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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Swirling Sprites


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I'm looking to create an effect with sprites (sparks) that will swirl around an object in a vortex like shape. The effect I have in mind is along the lines of when the Beast turns back to a man in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast". Anyone have some ideas on I can do this??

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Do you already know how to work with sprites? If not, follow this tutorial posted here:



You may not need sprites for your particular effect. You may be able to get away with streaks. They are simpler and quicker to render. Here's a tut on streaks:



Once you get the sprite system the way you like it, just add a new vortex force to the choreography and play with the force settings until you get something you like.

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Hmm. Hate to contradict...I find sprites MUCH faster than streaks. Fr'instance, I am doing a snow scene right now and streaks were taking 3min per frame so I switched to sprites... 5 seconds per frame and I can generate much more of them.


You may also want to experiment with a 'Force' set to 'vortex'... this creates a whirlwind effect that will carry your sprites.

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Ok folks. Here is my kids final project (hope I get an "A"!). The animated bit with the vortex sprites is tucked into the middle of it. It was a quick one-off totaling a whopping 4 seconds. For all that it took over 12 hours to render out on my poor 'ol laptop. The model is not perfect, the timing and camera work is not spot on as I would have hoped, but it got the job done. Its on YouTube, the link is below. If the link doesn't work, then search for the title Once Upon A Snowman.




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That's hilarious. Thanks for sharing it with us.


I find sprites MUCH faster than streaks. Fr'instance, I am doing a snow scene right now and streaks were taking 3min per frame so I switched to sprites... 5 seconds per frame and I can generate much more of them.


Thanks for the correction Mr. BigBooTay!

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Just for future reference... or if you wanna tweak just for the sake of tweaking...


The strangeness at the top of the snowman's head is 'cuz the top ring of CPs have been pulled too close together, trying to make them into a point. If you start with that ring being a finite size and shrink it, you will suddenly hit a point where everything goes strange. Backtrack a little and you'll get a smooth surface.


You can very easily imitate the rough surface of the real snowman by invoking the roughness attributes in the surface properties. You'll have to play with the numbers to get something appropriate.

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Just for future reference... or if you wanna tweak just for the sake of tweaking...


The strangeness at the top of the snowman's head is 'cuz the top ring of CPs have been pulled too close together, trying to make them into a point. If you start with that ring being a finite size and shrink it, you will suddenly hit a point where everything goes strange. Backtrack a little and you'll get a smooth surface.


You can very easily imitate the rough surface of the real snowman by invoking the roughness attributes in the surface properties. You'll have to play with the numbers to get something appropriate.


Yeah I know, but this was one of those projects that just had to get done, and get done now. I could have added some roughness to the snowman, could have put a hat on his head to hide the imperfections...could have put a yellow blotch in the snow where the dog got him, but who has the time? I mean really.

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Here is my kids final project (hope I get an "A"!).


Yeah I know, but this was one of those projects that just had to get done, and get done now.


Cute project - but I am curious: What was the assignment ? and What grade did you get ?



Not my assignment...my daughters. Although as anybody with kids will attest to..that invariably makes it mine. The assignment was simply create a five minute movie. No direction on type, style or story. That was left up to the students (high school seniors).


Don't know the "grade" i got yet...I'm hoping for an A :D

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