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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Looks good Daniel.

It looks like there are some artifacts that have crept into the logo... but perhaps that is by design.


I was pleasantly surprised to see the logo... as studies in the book of Genesis have always been a favorite of mine. Noah, Abraham and Melchisedek in particular.


I haven't looked into the Answers in Genesis site before but I imagine there is some interesting information there. There is so much to pull from the historical record.


I feel honored to have been a part (however small) in helping out.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity.


Sounds like you are getting some interesting assignments. :)



Thanks, guys!


... any chance of posting the original for comparison?


:)Answers in Genesis (AiG) has gone through about six different logos since I've known the ministry. I assume you want to see what there was before this one. I'll see if I can get something like that. Someone else did the 3D rendering of it.


I was pleasantly surprised to see the logo... as studies in the book of Genesis have always been a favorite of mine. Noah, Abraham and Melchisedek in particular.


I haven't looked into the Answers in Genesis site before but I imagine there is some interesting information there. There is so much to pull from the historical record.


Oh yes! Genesis is my favorite book of the Bible, and my favorite history book! I've studied Genesis and creation vs. evolution more than anything else. I love the ministry of AiG and am honored to be able to support them in this capacity.


It looks like there are some artifacts that have crept into the logo... but perhaps that is by design.


I'm guessing that you see these "artifacts" in the bevels? If so, that's from the environment map. I don't like the way the environment map is affecting the sphere in the icon, so I may use something entirely different for it.


Anyone have a perfect environment/reflection map? I usually just make white streaks on black in Photoshop.


... um ... did I put this in Showcase? I thought I put it in WIP. Oh well. It's basically done.


Awesome Joseph.

I've thought that AM would be cool to do some art for AiG. I've actually modeled the ark Noah built with Hash, fairly detailed outside and it takes a little while to render, but not too bad. It would be really cool with decks and animals for perspective. Anyway, cool rendering of the logo.


AiG is a very solid organization. I've met Ken Ham, and some of their scientist speakers at some lectures, and their Creation magazine is always a great read, and of course their website is excellent, one of the top visited on the web. Now if they'd only finish up their museum so we can go see Buddy's dinosaurs!:-) (those full-size t-rex heads are incredible in person)


Hey Daniel,


I especially like what's going on with the A.

Kerning looks good overall too.

Good font choice. . . lends authority to the design.


I have a little problem the first lower case n hanging down.

I recognise its design intent, but can't relate to it concept wise.


Would you consider actually putting the earth in place of the metalic button shape?


Did you do some post in Photoshop (or other)?

The blue looks out of place in some places, like in between the letters.

The reflection doesn't look quite right either. I think it's the lack of side edges.


Gotta run.




Thanks for those details, Dan!


I should clarify that I did not design the logo itself. All that credit goes to one of AiG's graphic designers and I was told that this is the approved final logo.


The Earth idea is creative, but I think the Earth is overused (that's not an environmental statement) in logos.


No, there was no Photoshop work. This is all done in my second-favorite program Animation:Master (PS is my first). The blue probably looks out of place because I have a blue backlight directly behind the logo (but not in line with the camera).


The reflections thing is simple. From this angle, the underside of the logo is not illuminated, so there is nothing to reflect. Maybe I should place a light to accomplish this.

  • Admin
Yes, but I don't have version 11. I won't upgrade because the new version takes away my legal right to use CD emulation software to protect my CDs.


You may want to watch that issue as it may not be true for you anymore.




Then contact Hash with any questions you may have.


Depending on what emulation software you use... you may be running out of excuses to upgrade. ;)




I sure do agree with you about

the earth being overused in logo work,

but, I think with this client it's appropriate.


Will you be animating this?




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I seem to remember seeing one of the other logos on the AIG site with a globe/earth and the 'road' underneath.


While overused... I think it fits the image.

If not an earth... what then... Gold?... A pearl of great price?




The problem with the globe is that it would be so small that it would look like a mistake. However, I can foresee some cool animations of a close-up globe, zooming through the clouds, the atmosphere, and as the planet get's smaller, it fades to solid silver and you see it's part of the whole logo, which eventually comes into view. Hmm. That could work.


I'm very disappointed with puZh. I thought it would let me easily adjust bevels by thining the extra splines, but that was not the case. So I had to manually adjust all the CPs to get a decent bevel.


I have adjusted the lighting, the environment map, and the bevels. I know that the last part of "Genesis" is kind of hard to ready, but that can be fixed with camera angle or some more lighting tweaks.




This is much more powerful!

I like the electrical look on the right.

Even though it is more difficult to read (as you say),

animated lightning reflections would be very cool.

Show the power!

Or at least as much as we can stand and survive. : )


Okay. In my opinion, the logo works just fine as a flat graphic image. You said your task was to "3Dize" their logo. Was that what they asked for or did they say "extrude and angle our logo?" Also, what is this going to be used for? print work or some kind of motion graphic? The reason I'm asking is because if what they wanted was for you to extrude the logo and angle it, while making it look metallic, you succeeded. It works - it reads well, although I don't see how this kind of "3Dizing" works better than the original flat logo, except as an appeal to novelty. I think the first reads better than the recent change, even if the new one is technically more "realistic."


But if the task is to create a motion graphic - a brand identifier that introduces the organization to the audience, I think you're missing an opportunity to make something really 3-D and dynamic with the swash and sphere. The logo does a lot of the work already - you can interpret it as a road leading to the sphere or something moving quickly by it. A 3-D voyage or orbit that ends in their perfectly readable 2-D logo just as an example. Lots of opportunities there. I am glad you didn't use the earth for the sphere. I'd rather see something more abstract personally.


Talking with the graphic designer who created the logo, we both agreed that there's room for some character animation in this. The swash and sphere could be seen as the right arm and head of some abstract character.


The actual purpose of this change was to make a straight-on 3D render to replace their older logo on hundreds of their presentation images. Renders such as the above are more for eye candy.

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