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Public Service Announcement: first run movies for $10 unlimited


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  • *A:M User*

I don't know about you guys, but I intend to make use of this:




I imagine Imax and 3D movies are excluded and it is 1 person per pass per day but that's probably more movies than you'd ever want to see so....maybe give it a look.

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I just signed up for it. Seeing one movie in the evening costs more than the monthly fee. The two closest theaters were on the list. You have to wait for the card to come in the mail before you can use it. I think I could easily see myself going more than twice a month. In my 20s and 30s I used to go at least once a week, more if there were multiple releases I wanted to see.

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I'm not sure what useful data they could deliver. Theaters already report their box office to the studios. At best, they might get some gender/age data, but they poll that during the opening. Their privacy statement states they won't sell, rent or disclose your personal information to third parties without notification.


The best case scenario is that it gets people back into the habit of going to the theater and keeps our theaters from going out of business.


I'm all for that.

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  • Hash Fellow

I suppose its a variation of the old, "it's not the tickets they make money on, it's the drinks and the popcorn," but AMC should be in favor of it then since they sell drinks and popcorn and don't depend on the ticket as the sole revenue.

I would think the movie studios should be freaking out about this unless there is some sort of deal where the theaters HAVE to pay them a certain amount per ticket regardless of how much it sold for. Maybe that's why the theater is against this.

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unless there is some sort of deal where the theaters HAVE to pay them a certain amount per ticket regardless of how much it sold for


That seems very likely to me.

When theaters discount tickets (or agree to accept discounted tickets) they are agreeing to absorb costs associated with those discounts.

The are often locked in to paying fees for the movies so they could take a loss on one film just to get feet into the theater.

As others have suggested, this seems to be the case with the discount offered here.


I don't really know enough to know but from a distance I think I would side with AMC on this particular issue.

Although, this could be the required token resistance that is expected to be seen prior to a services being implemented.

If the perceived value is higher (Hey, that's not fair! We'll be losing tons of money!) then when the participants 'know for a fact' they have gotten a sweet deal.

Behind the scenes... the change was going to be implemented regardless but its not wise to reveal your hand too early (or if at all if possible so you are set for the next game).

Now.. to the cost of popcorn etc. I'm not sure for that they can never be forgiven for that outrage. ;)


I understand why theaters charge so much for concessions but that doesn't mean they are being smart in maintaining that direction.

The first rule of business is to stay in business so they do have that to consider but when they charge too much for concessions they are losing customers (in my estimation) because this alienates potential customers. At a time when audiences are largely abandoning theater going in favor of digital downloads and other venues If anything they should be lowering the price of concessions and expanding their services. In defense of theater owners they are endeavoring to provide better service but that is mostly through upscale... theater lounges... directing MORE cost to the customer.


And that last word of the last sentence might be an important one.

The title 'customer' has largely gone out of vogue and been replaced by 'consumer'.

When businesses see their customers as consumers their view is askew and their intent behind decisions clearer.


The local theater chain here (and I assume most other chains) do discount viewings and concessions on historically low capacity days (like Tuesdays!) and they sell discounts to the customer mainly in the form of 'memberships' as everyone wants to feel special. I do think there is lots of room for focus on the needs of the customer and personalized services. Clubs and memberships can be a good move in that direction and certainly work to satisfy the needs of those so privileged. But I think they miss the mark a lot, especially where it comes to someone who just wants to go watch a film... and maybe munch on some popcorn and drink some soda... and just have an enjoyable experience. The cost is definitely a player in the outcome of that experience and I need popcorn as a validating factor in that experience but I do cringe when I see the extra cost that is applied. Do they really think that mother of six won't sneak in that bag of candy to save the cost overpriced concessions? She wants them to enjoy the movie but she can't afford THAT kind of experience.


I've been wanting to go to the theater for a few weeks now and have been missing some movies I'd like to see. General scheduling is certainly a factor but cost... wow.... excessive cost is a major inconvenience.

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My understanding is that this is one of those "how can it make a profit?" type deals. MoviePass pays for your ticket. It's actually a debit card that puts the exact amount for the ticket on it when you "purchase" it on the app. The theater isn't getting ripped off.


There are some drawbacks:


You can't pre-order tickets in advance (like when the new Star Wars starts selling advance tickets)

No 3D, No IMAX

You have to be within 100 yards of the theater to buy it through the app.


Personally, I'll probably still buy tickets to big event movies that I want to see in 3D and/or IMAX.


But, it's still a good deal for being able to see movies I probably wouldn't have gone to see because of the price.

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That's what I'm thinking. They are spending more than they are making just to get people on board.


For them to make money I'd have to buy the pass and never go to a movie.



I'd think they'd have to have enough non-goers to make up for all the times the goers went. I'm sure some folks will keep a subscription they don't really use, but there's got to be a plan down the road. Maybe have the theaters agree to a bulk price if it's popular enough. I could see theaters being interested if they see a truly dramatic increase in sales, but who knows? Advertising on the app could be one route. They said they wouldn't sell your info to a third party, but they didn't say they wouldn't use it themselves.

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