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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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While the Hash Fellows attack the subject of variable toon lines from the high ground I thought I'd post some tests I've been working on here.


The idea (for me) is to fake the variation of line thickness to achieve a line like that from a brush or pen. I've got some pretty satisfactory results with toon render but won't be able to post them for awhile. :(


This very basic example uses Render as lines on object(s) with no patches.

The toon render version uses patches.


I expect to post a more complicated character "drawing" soon but have forgotten most of my toon render settings. I had a few renders but haven't the first idea where I put them. The effect looks better (IMNSHO) with the toon renderer.


Well... here 'tis... :)


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Here's another test. Sorry for the delay.

I was trying to get the perfect fade from grey to black and kept breaking my "perfect" settings and getting junk.


The attached is all A:M except it was converted to .gif from .avi rendered out of A:M and the gif frames 'timed'. Both processes done in Corel Photopaint v11.


Next step will be to show how it works in 3Dvision.


  • Admin
Rodney, that's super cool! Care to share a tutorial?


Nope. ...and flattery won't work... (or will it? I'll have to think...) B)


*Added image: Lines with no (or little) variation


  • Admin

Seriously, thanks for the comments. High praise from the two of you is worth the effort alone!


When I get something going I'll post info and a project file, honest.

I'm trying to learn not to post things too early as it kills the self motivation and I get distracted into something else...


TIP: I did say I was faking this variable line stuff via line rendering and toon rendering so it really is nothing special. ;)


Note to self: Particles might work well too. Find out who did those cool writing animations with particles.


Looks interesting Rodney. How did you do it? I've created a similar effect using 2d displacement in Digital Fusion, but I've got no idea how to do it in AM.


  • Admin

E tu Artbox?

Not you too John... :(


Can there be no secrets among friends?


When I saw your post I summoned up the strength and typed out the whole 'explination' ... the big reveal! :o

But I couldn't post it...


I've just got to post at least one or two more pictures before the secret is revealed... the mask removed... forever.


You'll find strength in simplicity my friends,

"...a threefold cord is not quickly broken" Eccl4:12

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

*Hope this isn't my 1000th post... It's not suppose to be this one! :lol:


Forgot to update here:


Since I probably won't be able to retrieve my 3D walk cycle anytime soon... I'll post the basics idea here... with more to come.


The *trick*:

What the previous images consist of is 3 instances of the same model dropped into a choreography. From the choreography adjust any one of the models CPs/Splines to create depth. Don't adjust too far if using line rendering or the separate lines show. Lines that are extruded into patches have much more flexibility in thickness...


*Note: The models do NOT have any solid patches (in the middle of the model) so only the outline renders. The background is white set in camera settings.


Attached is a pretty much useless line test project.

But it shows some of the basics with both line rendered and patch render lines.


I may recreate my 3D walk cycle if I can't retrieve it.

  • Hash Fellow
*Hope this isn't my 1000th post... It's not suppose to be this one! 
Please tell me this won't trigger the Apocalyspe. ;) But if it would, then don't tell me, because that would be the 1000th post and...


Attached is a ... line test project.
I downloaded the project but it seems to be looking for an external model which is not part of the file.
  • Admin


Not sure about the external file thing... sorry...



JohnL3D posted a project file not unlike the effect above some time ago.

I think he plans to keep it on his site for awhile... At least I hope so...


Since it's version 10 he may get rid of it to make room for new stuff.

So, get it while you can.




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