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Change Log
  • Fixed All

      - 6834:  Project with Hair Material does not load anymore and blocks A:M... Problem too much particles to render in realtime view

    • Solution 1: hit escape key twice while project is loading (escape key stops now also realtime render for hair systems)
    • Solution 2: set the "Density Factor" to 0,1% or lower (Default is now 1%) "Hair System" -> "Realtime" ,if "Quality" is set to "Shaded"
  • Fixed All

    Bullet Constraint / Bullet Soft Constraint , not longer possible to attach this constraints twice to the same bone

  • Updated All

    BulletBatch plugin added "Rolling friction" and possibilty to set the values back to default

  • New All

    Plugin to modify parameters for bullet rigid constraints on multiple models a chor, only parameters where the checkbox "Set" is active are applied to the selected bullet constraints RMB on choreographie -> "Modify Bullet Constraints on multiple models"

  • New All

    new constraint "Bullet Soft Constraint" added, model with this constraint applied act as softbodys (deformable hull) in bullet simulation

  • New All

    RMB menu for Choreographie has now a entry "Remove Bullet Constraints" starts a dialog, where You can select the Bullet constraints , You want to remove from models (Extended selection in the listbox)

  • Updated All

    help for Softbdy constraints added ("Display help for this propertie")

  • Fixed All

      - 6835:  Bullet simulates incorrectly

  • Fixed All

      - 6832:  Bullet crash

  • Fixed All

      - 6837:  Loss of "Play" and crash Bullet constraints are only attachable in a chor , not in actions.

  • Fixed All

      - 6836:  Fails to load project with external object under a folder

  • Fixed OSX Only

      - 6845:  v19D SSE 4.2 Fails to Load. Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libHalf.12.dylib

A small note I have this for a bit but just got the chance to post it.
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Just a head's up. I installed the SSE 4.2 version for OSX and it results in my NOT being able to open the application due to a missing library. I was able to re-install v19C and that works fine. I've made a report.

  • Admin

Looks like I need to spend some time again with Bullet Physics!

i had some initial success with it that was very promising.


Looks like I need to spend some time again with Bullet Physics!

i had some initial success with it that was very promising.

Can you show me example of soft body bullet?

  • Admin
Can you show me example of soft body bullet?



I'm having to refresh my memory myself so I'm not going to be of much help.


If you haven't exhausted the information here, you should check that out:




The section on soft bodies... won't be of much help but in general I'd say the setup is roughly the same as the other types just with some objects being constrained as 'soft body'.

And that is the key to all Bullet Physics in A:M... in order to simulate... at least one object needs to have a bullet constraint.


The soft bodies should allow for things like cloth but it's not meant to replace cloth simulation.


It will help if there is a specific target you are after rather than anything that can include soft body simulation.

Do you have anything more specific in mind?

  • Admin

I'm refreshing my memory now and setting up a super basic example of a cloth-type object falling onto another object.

The first thing I note is that the default setting has it simulating very stiff.

I suspect two things... the stiffness setting and the density of the mesh.

So... changing those for the next test.


Here's a screen grab of the best frame from the first test:



Added: I've gotten distracted by other requirements so will return to this when I can.

Bullet First Test.jpg


Rod- I DL'd the links from Steffen you posted... looking at the 1st one... softbody anchor.prj... I see in the models that bullet physics have been set- how do I activate the simulation in the chor?

  • Admin

Sounds like you've got it going.


The one thing that trips people up the most with Bullet Physics would appear to be not setting at least one Bullet constraint onto an object in the Project.

Until that constraint is applied the option to Simulate Bullet Physics will be grey'd out and simulation unavailable.

  • 1 month later...

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