rope tied at the end. His head seems a little big for his body. Any comments or crits are welcome.
  18. the poses only appear when in the choreography or action window. If you didn't name them then I would go through and do that as soon as posible so it isnt too hard
  19. I added ears, eyes, and started a neck, as well as decaling the face.
  20. Started the old master's face. here are some pics. It's pretty basic right now but as I shape it I will put some wrinkles in.
  21. Oh I see. That is really simple and usefull. Thanks for the tip!
  22. How do you get those patches on the edges to render with like 20 cp's?
  23. The ears look great. The side of the head still looks like it has some ridges so I would smooth those out. Also there is a crease on the torso, are they supposed to be chest muscles? Overall good job for a first model!
  24. you have to position it at 00:00:00 and give it a keyframe right before it starts to move. Then one at the end of the movement.
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