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  1. will upload model tonight not sure why its not in project
  2. Was working on a man-eating type prop for a project and decided to take it a little further... rendered with some volumetric lights and radiosity.
  3. Hello Hashers- I created a simple project of some flat pieces of paper blowing away..... however in the first few frames, the entire group of paper bounces in the air. I can't figure out where the setting is that might cause those papers to bounce.. Any ideas? Many thanks, Tom bounce.mp4 BounceTest.prj
  4. Many times over the years I have added some constraints in a Pose, closed the Pose window and then... they were gone! Now i have found a repeatable set of steps that makes this happen and a work-around to avoid the loss. First try this SimpleArmIKTest005.prj Open SimpleArmIKTest005.prj (Thanks to Forum member Tom for contributing this test case) In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm> >New>Pose>On/Off to start a new Pose (aka "Relationship") In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm>Bones, drag "handIK" to the top of the hierarchy by dragging it onto the Bones folder In the Relationship window> on the "lower arm" bone>New Constraint>Kinematic Click on the "handIK" bone with the eyedropper to choose it as the "target" Close the Relationship window. The new Pose will remain in the model but it will have no constraints in it. Ouch! There is something about working outside that Relationship window, before making the constraint, that causes the constraint to get made only in the temporary Action that always appears while a Relationship window is open. When the Relationship window closes, that Action disappears and the constraints that were made disappear also. Work-around... If you have opened a Relationship window and have reason to work outside of it, close it and re-open it before you make any new constraints. You can reopen a Relationship window by double-clicking on its name in your model's Relationships folder... It is possible to have many numbered Relationships in one Pose folder. Be sure to choose the one you really want to open. I have reported this bug to Steffen. Until he can implement a solution... use the work-around! @svetlik I think this is the problem you brought up a few weeks ago.
  5. I have uploaded a very simple project which might present an area of discussion on Saturday Live. I am familiar with setting poses for "percentages" but I am less knowledgeable about Poses that are "On/Off". I am wondering if the topic for discussion can be adding an On/Off pose to this simplistic arm with one Pose being IK and the other Pose being FK..? PoseTest.prj
  6. I just tried v19l Netrender and it doesn't seem to find the paths to all the various components; forcing me to lead it to every model in the chor. I tried consolidating the project into a new folder but it stopped after loading the project, not asking to select a chor. Would someone please confirm this in case I'm doing something wrong? Thanks.
  7. I am surprised to only notice now that streaks can't cast shadows! I presumed they had that option but they don't. If I had to have streaks cast shadows I would do it with compositing... Make a render with everything set to black except the streaks set to white, shot from the vantage point of the light. This will look like white particles on black. apply that render to the light to project it on the scene. Render from the regular camera view with all objects to white, turn off streaks, turn off all other lights. This will look like white lights crawling on otherwise unlit surfaces. This is your streak shadow buffer. Render the scene normally to OpenEXR format and composite the streak shadow buffer with the OpenEXR shadow buffer to combine the shadow information. This compositing could be done in an A:M Composite project or in something like After Effects. This is sort of how Z-buffered shadows work anyway However it is probably easier to fashion a small sprite that looks like a streak and use Sprites instead 😃
  8. Found a project while moving to new computer not sure I posted it before my_spring.prj
  9. Here is the new leaf project rendered to 400 frames. As you can see there is not the cyclic quality of the v12 version. I wrote to Steffen and asked if it was possible to reproduce the original version where the leaves cycle continuously. BlowingLeaves.mp4
  10. Rodney mentioned this. Charles Babbage works in a special effects shop that makes large animatronics for movies and live shows. He has been has been using A:M for many parts of the pipeline. Farther down the thread he gives a fuller description of the workflow on this particular project.
  11. Hiya Tom, What this situation called for (as with so many situations) was MORE POWERRRR!!!! The forces only push the particles so far so I added some more at key points. The bunching was caused by particles banging into each other and getting stuck so I turned particle collision off while leaving object collision on. Also cranked up the particle bounce a bit to help them keep momentum. I've attached the modified project file. Hope that helps with your experimenting. Dan blowing.mp4 WindyTunnel powwwerrrr.prj
  12. this is a cool project I tried the other day to do a Boolean cutter from scratch to make a group of 3d text engrave into a surface, but I couldn't find the setting any more on the Mac version - haven't used it for years but I was a multi-platform feature unless that changed I searched all the bone properties in the workspace and nothing, but I remember using it anywhere as it's in the standard manual and not listed as a PC-only feature anyone know if the Boolean Cutter feature is on Mac and PC or just PC? I'll try opening this project on the Mac to see if it works
  13. So the prop import works in Mac v15, maybe later, but not v19. If I save the Mac v15 project and open in v19 the prop is omitted with an error. So if I want to use any new features in an animation and a prop it's SOL until the version is fixed if possible. Again I am forced to use Windows for all AM stuff if I want complete functionality. I don't know how Largento deals with this unless he just sticks to the basics with AM on the Mac. His work is excellent and feature filled nonetheless. I would be more upset if I were a Mac-only user and wanted to use the latest version and features for which I paid. Now I'm just disappointed. I don't have time to remake all of my botanically accurate trees and herbs in splines from Tree Pro or Plant Studio or to "retopologize" all of them, so they need to be props. Getting back to the first issue, the menu is there in Mac v.15 for importing polygon models, just not in v.19. Perhaps that will be fixed as it's a long-standing useful feature.
  14. One possibility is that you clicked on the temporary Action and had it selected when you made constraints. It shouldn't matter but maybe it does sometimes. Do you have View>WorkBook enabled? Do that and make sure you have no other windows open while you are editing your Pose. When you want to open your pose to work on it, on it in your model's User Properties and Choose Edit Relationship. When you have to make settings for a constraint in the PWS make sure you are doing them in the Relationship and not in the temporary Action. If you have to work in another window (like the modeler or Bones window), close and reopen the Relationship window before you start making new constraints. Make a few constraints, close the Relationship window and save your work. Save it as a PRJ with all models embedded (Project>Embed All). Always save the PRJ with a new incremented number in the filename. Do not save over a previous file name. You want to have a trail of work so that if something goes wrong you can at least go back to the last version of your work before that something went wrong. Close the PRJ, re-load it and see if the new work you did was properly saved. I know this is not your question but... where you have the first joint of the fingers will not look right. The first joint is really deeper inside the hand, about an inch in from where the finger webbing ends, not where finger webbing ends.
  15. Spent hours setting up constraints finger joints, all was working well. Came back later, opened the project and boom. Most of the constraints had vanished. For some reason a few remained (see attached) but they were "broken" and had question mark on them. This was made with new pose on/off when I started and everything seemed to be working. I did notice as I was doing this that AM was creating an Action file and all was going into that but after closing the window and returning to the project all constraints but a few had turned to vapor. I also saved constantly while I was working on this. Again I've stumbled into a Moron Mode somehow and cant get out. Any help appreciated.
  16. Interesting videos! It occurred to me that the "GreenGas" project you created a while back looked very cool. If you could somehow have the streaks hanging in the air then a vortex force could swirl them around as a character walked by. The only thing is how would you get those streaks to "hang in the air" long enough? Maybe have a very slow emittor on the ground like mist rising? Maybe a Saturday Live Chat topic?
  17. This is off topic to what we were discussing above..... ...but I was playing around with Dust,Mist and Steam this morning and it looks like none of those are affected by "Forces". Is that a correct assumption? I'm guessing that "Forces" need some sort of particle to affect for "Forces" to work... I'm thinking about animating "wind" and I'm guessing it needs to be some sort of particle for it to animate...(and be visible) Do you know if anyone has done a "wind" project? Tom
  18. Thanks again to Rob for hosting another session which upped my AM IQ! I received a nice reply from Steffen with an updated version of the leaf blowing project using Bullet. His reply is shown below with his attached new project! From Steffen- "Select the Choreography , than -> Plugins -> Wizards -> Add Bullet Constraints to multiple models -> in the plugin dialog set the Hulltype to Box and hit Select all , hold down ctrl and left mouse button on Shortcut to Ground (to deselect the ground) and than create . This will create the needed bulletconstraints for the models . Than You can simulate. Maybe you need to modify some values for the constraints . This can be done with another plugin . Selected chor -> -> Plugins -> Wizards -> Modify Bullet Constraints on multiple models" Blow_start1.prj Leaves1A.tga
  19. Hi there. Working more through Fuchur's excellent Tank tutorial project and have completed the second video, which ends with adding boolean holes to the end of the turrets. I noticed an odd thing (well, odd to me, surely familiar to others). If I do an in-program render, the booleans show up fine. However if I render to file, the boolean cutters are rendered. Is this a sign that the boolean isn't calculated in the render, or maybe the cutters have to be set to not render, or...? Not a huge emergency and I'm sure the solution is simple enough. Just call me curious. Here's the shots. One is in-editor, one is the rendered-to-file. Really great tutorial so far! Very easy to follow and teaching some neat techniques/tools.
  20. Yes, had the timeline set to wrong mode but couldn't get it to work until I deleted the Cell Turbulence. Then it began to react to input. I was using the timeline from View/Timeline but that should be the same as the one attached to the project workspace tree right? Anyway it seems to be working now so thanks again robcat.
  21. Hello everyone. I've purchased A:M, the yearly sub option, and am diving into some tutorials. I'm going through Fuchur's tutorial here. It's a project-based tutorial, which is my favorite kind, so I'm looking forward to working through it. I've hit a bump, however. I located a couple versions of Zevel via a forum search here, but none of the versions I found seem to be recognized by A:M. I have it installed to the HXT folder, and I've closed and re-opened the program, but it doesn't show in the list when I right-click on the spline. Is it maybe an outdated? Is there an updated version that works with v19? I can bypass the beveling steps if necessary. No big deal there. Would like to include that step if possible, though. Thank you
  22. All excellent suggestions! Will have to play around with those ideas... (That errant dollar bill sticking behind must be due to inflation!😄) I know he is very busy but I did write to Steffen and asked if he was able to update that leaf project ......because it is SOOOOOO Cool! What he had going on with those Forces is remarkable. Thanks again, Tom
  23. Here is a version of the leaves project in v16 with Newton with rather different settings. It's not the desired result but at least the forces are acting on the objects. Simmed in v16 Blow_start_v15_just50SIMMED.prj leaves000.mov
  24. I found an old thread where someone using your name was previously asking about this... https://forums.hash.com/topic/45932-help-with-force-tutorial/ So apparently it is originally a v12 project? Bullet didn't exist in A:M back then. It appears to be one of Steffen's projects since the path in the zip has "am_projekte" and "newtonphysics" http://www.sgross.com/plugins/plugin6/samples.html Running v12 may not be possible anymore in Windows 10. When I try it with Newton in v15 I don't get much. In v19 there are Chor plugins to "Apply" and "Modify" Bullet constraints... They do function and I was able to get the Bullet objects to be moved by the forces but nothing like the graceful oscillation of the original Newton PRJ. You might do better with some experimentation. We may have to ask Steffen @yoda64 how it might be redone in Bullet.
  25. The brown spotlight and one-patch Ground plane suggest this is a project that predates v19/Bullet and uses Newton. However when i load it into v18 I get the message that it was created in v19. Is the Blow_Start PRJ resaved in v19?
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