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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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What stock models do you mean? The 'stock' models that came with A:M over the last couple of years are in that data.zip a couple of posts back, like KeeKat and Shaggy etc.


You can get some free (and paid for) models from Eggington (although that site seems to be down at the moment).


You can also get a HUGE number of models on the extra DVD that came with A:M 2006 at http://www.hash.com/store/.

  • 2 months later...
  • Hash Fellow
Hi Rodney,


I am new to this forum, so I hope I don't accidentally brake any rules? I have just downloaded a demo copy of Animation Master 14 from http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/23730

but when I open it, it is asking for a serial number. Where do I get a demo serial number from?

regards Nigel


That's not a "demo" and isn't presented as a demo by that site. Their link is to the regular installer file on Hash's website.


It will need a version 14 CD in your CD drive to run. That is how it is copyprotected.


You can buy a 1 year subscription to V15 at Hash.com for $50

  • Admin


Robert is correct.


There is no demo for Animation:Master.

At $49 and a money back guarantee there is little need for one.


Take some time to read through this forum.

Check out A:M Stills and A:M Films.

That will help inform your purchasing decision.


If you choose to purchase A:M you'll find a receptive community here. :)


Thank you Rodney and Robert for informing me that Animation Master has a subscription service, which I have already joined and downloaded the software. I shall take your advice and read as much as I can on this forum and hopefully will not be such a nerd in the future? I must say that I am very impressed with this piece of software as I studied as a professional animator more than 30 years ago when everything was Cell and Rostrum cameras.


I am now nearly in my 60s and getting to grips with computers and 3D animation software, which is very different from the classical cell line work I used to do. I think I've already given away the fact that I am not a spring chicken as I made the fatal mistake of using my real name rather than a pseudo-name. I do hope that this forum is a friendly and informative place as I think I might over the coming months need some help? Regards Nigel from England. :rolleyes:

  • Admin

Welcome Nigel!


I studied as a professional animator more than 30 years ago when everything was Cell and Rostrum cameras.


Your experience will serve you well!

I'd love to here more of your experience.


As far as making a mistake using your real name... I understand the difficulties involved there but encourage the use of real names.

There are legitimate reasons for using pseudo-names of course just as there are reasons to avoid anonymity. Even then its not a bad idea to go with perhaps just a first name or a variation of it (provided its not taken).


If anyone needs to change their login name contact Will Pickering (willp at hash.com) and he'll get you straight.

(Don't everyone flood him today... wait a month! Then flood him! ) ;)


I do hope that this forum is a friendly and informative place


I hope so too. It has been for many years! :)

  • 3 months later...



My name is Timothy and am now currently a student at Val Verde High School.

We are currently working on a video project for our school. Every year we enter our video in a compitition

for a chance to show our video to other schools (not to mention an extremely Cool trip to New York) and present them a video made by our very own student body.

Now, your probably asking what this has to do with animation master (A:M). Well we have chosen your software to complete our movie with Kick Butt animation. Though how Happy your product has made us and works greatly for our video we are expiriencing our own difficulties. We understand how your actions and characters work, and if I don't say so myself the can can was a nice touch, but, we would like help in finding out how exactly is the best way in order to create our character(s). The only major difficulty we ar expiriencing is that of finding our own grid in order to make our characters and our vehicles in which we plan on using for our video. We would like your help in knowing the appropriate measures in modeling our characters.


Your help is greatly appreciated and once again your product has made us happy.




On behalf of the Video Productions class

Of Val Verde High School,




Timoth Lee Blount...


Hi and welcome! That sounds like a great project and ambitious but doable. As far as a "grid" I assume you're asking about the appropriate scale to create your characters at. I think it's fair to say that everyone has their own approach, and you will also find that when you later create materials to texture your characters, the importance of picking a good scale will come into play.


Another consideration is that like most 3D apps, the zoom capability is essentially infinite. You can model a molecule that's 1/16" wide or 600 feet. It's more important that once you pick a scale, stick with it for the whole project! Just for simplicity, I generally stick to "realistic" scale, like 5-6 ft tall for a human character and so forth.


So, sorry to say, there is no "right" answer! the most important thing is consistency across all the elements of your project from the outset.

  • 3 weeks later...

ok... I am completely new to the animation world. I got the 2004 and 1999 Animation:Master software and 2 2004 Animation:Master books for Christmas. I have been interested by animation for a really long time but never had the resources to use it. I basically know nothing about animation. I don't know what "render" means or how to set camera angles or anything. I realize that you might not be able to fully help me understand everything about animation, but I really want to try to make cool videos and stuff. Please help!

  • Admin
I basically know nothing about animation. I don't know what "render" means or how to set camera angles or anything. I realize that you might not be able to fully help me understand everything about animation, but I really want to try to make cool videos and stuff. Please help!


You've definitely come to the right place.


Welcome to the Animation:Master Forum! :)


Hopefully one of those books is "The Art of Animation:Master" (otherwise known as TaoA:M or 'the manual'. That'll get you off to a great start.


The video manual that walks you through the Exercises from the manual can be found here:



I have a question about the tutorials. When in the tutorial, they click on render to file, I do the same but a different window appears. I get a window that says render to file setting which includes Final, Preview, Toon, Real Time, Stereograpic, Multi-Pass, and Custom. When I select any of these, none of them look the way in the tutorial. Currently I am watching Excersise 2: Chorus Line. How do I get the same screen as him? (I am using Animation Master 2004)

  • Hash Fellow
I have a question about the tutorials. When in the tutorial, they click on render to file, I do the same but a different window appears. I get a window that says render to file setting which includes Final, Preview, Toon, Real Time, Stereograpic, Multi-Pass, and Custom. When I select any of these, none of them look the way in the tutorial. Currently I am watching Excersise 2: Chorus Line. How do I get the same screen as him? (I am using Animation Master 2004)


on the window you are seeing there is a checkbox for "Show advanced settings". check that.

  • 1 month later...



I'm Scott and I may be using this program to help with a friend's videogame. Do I need to purchase a hardcopy of the CD and a subscription? Or just a subscription to get started?



  • Admin
I'm Scott and I may be using this program to help with a friend's videogame.


Hi Scott.

That sounds cool. We look forward to hearing more about your project!


Do I need to purchase a hardcopy of the CD and a subscription? Or just a subscription to get started?


Decisions. Decisions.

I don't know enough about you or your project to say for sure.

If I guess wrong don't be too hard on me alright?


I say...

Go for the websubscription to get started.

It'll save you a little money in the short term and give you the opportunity to structure you project over time.

Chart a one year trajectory for success and see what you find.


If you are ready to really commit your project for the long term and would like hard copy documentation you may want to opt for the CD... but my gut feel for you that isn't right. If you've got the money for the CD though... buy it! You'll be very happy with the purchase.


I have been doing 3D for a bit now and played with AM back in 8.5 (i think that was the verson) any way I have been going thru the forums (using the search as suggested) and see that AM will import 3DS and OBJ files. I have tried following the directions but hit a blank wall. As per directions File/Plugins/Import... this is where I get lost as There is a File/Plugins/Export, but no Import option.

I am running V15 (the newest verson as of 2 weeks ago). I have also tried looking for available import plugins using the search feature to no avail.

Any ideas or help?



  • Admin

Ok now what, (what... your Mom didn't like the name John... or Steve... or Ethel?!?) ;)


Welcome back!


For a first post you sure pick a doozy.

It'd help a lot to know more about what you want to use the objects for here.

Rather than guess I'll pass on your underlying need and just answer your question.

I will suggest you'll have much more success building your models in A:M if you plan to animate them.


I think you must have missed the Import Plugin's location on the menu (it can be found in several places in A:M) or else don't have the plugins installed. Not sure without being able to look over your shoulder.


Here's where I find it:


Ok now what, (what... your Mom didn't like the name John... or Steve... or Ethel?!?) ;)


Welcome back!


For a first post you sure pick a doozy.

It'd help a lot to know more about what you want to use the objects for here.

Rather than guess I'll pass on your underlying need and just answer your question.

I will suggest you'll have much more success building your models in A:M if you plan to animate them.


I think you must have missed the Import Plugin's location on the menu (it can be found in several places in A:M) or else don't have the plugins installed. Not sure without being able to look over your shoulder.


Here's where I find it:

I have looked there. Here are what my choices are.post-12606-1234670392_thumb.jpg


OK, I found it. I have to right click on a blank model screen and then go down to plugins/import. trying that ::) thanks I am sure I will have tons of questions as I go along.


I have played with light wave a while and found that in order to accomplish the animation I want not only did I need to purchase the program but I also had to purchase many assorted plugins. A friend told me about the advances AM has made since I last tinkered with it and I have viewed quite a few of the animations that others have accomplished with it. So luck willing once I have learned enough I will be able to do the animation I have desired to do for the last 5 or so years.

the reason I inquired about the import feature is that I have a lot of models in LW that I have worked on and would like to get them into AM. I realize that they will need a lot of tweaking once they are in AM but since most will not need animation it should work ok. There are a couple that will need animation but will paint that fence when I get to it. I am going through the TaoAM right now doing the tutorials. It was also suggested that I check out the online tutorial covering the same information in the book as they have a bit more detail to them.


Again, thanks and will be around for a while. Oh yes, I am always one to get 2 steps ahead of myself :) I see that AM has contests from time to time, where can I find information on upcoming contests?

  • Admin

Glad to see you found the Plugin. :)


I see that AM has contests from time to time, where can I find information on upcoming contests?


The monthly contest is on hiatus for now due to general lack of interest.

Hopefully it'll return bigger and better.


There are several themes that you can always prepare for in advance.

One contest you can expect to see every year is the Mascot contest.

Another is 'Mechanical'

Another: 'Sci Fi'

'Anything Goes' generally will catch the rest.


There is a Work in Progress for current subscriber of A:M to chart their progress in.

Thats a nice place to post notices and work through issues with projects.

  • Admin
I am going through the TaoAM right now doing the tutorials. It was also suggested that I check out the online tutorial covering the same information in the book as they have a bit more detail to them.


This tells me you are well on your way to success. :)


Keep us posted on your progress!

  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


Just taken the plunge and purchased A:M after being awed by the demo video. Am now reading up on the forums and watching the supporting videos to try and get a feel for the software before it arrives.


I'm from the UK, and come to A:M from another 3D software. I'm a hobbyist game developer - I collect game engines and tinker with them. Haven't completed anything serious or substantial, but I have a fair few years of toying about with modeling and coding. I've recently taken more interest in the animation side of things, and A:M looks better than anything I'd anticipated. Spline modeling will be a new approach for me, but viewing the tutorial videos, it looks very intuitive. And the rigging! Can it really be that simple? I dont think I've ever watched a software demo that's had me coo-ing in appreciation until yesterday evening.


And there was me about to attempt the expensive hideously time consuming transition from one 3D software to another by the same company (which I really really didn't want to do) when I stumbled across A:M in one of those convoluted web searches that I dont think I could manage to repeat if I deleted my browser history. Delighted to have found A:M, and am very excited, both by the prospect of the software, and by the inspiring work in the forum posts I've read.


Anyway, I figured I'd better introduce myself, and say hello, as I expect I might be asking quite a few questions on the forums in the future.





  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin
I figured I'd better introduce myself, and say hello, as I expect I might be asking quite a few questions on the forums in the future.


Welcome to the A:M Forum Nick! :)


I can't speak for others but I've found A:M itself to be a work of art.

You'll find yourself warming up to splines in no time.

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