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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

new website i´ve made

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hey everyone!

here´s a link to a website i´ve made for my biggest client, using a:m, after-effects and flash... i hope you´ll like it.

took almost 4 weeks to get me there, so don´t say anything bad about it, or i will be about to cry ;)





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There is some very cool stuff going on in there! A bit heavy for my rather sluggish connection at the moment but maybe others, with faster broadband, can comment on that. It is fast once you have visited every part of the site because everything has then been cached but initially it does get mildly annoying waiting for the graphics to load.

Nice, clean looking site though.

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Cool site with a nice clean design, but those movies are FAR too large to be even remotely practical for professional web design. Especially since they're a huge part of every page... and the navigation to boot.

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thanks guys... :)


matt: a mute button is already planned, it will be integrated within the next update by the middle of the next week...


meowx: i don´t know how fast your connection is, but with a fast dsl-connection you only have to wait about 15 seconds at the beginning, everything else is loading in the background meanwhile, so when i click on any product it starts immediately...everything is streaming, so the videos don´t have to be loaded completely to start... on a bit slower dsl-connection it can take a few seconds to start the animations you click at first, but after you´ve viewed one product-animation everything else should already be loaded. i had no complaints so far and the website was visited by a lot of people, it´s online for almost a week now... so it definately IS practical for professional webdesign ;)

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I've got a decently fast connection, I just tried speedtest.net and it was about 5MB/second (about twice the national average in the US). Then I went to http://www.ld-premium.com/ and timed it, from the moment I hit return to the moment I could click on a menu item was 19 seconds. That's normally something you can do instantly, and WAY more than enough time for the average web browser to hit the back button and go somewhere else.


Something I've found over the years is that when it comes to websites, fuction >>>>>>>>> flashyness. The site looks excellent, but the excessive reliance on movies for navigation is a bit silly.

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I also thought it looked terrific - but I was not patient enough to wait around for the graphics to load - But perhaps I am expecting something that isn't there?


All I get after "enter" is a rotating "white thingy" in the large upper black background half, but I can click on the small text navigation below it - and imagery loads (if it's there) very quickly.


If nothing is supposed to show in the black back ground - then perhaps it needs to be a smaller percentage area of the page - or not show the rotating thing - as it's confusing....



Oooops ---WRONG - something finally showed up...yes toooo long a wait..amd I have high speed connection as well...


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thanks nancy... hmmm, i don´t really understand it... maybe we have faster connections in germany ;)... i´ve tested it on many computers with different connections, and the only time i had to wait were the 15 seconds at the beginning, everything else starts immediately when i click it....


meowx: the videos are not for navigation only, most of the video-content is used to show the products 360°... and that´s not silly.

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