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Captain America


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**There might be spoilers in here.**


We saw Captain America over the weekend and while I enjoyed it somewhat in the watching, the more I think about it the less I like it. Too many liberties taken with too many aspects. I can't think of any audience group, from fanboys (almost typed "fanbots"!) to casual viewers, who will be really pleased with it. All I wanted was to see Cap beat up bad guys and throw his shield, and there was plenty of that (eventually).


But, but...way too much that left me scratching my head, too much bending of "facts" to fit Cap and Hydra into the whole Avengers mega-project, too many literties taken with timelines (both real world and Marvel Universe) just to get Cap up and running in the 21st century.


The scifi gadgetry was too gleaming and whizzy to have taken place in the 1940's, and apparently WWII was fought against Hydra and not Nazis at all. The big 1940 Science Fair had the Unisphere, which I found surprising.


For as ambitious as it appeared, the writing was just lazy.


I realized last night that the disappointment I feel is exactly the same disappointment that keeps me from buying comics. Comics these days have art that is gleaming, highly detailed and seductive, but when I read the story it's always a big letdown. And when movie reviewers I respect give raves to a comic book movie, it's clear that they set a much lower bar for comic book movies than for movies in other genres.

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I found Captain America refreshingly, unexpectedly better than most comic book movies now a days.


My only few issues are.


No "motivation" for the montage when Captain america starts beating up bad guys and doing comic poses too music. They made the same mistake in Spider man 1. Even in the commentary of Spider man 1 or 2 not sure, Toby cuts down either the script of the directing when he correctly states the lack of motivation for the montage of action sequences the moment spidy is in his suit.


Montages only work well in 80's movies when the motivation is to improve ones self and show a little progress over times in each shot.


The montages in both these movies shows no progress just a bunch of hero shots showing no emotion or progression. Its a cheat that sticks out like a sour thumb its a wasted opportunity, its eye candy that leaves you feeling empty.


My other issue was the casting. There are thousands of starving actors out there. Has hollywood lost so much talent that we need to cast the same actor playing 2 comic book characters that exist in the same world and same time and could easily meat. wouldn't that be awkward.



My last two complaints are the suit. I know the guy who designed it. He does good work but not when he is given too much creative freedom. In Dare devil the director kept having to explain to him that all the buckles and straps were not necessary because they were not MOTIVATED, meaning there was no reasen for them to be there. If you look at the suit for captain A, there are buckles and straps under hits arm pits , over his shoulders and on his abs. The only buckles that are motivated and work are the belt and gloves. The rest makes no Freaking sense and should not be there.


Last complaint: no creatively choreographed fight sequences. "Have we learned nothing from movies like the matrix"?

Other than that I liked the movie

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By the way green lantern sucked so bad. What a turd. The trailer from the wonder-con event was incredible. It showed so much depth with all these characters. It turns out the trailer contained the extent of the depth and character development. Watch the 6 minute trailer and you have sucked all the nutrients the movie has to offer.


Man did they mis the mark.


The transformers franchise is literally allowing movie makers to get a way with similar crap.

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  • 2 months later...

A couple points. One is that I think it looks better in the actual footage. These behind the scenes photos make everything look like crap. Second, you were all complaining the first one wasn't simple enough and now you complain when it is. Thirdly, it looks like Captain America's costume, what were you expecting?




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Second, you were all complaining the first one wasn't simple enough and now you complain when it is.

Whoa, I didn't complain about the costume...I complained about everything else!


But seriously, all those buckles and zippers and flaps. They would catch on anything he brushes past, for one thing, and for another thing it looks like, well, I hate to use French twice in one thread but, it looks like le CRAP!!


EDIT: btw Hawkeye's costume isn't much better. I mean, how many buckles do you need to keep a pair of boots on??

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I thought the Captain America movie was entertaining. My only real criticism was that the ending was a bit too abrupt.


I would have liked to have seen some of Rogers coming to grips with it, but I guess that's a less interesting story, since instead of him being in ice for almost 20 years, it's now almost 70. Kind of unreasonable to believe any of his friends are still alive at this point.


I would have liked to have seen scales on the costume, but I did get a kick out of seeing him in the USO shows in something resembling his original costume.


I was talking with someone about why making a movie about such a long-lived character is so difficult. Since the characters have changed so dramatically over the course of the books, *my* version of Captain America in the anti-establishment 70s is not the same as my father's during the 40s, or the 90s or now. It's possible to completely satisfy one age range of the audience, but in order to broaden the appeal, you risk alienating all of the fans.


I haven't watched the last couple of X-Men movies (First Class and Wolverine), but when I read X-Men, there was only one comic and there was a very definite timeline. There weren't 20,000 mutants that could be mixed and matched into twenty different X-groups (while all still somehow managing to include Wolverine). Say "X-Men First Class" to me, and I think of Cylcops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast (minus the fur) and Angel. Magneto was a full-on villain in Uncanny X-Men #1. But to cater to the younger fans, who pick their favorites from an ocean of mutants, they have to throw in characters who didn't exist during that time period. Completely alienates me.


I agree that the Avengers Captain America costume isn't great, but as Darkwing points out, they rarely do look good in exterior snapshots without controlled lighting. I suspect he won't wear the helmet very much in the film and the costume is likely going to get damaged and dirty in the fights, which will take some of the "shiny" off of it. Some consideration may have gone into making it more comfortable to wear, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if making fun of the outfit isn't part of the script, which also may have factored into its design.


Still looking forward to the movie, though.


PS->Jason, since the FF rights are held by a different studio, there's no chance of Captain America and the Human Torch meeting. Were Marvel to regain the rights, I'm certain they'd recast the whole FF. Ditto for the Spider-Man and X-Men franchises.

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Second, you were all complaining the first one wasn't simple enough and now you complain when it is.

Whoa, I didn't complain about the costume...I complained about everything else!


But seriously, all those buckles and zippers and flaps. They would catch on anything he brushes past, for one thing, and for another thing it looks like, well, I hate to use French twice in one thread but, it looks like le CRAP!!


EDIT: btw Hawkeye's costume isn't much better. I mean, how many buckles do you need to keep a pair of boots on??



And I do apologize, there is no condescension intended in my previous post, nor is it directed to any one person specifically.


And at least Hawkeye's costume is better than the comic books! As for the buckles, they look cool. I guess. Sometimes (a lot of times) things have no functional purpose and are just there to look interesting or cool or awesome or whatever. Remember, you're dealing with the movie masses, 99% of them aren't designers themselves and really don't care how functional a costume is, especially on a superhero!

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Yeah but this comes back to my initial reaction: they seem to be trying to alienate pretty much every audience demographic possible. Who's the audience they're trying to appeal to by making such radical changes, is my question. Not hardcore fans, not casual fans, and not the general public.

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My best answer is Star Trek 2009. Same deal, except that had a huge turnout. Avengers will too. It somehow works. Besides, as mentioned earlier, there's so many different generations of the same comic book heroes, that alienation is unavoidable. My advice, don't let such a little thing as buckles make you feel like you shouldn't see the movie, or that they aren't "thinking of you." It's only a movie.


EDIT: Theory, if one alienates all groups, does that not make them united in their alienation, which in turn causes them to go see the movie in droves?

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My best answer is Star Trek 2009. Same deal, except that had a huge turnout. Avengers will too. It somehow works. Besides, as mentioned earlier, there's so many different generations of the same comic book heroes, that alienation is unavoidable. My advice, don't let such a little thing as buckles make you feel like you shouldn't see the movie, or that they aren't "thinking of you." It's only a movie.


Amen to that! It is, after all, only a movie. I spend money at movies that interest me (or my kids, my daughter loved the Cap'n A, movie, and is counting the days till the next). Sometimes we forget that the purpose of a movie is to go into a dark room, kick back, eat stale popcorn and flat soda, and leave the "real" world behind. Let it entertain you, if it doesn't then don't go to the next one.

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I think what bothers me more than buckles is that they made the mistake of casting the same skinny guy for both fantastic 4 and captain america. Why don't they have him play Thor and Bruce Banner as well?


You might say thats crazy talk but where do you draw the line? If the human torch and Captain A actually meet in this world they will look exactly alike.


When I was in film school I learned the term "suspension of dis belief". Its your job as a filmaker to make it easy for audiences to do this. Anytime you do something campy as a filmaker you risk loosing the audience.


Casting the same actor to play both roles of heros who exist in the same time line, world universe and could easily meet shows the filmakers just didnt care. It takes effort, time and money to cast. They obviously didnt do it for captain A.


However their first choice was will Smith. That would have been worse. Luckily he turned it down saying "I already made the mistake of playing a white guy in Wild Wild West, audiences didn't aprove"

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