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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Im brand new so dont laugh

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If the image is small enough you can use the "file attachments" browse button right below where you are typing your post. If it is a file type that is not supported, or if it is too large to include you can link to the file on your website. Hit the "http://" button above where you are typing and put a link directly to your file in the box that pops up. The second box is the text that will be displayed for your link. I hope this helps..



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This is another of those brutal cycles that repeat every so often. The trick to this is:




For some reason when you preview, it loses the attachment. It took me about 4 months to figure out why I could not post pics. I sent emails to Hash and begged here for some help but know one seem to know what the deal was.


So anyway....




and it should work fine.



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This is another of those brutal cycles that repeat every so often. The trick to this is:




For some reason when you preview, it loses the attachment. It took me about 4 months to figure out why I could not post pics. I sent emails to Hash and begged here for some help but know one seem to know what the deal was.


So anyway....




and it should work fine.


that's SO true!

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well, if it's over 1mb you can't attatch it, that speaks for it self when it says at the bottom "Maximum file size: 1mb". Anyway, I think what our friend here needs is a webpage or an ftp server so no more talk about preview untill anyone hooks him up with one, is that clear? (then you're all supose to say:) "yes person that we don't know, but that we will still follow"

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If you zip it up is it still over 1MB? If it's still over 1MB, reduce the screen size of the image...say, from 640x480 to 320x240...or you could try a different video compression. I've had good luck with DivX for AVI file size, but Mac's have trouble viewing those (DivX), you might try MP4 compression with Quicktime or, if you stick with an AVI try Cinepak (it isn't the best looking, but I think everyone would be able to view the file).

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one of the key things with those free webspace accounts is that most (all that I have found, but there could be one I don't know about)will require you to link to a html page as oposed to linking to the file directly. The is acceptable, but know that you have do it. It may save you some heartache later.

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