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Photoshops a good start.


Create a image with deminsions 1000X1000 pixels.

Set the foreground color to black, and the background color to white.

Go to Filters > Render > Fibers

You can adjust some of the settings, but I find that a variance of 15 and a strength of 45 work well.

Go to Filters > Polar Coordinates

Choose Rectangular to Polar. You should be seeing something like this now:


You can do a lot of things with this map including coloring it, Or, you can use it as a bump map for the iris and use gradients for the color on the actual eye.


Apply this to your iris so that you get the good part of the image and not the expanded or subspanded parts of the image applied to surfaces.

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Woah there buddy. You only need one question mark. The other three just make you look desperate.


I don't believe paint.net will work seeing as how it's creating paint and not a decal.


I'm sure you could use A:M's materials to create the decal, but I'm not at my workstation right now so I can't test any ideas.

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If you have GIMP, you could try the Script-Fu I made for iris'...I made it for v2.3.9, you'll have to try it on the latest to see if it still works (I'm still using that version, if you end up needing it I have the installation files for it). Open the irisscript.html file with your browser to see how it works and how to install it...the script is the "irismap2_3_9.scm" in the ZIP.


There is also a great tutorial that Kim Oravecz made for Photoshop located here. The same method can be applied to most paint programs...it's what I used to make the GIMP Script-Fu.


Hope that helps.



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how much does photoshop cost? are there any free downloads or trials?


There is pricing info and a trial download for Photoshop located here...GIMP and Pixia are free, there is also a free version of Project Dogwaffle (paid versions are here). All of those are very capable...there is also Artweaver and ArtRage (there is also a $20 version) that are free.


Hope that helps.

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Come on give the guy some more info.


Go here Simbiont


The Simbiont procedurals are basically darktree materials that you can use without having darktree.


There are eyes and a whole lot more materials on there. You can tweak many of the settings to get the look you want and unless you are going for super photo real, this will be more than enough.


Good luck,



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btw, can somebody show me how to use GIMP or achieve to make an iris?


I think I did...in this post. I gave you a link to a good tutorial for the process (done using Photoshop, but the same thing can be done in GIMP) and I posted a Script-Fu with instructions for installation and use. I put together a tutorial a few years ago, but it was using an old version of GIMP...I would have to redo it for the present version, since I'm using a different method now (some of the plugins changed).

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I use Photoshop Elements. It's the 'cut down' version of Photoshop, and you can't do as complex alpha-channelling in it (you can still do it, but it's not quite as visual), but a lot of the functionality is the same.


You can download a 30 day trial, and if you like it, lots of places sell it under the $100, especially if you're a student.

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