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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Admin

Okay folks.

In keeping with the tradition of follow up questions to #hash3d lectures we are going to open the floor for questions. Here's your chance to query Martin Hash on A:M related topics.


The rules are a little different with this follow up. Let me explain why.

Since we are all sitting in what might be considered Martin's living room chatting with the creator of Animation:Master we need to remember that forum rules still apply and the same courtesy given to other lecturers should be extended to Martin too. If your question disappears... don't take offense... reconsider what you asked and consider a different question.


While it may not be expedient to answer every question I expect Martin will be more than glad to answer questions that reveal how Animation:Master fits into your future.


Instead of answering each question one at a time we'll let everyone ask their question and after a reasonable amount of time we'll forward them all to Martin for his response. Martin is welcome to change these rules as he sees fit.


If you missed the lecture you can find it here: Martin Hash Interview (Q&A) Formatted





(New Users Forum Moderator / A:M Hobbyist at large)

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How far into pre-production is the mentioned "testbed" project...and where will it be available at the end of 2006?


Sorry to post this again but I read the whole chat again and there is so much going on and so many cool things I think that every Hasher needs to read this! I think what Martin is planning is going to blow pople away! But what got me thinking again was Martin saying //The renderer is static (except for HDR). // Why is it static? Does it mean that the render wont be changed except adding HDR? I think HDR is going to be great but does that mean nothing else will be added or changed? Like whats going to happen to photon mapping? Ive been trying to use it and its great but not easy to learn.

Thanks Rodney. ;)

Sorry to post this again but I read the whole chat again and there is so much going on and so many cool things I think that every Hasher needs to read this! I think what Martin is planning is going to blow pople away! But what got me thinking again was Martin saying //The renderer is static (except for HDR). // Why is it static? Does it mean that the render wont be changed except adding HDR? I think HDR is going to be great but does that mean nothing else will be added or changed? Like whats going to happen to photon mapping? Ive been trying to use it and its great but not easy to learn.

Also, does keeping the renderer static mean there isn't going to be graphics card-supported rendering? How about graphics card support for rendering polygon objects as props, at least? (I'm not sure how you'll get antialiasing to work, though.)


i'm keenly interested in knowing any future plans or special considerations geared towards the realtime animation / gaming segment of animation: master users.



  • Admin

Keep those questions coming!

Here are a few questions of my own.


How do you see educational methodologies and disciplines evolving in the future of 3D (character) animation and have you noticed any particular trends?


How does Hash Inc address the educational needs of Animation:Master users? Do you have any insights that you can share with teachers?



Rodney Baker

Denver Colorado


Will Mac users with the Orangutang CD get the "Hair version" of AM without needing to upgrade to v12?


I have two questions

Regarding what was mentioned of Hash doing a film, does Hash have any interest in hiring forum/list members to work on it and what kind of talents would they be looking for?

Also in regard to the subject of the features in the next version of A:M (especially the cloth.) could we see some examples of what is in the works?


Thank You


I hope I can ask more than one...why aren't there more? Maybe link this to the AM forum Rodney?


Are you happy with how v12 is turning out?

  • Admin
Maybe link this to the AM forum Rodney?


Already was. ;)


I'll probably refresh it here in a little while.


We could use about 30 more questions I think.

After the lecture I think Martin would be up to the task of about a hundred or so. :D


I posted over on the other topic, but I'd like to ask if there are any plans to update the materials editor, like changing it to a node-based editor similar to Darktree.


Is clumpyness for hair gone for good? Does the 'A:M I short' contest have anything to do with the 'Animated Feature film' Hash Inc. is going to be using to implement new features/changes/updates?

If not, will the 'A:M I short' contest be a continuum of contests... or a one time thing?

Why is it so difficult to restructure or change things in the "core" of Animation:Master?

Why can't streaks have shadows/volume shading? Is that feature requested?



I have a million questions, but I'll stop there so I can remember what I asked.

Thanks for this opportunity, Rodney!

  • Admin

Here is what we've got thus far for followup questions.


In keeping with the tradition of follow up questions to #hash3d lectures we are going to open the floor for questions. Here's your chance to query Martin Hash on A:M related topics. Note that Martin often answers questions in the A:M Forum as well. This particular Q&A is a followup to the #hash3d lecture.



Posted: Oct 25 2004, 06:57 AM


How far into pre-production is the mentioned "testbed" project...and where will it be available at the end of 2006?


Is clumpyness for hair gone for good?


Does the 'A:M I short' contest have anything to do with the 'Animated Feature film' Hash Inc. is going to be using to implement new features/changes/updates? If not, will the 'A:M I short' contest be a continuum of contests... or a one time thing?



Why is it so difficult to restructure or change things in the "core" of Animation:Master?



Why can't streaks have shadows/volume shading? Is that feature requested?



Posted: Oct 25 2004, 09:56 AM


I read the whole chat again and there is so much going on and so many cool things I think that every Hasher needs to read this!

I think what Martin is planning is going to blow pople away! But what got me thinking again was Martin saying “The renderer is static (except for HDR)”.

Why is it static?


Does it mean that the render wont be changed except adding HDR?


I think HDR is going to be great but does that mean nothing else will be added or changed?


Ive been trying to use (photon mapping) and its great but not easy to learn.

What is going to happen to photon mapping?


Also, Will Hash add a paint program to AM like Zbrush?



Posted: Oct 25 2004, 01:36 PM


This is a follow up to Christina’s questions.

Does keeping the renderer static mean there isn't going to be graphics card-supported rendering?

How about graphics card support for rendering polygon objects as props, at least? (I'm not sure how you'll get antialiasing to work, though.)



Posted: Oct 27 2004, 08:26 AM



I’m keenly interested in knowing any future plans or special considerations geared towards the realtime animation / gaming segment of animation: master users.




Posted: Oct 27 2004, 08:46 AM


I'd be interested to know if The Art of Animation Master is going to be updated.




Posted: Oct 27 2004, 08:50 AM


How do you see educational methodologies and disciplines evolving in the future of 3D (character) animation and have you noticed any particular trends?


How does Hash Inc address the educational needs of Animation:Master users? Do you have any insights that you can share with teachers?


A lot of people are have realized the power of splines over the past few years but had to continue to live in a polygon world for one reason or another. Hash Inc's reasons for championing splines has been pretty well documented. Are there any situations where polygons outperform splines? Can you explain (once again) some of the primary differences and why you've championed splines over polygons?




Posted: Oct 27 2004, 08:54 AM


Will Mac users with the Orangutang CD get the "Hair version" of AM without needing to upgrade to v12?


Are you happy with how v12 is turning out?




Posted: Oct 30 2004, 03:12 PM


I have two questions.

Regarding what was mentioned of Hash doing a film, does Hash have any interest in hiring forum/list members to work on it and what kind of talents would they be looking for?


Also in regard to the subject of the features in the next version of A:M (especially the cloth.) could we see some examples of what is in the works?




Posted: Nov 3 2004, 11:50 AM


Are there any plans to update the materials editor, like changing it to a node-based editor similar to Darktree?





*Note: Some of the cast and crew at Hash Inc are out on vacation. So, we still have a little time to sneak in a few questions. Thanks - Rodney


Martin said:

"If we could aim a programmer at every feature a polygon program does, we'd win...Features: NUMBER ONE - EASE OF USE"


Are you planning on applying any resources towards ease of use for hardware modeling. (e.g. fully or semi-automatic rearrangement of splines to allow filleting and boolean operations). If not, is the reason:


A. It's too hard to automatically re-arrange Hash splines in these situations regardless of the resources applied.

B. Such a feature is not important to the majority of A:M's target demographic of character animators.

C. You consider imported poly props to be the preferred solution to easy hardware "modeling" in A:M.



Is clumpyness for hair  gone for good?


I believe it may still be there for "spline guided" hair but not for "grouped patch" hair... I've been using group patch hair and I haven't seen it because I just started using hair at v.11.0i, I think. Believe me... I need clumpiness!

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