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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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helllo allo


so then i begin my first tutorial and i have a problem after having made my workflow as said on a video

in fact the 3d view doesn't appear at all


as on this shootscreen


perhaps a very nooooob error from me ?


regards and thanx by advance




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  • Hash Fellow

The 3D view should be visible if you have a Model or Choreography open.


If you double -click on Objects or Choreographies that will start a new one of those. If you double-click on an itme in one of those folders it should open the window on that item.


Does that work?


I see a couple of things which may or may not be connected to that behaviour:

1.) Do you see your object for that action in the modelling window? If not, did you hide anything? (you can see that by going to the modelling window of the model and having a look at the toolbar on the right. If there is a button with a red circle which is crossed through over an eye which is press down, this may be the reason. (this is not a bug but meant to be like that)

2.) The "Punch.act" you are using there is very likely not useable with the sphere-model you use there... still you should see something, but there very likely is not the right rig in the sphere-model.

3.) Try to decrease the realtime-subdivision level for that model. You can do that by pressing "Page Down" key on your keyboard or by clicking on the button in the tool bar at the upper top of your screen with the blue rectangle and the white arrow pointing down.

4.) Try to close some of the other windows like the material and the chor window just for testing. You can reopen that easily anytime later.


If 3. or 4. did help, it may be that your graphiccard is having trouble showing that many windows open. In general this happens only if you are using an Intel graphiccard (since those are quite weak... and AMD or Nvidia-card can handle many of those windows) or that you are using a driver which is not optimal for that. You can eighter see if the manufacturer has a newer driver available or you can try to switch the Real-time Driver in A:M from OpenGL3 to OpenGL or the other way round. To do that, go to "Options > Global" and use the drop-down "Real-time-Driver" there.


Hope that helps :).


See you



ok :) haaaaaaaaaarg . so then i tried your solutions but after all reinstalled the program. so now i let the workspace as this. going to work soon on

apologies from me

thanx a lot ^^


As Fuchur said close the windows, unless you have plenty of Ram. Normally when I'm working I only have one window open at a time and every bodies work space will be set up differently. If I'm modeling I may have a Cho set up as well just for quick renders but it's always closed when I'm modeling other wise your PC is trying to up date two windows when you make a new spline.

If I'm tweaking a material it's the only window open at the time, I made these mistake's at beginning as well :)


work space.jpg


hello blixien


yes it is a good idea. making a working space for any step of 3d graphics is intelligent

i go learn and see it later


thanx a lot


Since v18 you can save those interface-layouts (View > Save Layout) and reload them (View > Load Layout) afterwards if you want.


See you



hello my dear new friends robcat2045 and fuchur


yes i reinstalled under wine on linux the program and now i have learn hard :) the fact is i have to make gfx for demoscene production

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene (here is an explication about it) so then after some days of pixel art i go learn so lot with you all and vidéos !

thanx a lot dear friends



oooops yes fuchur i go test all this soon :) thanx :)

  • Hash Fellow

Running A:M with an emulator in Linux is never going to work well. There are too many incompatibilities. You need real Windows.


ok as i want to stay on linux due to gnu and opensource reasons (not A:M but i thin i actually love it ^^) so then i put off windows but i have a question for you. when you put the mascot of A:M on choregraphy and render it as radiosity, do you have plenty of artefacts as if the character would light the scene ? i know i haven't so much knowledge (no at all actually ^^) but i tried and was disturbed by it

thanx a lot for answer



  • Hash Fellow

Getting the settings correct on radiosity is tricky and they will vary quite a bit from scene to scene.


I'm not a radiosity expert but I suggest you try Yve's Cornell Box tutorial first to get a look at what the steps are...



Cornell box tutorial


hi all. so then i actually have to make some pixel art for a demo on .. but wait for more. :) but i already have one question for you : is it possible to export LWS animations ? the fact is A:M export with succes in lws but the coder of the pc team i'm part of would like me, later, to give animations to demomaking. my second question would be for multi thread using in rendering but perhaps it is not possible actually. regards to you all and have a good day



  • Hash Fellow

hi all. so then i actually have to make some pixel art for a demo on .. but wait for more. :) but i already have one question for you : is it possible to export LWS animations ?


A:M can export a numbered series of models in LWO format.


If you right click in a Chor and then Plugins>Export>Lightwave Model


you can set a path for the series to be saved to.


It will export as many .lwo files as there are frames in your Choreography


I don't have Lightwave so I've never tried it and don't' know how good the result is, nor di I know if Lightwave can import a numbered series of models and put one on each frame.


my second question would be for multi thread using in rendering but perhaps it is not possible actually.


The A:M renderer itself doesn't use multi-threading much.


However, NetRender (included with A:M) can run as many renderers as you have cores and can make full use of your CPU's capacity that way.


I don't know if that will work at all under a WINE emulator.


A:M can additionally to that export to Obj (object-data) and mdd (animation-data on vertex basis) or directx (bone and weight animation and object-data). It is better to use obj+mdd if you are not exporting to a game engine since every animation-type from A:M is exportable by that while directx is limited to bones and weights (no cp-animation or smartskins with thar format). I think LW is able to use obj+mdd and like that you should be able to use Obj+mdd in LW.


or you can of course use a LW sequence of course.


see you



hello fuchur and robcat


yes i have to export in lwo only then. it is for demoscene . thanx a lot for advices, i am happy to see the A:M communauty is so cool :)



hello again



i ve been said pixosaure 3dpainter isn't in bough ever

i would like to know if anyone could sell me any goood version (i love painting so this program would be perfect for my futur creations)


also is there any way to make fbx due to conversion of animation and bones ine


thanx a lot




I am not exactly sure what you are asking for... 3d painting can be done in 3d painter (last time I checked it worked quite nice) or 3dCoat. 3dcoat is more powerful but 3dpainter is created especially for A:M. Isnt it buyable at 3dpainter.com anymore?


FBX-pipline: See my signature.


See you


  • Hash Fellow

I don't think anyone except pixosaur can sell you 3DPainter because it needs an activation key from him to work.can sell you



i ve been said pixosaure 3dpainter isn't in bough ever


Something has been lost in translation. :mellow:


@robcat2075 hello hello ! ok i want to say i've been said the product painter 3d isn't in selling state ever. but surrely i'm wrong ? hop so , so later i will buy a copy ^^

@fuchur : sorry i didn't found your topic about fbx but only x to unity :( can you please send me the tutorial ?

@nemyax yes why not :) hello to you. is mari indie completly working with a:m ?


i done editing vidéo this day but i go begin a:m tomorrow \o/


regards, to all


ok i begun. i begun the flower tutorial but hey i had difficulties to attach . what do you advice me as key to define for ?

the software please me !! it's simple, massive and plenty of abilities !


thanx for all




Hi Steff,


very nice to hear that you like it :).


Do you mean you are having trouble attaching CPs to bones or when modelling attaching one spline to another?

Where did you run into trouble? (would be very helpful if you could provide the time of the video where you had problems).


http://www.hash.com/video-tutorials-23-en > Exercise 9: Flower-Power Tutorial.


See you


hello my dear friend !



ok i go see more. in fact i can define a key to attach but i tried with and then no attach

really after i took a real pleasure to "modelise" even first time ^^


i have another problem. i haven't any X export in the plugin export menu. so then i tried to export by putting you plugin by your page but it asks me for module the software doesn't find ?

i go see in the préférences


thanx a lot for your help





i have another problem. i haven't any X export in the plugin export menu. so then i tried to export by putting you plugin by your page but it asks me for module the software doesn't find ?

i go see in the préférences


When you are in the modeling window, you should be able to "right click with mouse" on the model , choose plugins/export/ and any format that is listed - including X


What export options do you see? (mine: screen capture from A:M 18M/64, windows 7 pro)



hello nancy


thanx a lot ! yes i have this option! but can i ( in a future when i will know to modelise ^^) export x model AND animation ? bones and animation?

i go try to export for a friend of mine and see

thanx a lot




edit: not any x plugin anymore but mdd one. after all i will do with ^^

thanx a lot


Yes you can export with bones and animation.


The way to do that is:

1.) Export a model (this will include the model-geometry, the decals/textures and the bone-structure/rig of the model and put that into a *.x-file

2.) In A:M you can now attach action-files (animations) to the x-file. For that go to a action which uses the model you exported before and go there to "Plugin > Export > A:Mtex DirectX Animation".

3.) A:M will ask for a file. Here you select the *.x-file exported before.

4.) Now the dialog opens which asks you if you want to attach the animation to the current x-file or create a new one and a few other things. This is especially useful for game engine and 3d engine exports.


After pressing ok, the directx-file will be altered (or copied and saved, depending on your settings in the dialog) and contain the action. Like that you can add as many actions to one file as you want.


See you


PS: You can have a look at this video tutorial for more information. Be aware, that the directx-export-plugin is included with current releases of A:M so you can just skipp the first 2 minutes. The next 3:30 Minutes are the most interesting for you then.


hello fuchur


so i tried to do as you told me but i failed. i go see your video for more

in my case i can export the model in .x but only can export in .mdl the action i point by my mouse

i go see your vidéo




hello all


i finaly done a double boot Linux/Win8

so now the 3d program animation master works well but i saw some freeze of program when exporting objets.

are there some freezes known ?

after all i have to learn

see you and thanx so much for help




that is very likely no freeze. give him time and it should work (looks like a freeze but in reallity it is still calculating and exporting/importing). just be patient there.


see you



hello fuchur


oooops i was a little tired when i wrote this. in fact when i try to export the .x over the other, it doesn't freeze but crashes. the 64b version of animation master crashes. so then perhaps i have to change for 32b version ? i go try my first modelisation right now




  • Hash Fellow

hello fuchur


oooops i was a little tired when i wrote this. in fact when i try to export the .x over the other, it doesn't freeze but crashes. the 64b version of animation master crashes. so then perhaps i have to change for 32b version ? i go try my first modelisation right now






I don't know if that is the problme or solution, but you can have both 64 and 32 bit versions installed and use the same license.


Copy the master0.lic file from the 64 bit folder to the 32 bit version folder after you install it.


hello dear friend


in fact the problem stills be. it crashes when i do one more time the x export taking the first x export for exporting animation :(

after all it is for demomaking and i have to begin right now but strange. i did success in the past. perhaps it's due to some direct X ?

i go try some other times


regards to you and thanx

  • Hash Fellow

I still think that running in a Windows emulator environment is going to be the cause of a lot of problems.

  • 2 months later...

hello all how are you ?

yes i'm back on animation master , i mean as soon as i success to reinstall it

actually i tried to install it on my laptop but the program told me "bad serial number" ?

so then i wrote to support@ to get informations, even if i have to test on the computer i installed first, surrely as i read, i have to reinstall on the goood computer

actually i go drawing a cartoon with a script from a friend but after i go learn more than about blender 3d with is too rude for me

and i succed to make "something" las time so let's go

regards to all of you



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