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For anyone joining...


Javier has agreed to assist with the transformation of of one of my (2D) characters to 3D. Thanks too much, Javier!


I have agreed to donate the model to the A:M community and (also) donate to the Hash Fellows a sum of money toward plugin creation once the model is complete.


We are posting progress here so that all may learn from the experience. I cannot speak for Javier, who most likely is doing the hard work here... but comments are welcome along the way...


This is one of the pictures I created approximately 10 years ago. One other version of this same picture may exist that I colored but I don't have any leads on what box it may be hiding in...




Things known thus far:

- The girl is approximately 6 1/2 feet tall (with boots)

- Hair Red

- Eyes Green

- Face roughly in the style of John Byrne, whom I may add, is about to launch the latest rendition/revival of DC comics Doom Patrol! You can peek in on the forum he regularly posts to at: www.byrnerobotics.com



Note: There is much that must change in the basic design to make it 3D friendly. Most noticable to me... the joints in the legs.


I'll post some additional drawing as I reacquaint my fingers with a pencil...

Most of the stuff I've drawn in the past few years I've drawn directly into a computer via WACOM tablet.


Have I missed anything Javier?

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I *must* be crazy 'cause I'm posting these... :unsure:


The first is a pencil drawing (five minutes with a kid crawling over me--that's my excuse). The second, one drawn on a dry erase board (two minutes).


I'm *trying* to emulate the style I originally drew the above picture in 10 years ago. Need more warm up I guess...


Very different girls... I'll let you decide if there is any value there. :lol:




Possible side view... coming up!

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First one... quite ugly... second no better.

I've definitely lost the "John Byrne" look... :(

Need to get it back...


Hi Rodney,

Seems like you're up as well :) . Here's an interpretation of her. What do you think?




Are you going to toon render her or not? That may affect how I build her.



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Nice pic Javier! Very Nice.


No plans for toon render. Although, I have got distracted the last two hours trying out some toon render techniques... :lol:


*Different character though...


You must be watching... where's the camera?



Ok, here's what I have so far:




Joints still need to be resolved but I don't know what you want to do about them.



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Decisions, decisions...


Unless you convince me otherwise I think she has what will pass for real legs inside the larger "leggings". Kind of an exo skeleton I guess.


Guess I didn't think that far ahead back in my 2D days...


The leggings are our joint problem of course.


I drew one take on it.

Will post as soon as I can get it on the net.

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The sword scabbard (the hole in the top of the legging) can go away... sorry. She may just have to carry swords on her back. Unless they telescope...


I'll try to do a superimpose of the parts and post that.

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A couple shots overlapped:






I'd guess the knee joint piece is what allows the "leggings" to be balanced and respond to her muscle movements.

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I hadn't taken the time to comment on your work thus far, especially the picture above. I have to say you've done an excellent job capturing her clothes from that little picture I posted. Looking back at my picture it amazes me how much I didn't know about drawing at the time I did it.


Excellent translation from the minimal information you had!




No comment except that this is really fun to watch. :) Keep it coming, it's inspirational!




Thanks Rodney. Now I think I know what you're going for joint-wise. I'll post an update soon.


Zach: Thanks. The real work hasn't even started yet ;)





Hi Rodney,

Here's my current version of Cybergirl. This is what I'm going to start working from. Let me know if you want to make any changes. I know I left out the mic going to her earpiece.




Now that I look at it; I should have cleaned it up a bit ^_^ ....mmmm smudgy




This is really interesting to watch. And less problematic than my attempts to get my character designer to get into the same mindset I have about what the characters in my short look like. But he's getting so much closer. I'm really curious to see how this progresses.


Just wanted to chime in during a render and say that this is great work.


Tres Mega Man, right down to the pose in Javier's latest drawing.


Are those big leggings going to be jump jets or just something to support the weight of other equipment she has?

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I somehow missed the last couple posts here... maybe I *have* been timetraveling...


Awesome work Javier!!! If you don't do comic work you'd better start today!


Here's a sneek peak at a first attempt at a sword modeled off-line by Keith Fay:




If anyone would like a 3D model built I believe Keith might be interested. He can be contacted at: kfay@suscom.net




I know I left out the mic going to her earpiece.


How could you? :o;):rolleyes:

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Are those big leggings going to be jump jets or just something to support the weight of other equipment she has?




She's was originally designed to have the ability of flight via her boots.


If you check out the following link I think you have my "official" answer:

Javiers rocket power demo!


I can't speak for Javier... but my fingers are crossed... :)

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Now that I look at it; I should have cleaned it up a bit  ....mmmm smudgy


I'd say she cleans up quite nicely!




*Added: Colors subject to change.

:rolleyes: I have to admit, this is interesting to watch. I hope to "get in" on something like this in the future. I'd be willing to bet that some excellent "AM CG teams" could come of this forum. I can't wait to see her continue to develop. Nice work!
Are those big leggings going to be jump jets or just something to support the weight of other equipment she has?




She's was originally designed to have the ability of flight via her boots.


If you check out the following link I think you have my "official" answer:

Javiers rocket power demo!


I can't speak for Javier... but my fingers are crossed... :)

:D Wow, and I was planning to convince you to make them into rocket boots too!




Aww-right, here's a cleaned-up color version.





This is based on the red scheme you introduced. Of course others can be developed.



Ok, now to the 3D part, please.... lol

Alright! Alright! Keep your shirt on! :lol: A model will be posted soon.



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Aww-right, here's a cleaned-up color version.


You my good sir, are a multitalent! or is that mutant-talent?

At any rate, I'm SO GLAD you took the opportunity to assist me here as it let's everyone see your versatility and talent!


The monitor that I'm looking at shows everything about 10 levels too dark so I'm looking forward to see your color version on my home computer. She looks good in the dark colors I'm now seeing too!


BTW - It's a good thing this is the A:M forum or else I'd suggest just going with the drawn 2D style! (Just kidding 3D Javier fans... just kiddin')


Note to self: Convince Javier he needs to draw/color Issue #1 of the comic translation of the movie in that style. ;)


Where's my popcorn? This show is awesome :D


Take your time with design sketches, I say. I love to see how it gets figured out.


And, about the whole "AM CG teams" thing... yeah. That sounds really, really cool. (Maybe I think that because I can't texturemap for a dang.) Someone oughta enterprise on that idea...


Anyway, keep it up, meisters. :)


Thanks for the comments guys. Since you asked, here is another concept. This is an idea for a sword. It's sort of a combination gauntlet/rapier.




Work is really eating into my modelling time, so it'll be a little while longer before I can post a model.



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This is an idea for a sword. It's sort of a combination gauntlet/rapier.


Have to admit your gauntlet/rapier surprised me! I just returned from imagining the various possibilities and I like what I saw...


It would certainly fits the character! The juxtaposition of hard metal versus soft skin and smooth curves is turning out nicer than I could ever have imagined.


The other day I did a mental test of what I thought she might look like swinging a sword and how the swinging of (Keith Fay's) sword might flow and what the setup might be to achieve sword arcs in a choreography... a fun exercise! The stuff I came up with would probably work best with two heavy swords one in each hand though...


The kind of sword she would select will say a lot about her character. In this capacity I REALLY like what the rapier says about her! The gauntlet/rapier adds a whole new layer of possibilities and opportunities for finese for a character that, as originally concieved, probably couldn't ever have.


I say go with the rapier! The other sword(s) can go in the package with the action figure too. ;):lol:


Bravo, Javier!

This is an idea for a sword. It's sort of a combination gauntlet/rapier.


Have to admit your gauntlet/rapier surprised me! I just returned from imagining the various possibilities and I like what I saw...


It would certainly fits the character! The juxtaposition of hard metal versus soft skin and smooth curves is turning out nicer than I could ever have imagined.


The other day I did a mental test of what I thought she might look like swinging a sword and how the swinging of (Keith Fay's) sword might flow and what the setup might be to achieve sword arcs in a choreography... a fun exercise! The stuff I came up with would probably work best with two heavy swords one in each hand though...


The kind of sword she would select will say a lot about her character. In this capacity I REALLY like what the rapier says about her! The gauntlet/rapier adds a whole new layer of possibilities and opportunities for finese for a character that, as originally concieved, probably couldn't ever have.


I say go with the rapier! The other sword(s) can go in the package with the action figure too. ;):lol:


Bravo, Javier!

I'm glad you like it Rodney. I wasn't sure if you would, since it seemed that you wanted to go for more of a samurai type sword. I'm gonna try to get something done on the model this week, but I can't guarantee it. As I mentioned before, work is a little rough right now( in fact I should actually be doing that right now! <_>



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I got the chance to see you're latest color work in bright color (as opposed to broken dark monitor) and WOW! I like the bright MUCH better!!! ;)


Work is really eating into my modelling time, so it'll be a little while longer before I can post a model.


Same here! It seems everytime I sit down to model something I have to stop.

That and my digital camera refusing to let go of my zoo pictures is very frustrating... more on that later in the "My Robot Movie" zone...


I've been falling asleep at the keyboard a lot lately... reminds me of the good ol' days!


As far as modeling goes... take your time... I have a feeling the Forum will let you know if you fall behind schedule! :lol:



If/When/As you find the time... can you post any information on your penciling and coloring techniques. Marker? Paint? Digital? Others (and I) want to know a little about the methods are you using as shown here.


As always,


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...it seemed that you wanted to go for more of a samurai type sword.


I did envision a samurai-type cybersword! ...To the exclusion of all other options.

Thanks for showing me the error of my ways.


The only sword I had really 'fully' ruled out was the standard barbarian-type sword. Which, of course, can still be a prop in an armory scene where she tries several swords on for size and rejects the more clumsy, uncivilized types for a... samurai-type sword! Anyone want to know what happens to the samurai sword she chooses and why she goes back to her original rapier? ;):lol:


The sword, as you've designed it looks too be her original sword, designed specifically for her at the time her leggings were created... would you not agree they seem cut from the same cloth... er, metal?


I'm developing something of a back story as we progress as I'm sure you are too.

For the record: The back story now has NOTHING to do with my original concept of 10 years ago! I'll not retreat there again unless specifically asked... it really wasn't planned very far, trust me.


As the opportunity arises we can drop more hints of the back story along the way...


A three day break from *MY* work is in my immediate future, Yaaaay! :D


If/When/As you find the time... can you post any information on your penciling and coloring techniques. Marker? Paint? Digital? Others (and I) want to know a little about the methods are you using as shown here.

Here is a shot of the drawing before color. It starts with a pencil drawing, then I "ink" it digitally (using a tablet). I usually prefer to use real ink, but this is faster. The new cleaned up lines are done on a new trasparent layer. Then I just fill in the colors on a layer below. I color the lines to 'soften' the forms. You can see my palette laid out in the image (on a separate layer, of course). That's about it, I usually do this kind of stuff pretty quickly so it's a pretty simple process.





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...it's a pretty simple process


Yeah, right... sure it is. :lol:


Thanks for the info! I'm sure you'll get requests for a full tutorial soon. ;)

...and you think you don't have enough time now!


The pictures, as posted, didn't look like Photoshop so I had assumed maybe you used color dies or even some mixed media/marker combination on paper. The line color also is a great effect. It reminded me of way back when I used color pencils in the days of paper... (Note for the Kids: Paper is what was used for drawing before digital drawing made the use of paper obsolete ;):lol:


At any rate or by any method... nice!

  • 2 weeks later...
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Haven't done much on my end to further this WIP. I thought I might model some background scenes to go with the character. Sadly, not much splining lately...

I did do CD and Book covers with the cybergirl as she appears today.


See the attached picture for a mockup cover of the as yet unpublished book: The annotated Art of Animation Master. :)



Hi Rodney,

I haven't done much either, I did start on the face, but I'm not far enough along to show anything yet. I think by tomorrow I'll post a pic.

Are you planning to make a tutorial book/let based on this little experiment? :)



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Are you planning to make a tutorial book/let based on this little experiment? 


Not sure I have the talent to do it, but sure would like to see one!

Since only you and I have the insider information I guess we would have to do it. I do hope while creating the model you take a few screenshots along the way! :D


If you supply a few pics then I might have to say yes!


Seeing your artwork has made me think you and I could RULE THE WORLD at the end of 2004. Just in time for the CD image contest, or maybe 2005! By then the movie and the toyline may be out. :lol:


If I can ever find it I'll post the mockup of the A:M CD I put together.

Just having fun... This is 'your' character more than it is mine now you know.

We crossed that threshold the moment you layed the first spline.


A step by step might be a nice addition to the model.

I've got a few more ideas for psudo-merchandizing-type accessories before we release the model to the A:M Community too!


Can't let you have all the fun!



Here's the first (hopefully of many) pics. This is a couple hours in, begining with the face.




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Looking good! Cute little button nose and everything. :)

Glad I checked in before going to work!


Work will be much easier now.

Thanks Javier!

  • 4 weeks later...
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Lest anyone think this thread has disappeared entirely....


I've been sorting through boxes and the like and happened upon a few drawings of characters from the same "superhero" world and stories as the cybergirl.


I'll post a few an try to motivate myself to work toward building cybergirl some friends... and of course the enemies.


Here is the first:


manipulated slightly in a 2d graphics program. For now we'll just call him cyberguy.

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Just as there are more colors than black and white in the world... there are rarely characters that are either purely good or purely evil. This next one is a perfect example:



Is he a goodguy or a badguy? Or is he "none of the above".


If I remember correctly... He is an update from an earlier hero...

His name.... Shattre.

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...of course it is always nice to be able to tell the good guys from the bad...


For instance... I'd guess this guy.... may NOT be one of the good guys:


For anyone who is watching "My Robot Movie" this guy is the only one who

you are likely to see in BOTH projects.

  • 4 weeks later...
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Sorry. Still no update but I did rediscover the old color test I was talking about earlier in the discussion. Thought it might be appropriate to post.


Some of the other drawings I found and the comics I recovered are really encouraging me to get back into the comic book world. That and many of the recent posts by comic book type artist... and Gerry's Bugbots comic... and.... and...


Well Here tis:


  • 2 years later...
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The going may be slow with everything that is on my current schedule but I'm bound and determined to rig a character with the new Squetch Rig.


Cybergirl may be the first to get the treatment from me as I'd like to rig her as I work on Steve's model that he is donating to the cause simultaneously.


So... stay tuned! ...and check out David Simmons's tutorials via the link above.



Thanks to Javier for the outstanding model.

  • 6 years later...
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In revisiting some old projects I ran across this old WIP.

Looks like most of the pics are missings and links have broken over the course of six years. :blink:


If anyone has a copy of Javier's model I'll gladly share it with the A:M Community.

I'm not sure who all it went out to but it is some really fine splineage.


I've got a copy buried on a computer that is currently in transit across the ocean but I don't expect to see that for another month or so.



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