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Cannot access post in Open Forums


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  • *A:M User*

There is a post in the Open Forums along the lines of Why would you choose product X over AM? (let's say product X is a popular kitchen appliance).


I cannot access the post, I get a "the required files are missing" error.


I'm going to assume this was locked or deleted, just find it odd that it still shows up there.

I'm not sure if Robcat was the originator or the last to reply, but his name is next to it.

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  • Hash Fellow

I can still read my reply but the post has a strange pink color. Maybe Rodney is just testing out some exotic forum settings.


spoiler alert: I said A:M was better than Blender.

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Also odd that it doesn't show in any of the topics when you navigate

through the open forum section.


It very likely has been blocked, made in invisible or deleted (it violates the forum rules a little: "-No threads or comparisons related to other 3D Applications. ") but there is a bug in the forum which still shows it in the "last post"-part there.

In general the tolerance-level is high and if you are not comparing a direct competer everything is fine, but this is somethinge th Admins have to decide.


See you


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The Open forum was something of a test that unfortunately did not quite work out as well as I planned.

Here's the scoop:


Short answer:

Someone's topic has very likely not been approved yet because a moderator hasn't approved it yet.


Long answer:

The Open Forum was originally set up to receive everything, even posts from guests (i.e. those who did not login).


Spammers made the decision to set the Open forum to 'Approve all Topics' a necessity. (Too much noise to signal ratio for legitimate forum users to wade through).


Some folks have sufficient permissions that they can bypass moderation cues, if they are logged in. (But not all permissions override topic moderation cues (if set).


Notifications of posts awaiting approval don't always get sent to me... so I don't immediately see all topics/posts awaiting approval. (I am also not awake and attentive to this task 24/7)


The topic hasn't even gotten to the stage that Fuchur cites because it hasn't been read (except by Robert who apparently responded to the thread).

While technically the topic could be said to be blocked, that is only due to the necessity of having the Open Forum moderated to prevent spammers from posting gobbledegook and trying to sell things that don't exist. At this point I can only assure you that it is due to nothing nefarious.


Will the topic be approved? Tune in next week. (or in the next few hours)


I have intentionally not spent a lot of time explaining what can and cannot be posted in the Open Forum because setting rules requires enforcement and oversite of those rules. Better to have the forum remain open and let common sense prevail.

FWIW, I consider the Open Forum to be slightly outside the A:M Forum... or at least right out there on the precipice or periphery.

This as opposed to the Off Topic forum which can only be accessed by A:M Forum members who are logged in.

In this way lively and legitimate discussions that are in fact 'off topic' can be had without suggesting to potential A:M Users that we've all gone stark raving mad. (Translation: The Off Topic forum cannot be seen by guests who have not logged in. Because membership does have its privileges, guests have to login in order to read, respond or gain access to some forum areas)


After the initial failure of the Open Forum due to spammers I considered merging it with the internal Off Topic. Note: If I could stay awake to monitor it 24/7 I'd even allow posts from the spammers.

Bottom line: While merging the two forum areas remains an option, in order to promote full access and encourage intelligent discussion (sans spammers) I'd prefer not to do that.

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  • Hash Fellow
Yeah, pink means 'awaiting approval'.

You should have approval permission to change the topic/post from 'invisible' (pink) to 'visible' (um... not pink).


I'll leave the approval decisions to you. You have more good sense!

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how are your burn injuries coming along? All better by now hopefully.


The burns are to the point where if I mention them I feel like I'm lying. So, I'd say... just short of 'fully healed'.

My chest is still a little red, as if sunburned and my right ear has some negligible scarring but otherwise you'd never know I'd been lit.

Pretty amazing adventure. One that I wouldn't wish on anyone.


I'll leave the approval decisions to you. You have more good sense!


I had been considering taking a finger for every crime against common sense but that was sure to read as 'iffy'.

There are very few discussions that cannot be had when one edits themselves and considers the op-position.

Maybe we could change the 'submit' button to 'approve' and then everyone could just moderate themselves.


that's a lot of behind the scenes stuff to keep track of.

Not as bad as it might seem.

People actually do police themselves and are considerate other people's opinions.

Which is a big part in why we've got such a great forum here. :)


If I could figure out how to get topics/posts to move from one forum to another automatically I could set the Open Forum to automatically approve posts (if not otherwise flagged as spam). Unfortunately, the back end of forums tend to be set up the other way around, with all posts (technically) disapproved (to all audiences) until some setting, permission or action allows them to appear. There is probably a workaround to this but I haven't figured it out yet. Forums can be made to have everything disappear after a set tune period... but that is the opposite of what we are trying to do here.


This world operates on the premise of 'distrust' whereas it should be on 'trust but verify'.

If forums were designed specifically in that way the membership could better police themselves.

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