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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Is there currently any known problems with it?

Just asking, maybe someone knows ...

However I already send a email to support as well.

I attach the error I am getting ...



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I don't see an attachment. (Careful with those as releasing the wrong data could let someone else try to activate your copy of A:M)


There are no known problems with resubscribing.

Activation usually only takes a few minutes for most folks.


Can we assume you've put your activation code in and received an error message?

If not then you still haven't gone through the activation process.

If yes, that's an indication you need to forward Hash Inc your system's host ID.

That can be located by running the utility here: http://www.hash.com/try-it-16-en


I ordered my subscription and downloaded the current version. I installed that and started it.

Received a message box which was asking for my activation code. I copied and pasted that code

and received an error message. The message was:


Bad return data from webserver (no status) (-134)

No such file or directory (errno: 2)


Thats pretty much it. It never asked for a host ID or something.


The attachment thing is weird as well, I am sure that I uploaded an attachment. Anyway,

it was just a screendump pic of the error message.

I just hope that it is nothing serious ... Doh




Hi Heiner,


I am not totally sure if that could result in such an error, but have a look into your installation folder of A:M and see if there is already a "master0.lic"-file available.

If there is, rename it to something like "master0.bak" or "master0.bak2" and try again.


Maybe A:M cannot overwrite the master0.lic-file since it is already opened by A:M when you start A:M.

(I am not sure about that, but it is worth a try :) )


See you



Hi there Fuchur,

nope that was not the case, there is no Master0.lic file yet ... :-(




Hm, since you are having trouble attaching stuff here to:

Just to be sure: You are not using any proxies or stuff like that, righ?


If not it is properbly the server... Jason can help you with that then.


See you



Hi there,

no, no proxies here (I was even able to install and activate Houdini without problem). Just a simple router, thats it.

I just send a second email to hash support since there was no reply to my email yesterday :-(

Currently I feel a bit left alone in the woods ...




It will very likely work very soon again... did you just try it again today? Maybe it was only a temporary problem with the server.

If everything is going wrong, I can very likely create you a licence too, but in general this is something Jason should do.


Did you use the host-id-tool (can be found at the trial request page) to create a host-id already? Just in case we need to create the licence manually, this would be necessary.


See you



Already tried this morning before I went to work, no go!

Regarding the Host ID thing: I know that is necessary to get

the trial to work ... But in the order process and in the mail

I received after ordering there is no mentioning of that ...

However, as far as I can see, thatss a thing Jason has to fix,

so, ill wait ...



  • Admin
I just send a second email to hash support


Don't send it to support, send it directly to Jason, especially as we are heading into a weekend.

jason (at) hash (dot) com


I set him also on the mail.

I take it that your at has dot is an error and you wanted to type at hash dot, right?




Already tried this morning before I went to work, no go!

Regarding the Host ID thing: I know that is necessary to get

the trial to work ... But in the order process and in the mail

I received after ordering there is no mentioning of that ...

However, as far as I can see, thatss a thing Jason has to fix,

so, ill wait ...




Hi Heiner,


es gibt 2 Verfahren... das eine ist eben ein Automatismus (wenns wieder klappt). Das Automatische läuft über den Activation-Code und erzeugt darüber dann eine master0.lic on the go.

Wenn Jason aber manuell eine master0.lic erzeugt und sie dir zuschickt (dann brauchste nämlich keine Verbindung zum Server) dann braucht er die Host-ID um die Lizenz mit der Host-Id zu verknüpfen.

Der Trialalgorithmus basiert auf einem ähnlichen Verfahren wie der manuelle Weg und daher kommt das. (den hab ich programmiert, daher weiss ich davon)


Aber ja: Einfach warten sollte auch gehen. Wahrscheinlich ist der Dienst auf dem Server einfach abgestürzt und muss neu gestartet werden oder etwas in der Art.


Viele Grüße





this is not a server problem(the error code is a bit confusing). But it's saying it can not write to the folder.


I'm logging in to support mail right now. I did not get to it yesterday sorry.


Oh okay... then you should try to start A:M in Adminstration-Mode (right-click on master.exe and choose "Als Administrator ausführen" ("Run as Administrator") and you should have a look at the hash-folder you want the file to be written in. Is it writeable or not? This can be checked when you are right-clicking on the folder and choose "Sicherheit > Benutzer". and have a look if "Vollzugriff" is checked.


The are more things that can be done to give the folder the right rights, but lets say that's it.


See you



Hi there,

just received a .lic file from Jason which settled the score! All is good now!

Thanks so much to all who helped!



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