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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Cut the cord...


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  • *A:M User*

Well in the interest of getting more done and saving a bit of money, I've nuked my cable plan. Just have to figure out some way to watch the occasional "Dr. Who" online. My theory is, since I have to actively seek out any content rather than plop on the couch and hit a button, the temptation to fritter away time won't be as great. Anything I do watch will at least be a deliberate, planned event.

Wish this recovering couch potato luck. :blush:

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You'll be fine. :)


I unplugged my TVs about two years ago and haven't looked back since.

I wouldn't say I've been getting more done though because I still have internet connectivity and that is more than distracting enough. ;).



Disclaimer: My larger TV now doubles as a secondary monitor and for watching DVDs/reference although I haven't turned that on much either.

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  • Hash Fellow

I haven't had cable since 1983. But now with Netflix there is too much to watch again.



About the only time I see actual TV is when i go to visit my dad in MN and there is nothing to do except watch TV and then I find there are channels I didn't even know existed, like "TrueTV" which seems to be a 24 hour loop of people injuring themselves while doing some extremely ill-advised stunt, with color commentary and analysis by experts like Tonya Harding and Danny Bonaducci.

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  • *A:M User*

I haven't had cable since 1983. But now with Netflix there is too much to watch again.



About the only time I see actual TV is when i go to visit my dad in MN and there is nothing to do except watch TV and then I find there are channels I didn't even know existed, like "TrueTV" which seems to be a 24 hour loop of people injuring themselves while doing some extremely ill-advised stunt, with color commentary and analysis by experts like Tonya Harding and Danny Bonaducci.


Yes, I recently became aware of that myself. I like to think of that as the "Ow, My Balls!" channel (in honor of Idiocracy)

Was that really a niche that needed filling? I guess no one ever went broke lowering the bar. I'm just worried the bar has been lowered too far.

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Yeah, with a combination of Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, there's plenty of opportunity to remain a couch potato. Not to mention YouTube, which is loaded with more content than I could have ever imagined.


The new series of Dr. Who usually shows up on Netflix before the next one premieres. If you're impatient, there's bit torrent. Or you can purchase the episodes the next day. Not too pricey considering the seasons aren't very long.


One day, I decided to go through a bunch of my DVDs and Blu-Rays and activate the digital copies and ended up with a bunch of them that I can access via Vudu. An easy way to access some of your personal movie library. Plus, somehow or another, I ended up with additional movies that were rewards for activating different accounts.

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Here in the UK you need a licence to watch TV ( £145, about $250 ) and the fee pays for the BBC. I gave it up for two and a half years to avoid temptation,much like yourself. Recently bought a new licence because the BBC is under threat from the current government, part of that attack is trying to stop the BBC producing shows that rival those on the commercial networks. They haven't named it as such but, one of those shows would be Doctor Who.

Although there is every likelyhood that it would be picked up by someone else ?


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  • *A:M User*

Here in the UK you need a licence to watch TV ( £145, about $250 ) and the fee pays for the BBC. I gave it up for two and a half years to avoid temptation,much like yourself. Recently bought a new licence because the BBC is under threat from the current government, part of that attack is trying to stop the BBC producing shows that rival those on the commercial networks. They haven't named it as such but, one of those shows would be Doctor Who.

Although there is every likelyhood that it would be picked up by someone else ?



I added BBC America to my former cable package because I don't think there are any PBS stations in my area airing Dr. Who anymore. I could be wrong. I also got hooked on Top Gear. I imagine if the BBC went under, Amazon or someone would pick up Dr. Who since I believe they are picking up Top Gear. I think it will be rather sad if they manage to kill the BBC, that would be like the Koch Bros. campaigning to defund PBS. Public broadcasting is one of the few places that support quality programming, everything else is just garbage these days. TLC and Discovery went down the damn toilet, that is a big part of the reason I got rid of cable I am just sick and damn tired of supporting these people with my money when all they are going to make is reality show garbage and continue the long slide to cultural oblivion. To heck with that.

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