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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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So I took some time off, well other than working on the server move. I was traveling a lot for my real job, working 12+ hour days and trying to study for my next licensing exam. I did not until today realize how far behind email was. I'm sorry for anyone that got left, or got missed. I'm sorry that I missed 2 shipping online orders. I'm going to once again try and work harder at keeping on top of email but lately have have just been overwhelmed at every turn. The server move is taking WAY WAY longer than I thought it would, my work is super busy this time of year, I did not pass my exam so I need to keep studying. I was going to take some time off over the holiday but since I forgot about email and orders and so much more I will be working over the holiday.



Once again I'm so sorry.!!!

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Time off is far more important for your health and sanity than mucking around some forum stuff.

Been burning the clock here for far too long and finally ignoring customers that don't pay or pay extremely slow and using that unpaid time for myself. I realized that I am not a charitable organization after all :) 


The forums stuff and server updates most of the time is fun for me. Email not so much. I took a break from email and worked/studied around the clock. I did not realize that I had not check email in so long. I'm Back tho. All emails have been returned, and I will get the v19.0 update out tomorrow I have had it for over a week but my test was on monday this week so I did not send it out. I will get it posted tomorrow 12/23/2018 super hung over from my Hotel in vegas haha.


Speaking from experience, DUDE, CHILL! The forum (and A:M) will be able to muck along without your sage input for a bit. But you need to take care of yourself above all else. Working like you have been put me in the hospital with a heart attack many years ago. That was a wake up call that 100+ work weeks just aint worth it.

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