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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Guest Wegg

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Hmm. I just bought the Oak and Chestnut and I think that the Oak will meet my needs.


Man, these are nice textures! I first thought, "Yeah, it's just some combination of colors and settings with one of Hash's texture modules." But MAN! I expanded just the Oak and discovered a highly complex material all built with A:M functions.


William, put me down for wanting the whole set when they come out. If this wood works, then it means that I can render my Year in Review animation on Macs, which will save some time.


I just need to change some colors and then I'll post a render of how much better my room scene looks with the Eggington texture over an Enhance:AM texture. :)

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The textures in the above look a little too closely attached to one basic combiner style, whereas wood has all sorts of little combinations of patterns.


Not a crit of the materials offered by Wegg, because those may just have scaling issues (I can't tell), and certainly have made at least one customer very happy, but to me, a procedural wood can look a little more like:


And I for one don't mind a little shine to a finished wood used in nice, "high-class", furniture. :D


Forgive me, I've just always had an unhealthy interest for wood procedurals in raytracers. Don't know why.


Edit: Forgot to mention, one is an old darktree (available free somewhere I'm sure), the others are native AM ones I've made.


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From my Chair Wars animation:


I wanted everyone to see the difference between the Enhance:AM texture that I used ("straight from the box") and the EggProps material with which I replaced it (only changed the colors and lowered reflectivity). The unfortunate thing about those beautiful reflections off the wood work is the extra forty-five minutes it added to the render. First frame took 1:17, second took 2:04 (hours, not minutes).





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First frame took 1:17, second took 2:04 (hours, not minutes)


I would personally LOVE to see these speeds increase. 2 hours just isn't practical. I think Animation Master's raytracer hasn't really caught up with all the newfangled mmx superturbo 3DNow optomizations that other parts of the renderer have. A real pitty. It would be nice if you could bug tech support about it. Send them your scene and see what they can do to make it go faster yet still look the same because. . . that does look pretty slick.


Maybe baking? Does anyone know how to do that?


BTW I have used the Enhance textures myself and it is surprising that you can't get similar results with those. . . are there no scaling options?

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The texture itself is not the problem. Here are the things causing my lengthy render times:

  • A total of nine lights, three of them casting four rays—major slow down there
  • Reflections—this is the reason the new wood texture added forty-five minutes to the render—I wasn't using reflections last time.
  • 16-pass rendering—so take whatever the above equals and multiply it by about 14 or 15.

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With all these great materials and models!?!? You want to render in another package!?!


Ahh. . .


If you NEED to move motion info to another app then I'll probably be able to help you out soon but. . . man. . . it'd have to be a big need cause things are damn cool in A:M land. I have never been more enthusiastic and optomistic of the future of A:M than I am now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
With all these great materials and models!?!? You want to render in another package!?!


Ahh. . .


If you NEED to move motion info to another app then I'll probably be able to help you out soon but. . . man. . . it'd have to be a big need cause things are damn cool in A:M land. I have never been more enthusiastic and optomistic of the future of A:M than I am now.

Ya the reason is me and my friend are making a short together but he is so stubbern about rendering it in lightwave instead. :lol: Even though i tell him AM is just as good. That would be so cool if you could help me out in being able to move motion into lightwave!!! Then we could start making progress on our short :D

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That shows not only what can be achieved with A:M materials but also the high skill level of you and your team.




You newbee! Glad to see you here. Did you see how your still are rating on the A:M stills?

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You know something I spent weeks on, but am still not satisfied with my result is peeling paint on wood, this is my last best effort, any thoughts? I am not satisfied with how it looks on the curved aspects

if. . . your asking me.


I think it looks ok. Propper lighting would help pull some further realism into it. And when paint is chipping like that it is generally much more faded. Sunbleached I should say. The only color should be in the areas the sun can't reach. . . <shrug>

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