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  1. Alot of nice stuff on there Rod. I dig the sketches too. Now, I'm all kinds of curious about Secret Project 1 and 2. Hmmmmm ..... Doug
  2. dmouncey - great work!! you have been busy..... All the characters has a certin flow to them, they are very simple and look funny ( good job ).. This seemed like a fun project... keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing.
  3. That's really neat. If I had to live in an apple I think I'd be happy in that one. About a month ago I created a worm when my daughter came home from school with a task to recreate a story from a book on a poster or somesuch. We designed a shadowbox (out of a shoebox). While we were thinking of ideas I modeled the scene in A:M. A fun time was had by the whole family. If the project isn't on my daughter's crashed harddrive I'll post it here. *** Wish I would have seen your apple back then. I would have had to add it to the scene *** With... ahem... your permission of course. Rodney
  4. Not trying to distract you from the character or rush you but... Have you had a chance to work on any backgrounds, props or supporting characters. I'm interested in where you are heading with your project. Rodney
  5. Bravo! and Congratulations. So what's the next project? Rodney
  6. Hi Hashers. I've updated the apple a bit, mainly textures/materials. I'd appreciate any comments on this as I feel i'm getting closer to completion on this part of the project. click and scroll down for update ... Cheers. Doug
  7. John, Really nice work on all your stuff. I am looking forward to seeing your project develop. I am also very interested in your technique for facial animation. In the past, when doing some facial animation in version 9, I would make a separate pose for each phenome such as "A", "O", "E", etc. As well as one for smile, frown, etc. Could you or someone else explain your technique a little more deeply? How to set up this kind of system? What do you mean that a single smartskin can easily encompass 3 pose sliders? Keep up the good work. Joe.
  8. WOW thanks alot for the feedback and encouragement guys...... I don't think this is the place to disscus this but just to let you all know, because of some error in A:M 10.5 am unable to render my scenes.... I have tried everything and the problem can't seem to be fixed. As a result if I decide to resume this project it will be done in A:M 8.5... which means I have to re-model from scratch amoung other things..... Over 7 months of planning and concept arts seem to be in vain; this is very dissapointing but it's ok things happens I guess.... Thanks again to all for your help and encouragement you guys are great.
  9. Thanks Grubber, Here's the project as it currently stands if you want to pick at it and see how it works. Enjoy! -Drakk shiptest_early.zip
  10. I heartily concur. Your artwork strikes me, Darklimit, I mean that. I would be sorry if you had to let this project go.
  11. Don't quit on us now! Your dream (err umm nightmare) is looking great. Shame to not push it through to completion. I for one have been looking forward to the end product of this project since you first shared it on the board. Hope you keep it up!
  12. zacktaich - Thanks I will darken it..... am afraid due to software technical problems I can no longer continue this project so I have cancelled it....... At least I ended up with an ok model that am pleased with.. Thanks to you and to all the other artist who helped me so much along the way..... Dark....
  13. Thanks for the comments Haikalle: Thanks, . I'm using a Skycast Righttp://skycast.artboxanimation.com Frank:The architectural walkthrough was done in another program which shall remain nameless. It was a long term project which I started as stills, pre-multipass renderer and Skycast. When time came to do the walkthrough animation, the building was already modelled in polys. I chose to model this stuff in AM so that I'd have it to use in Master, and so I can do the next walkthrough in AM. It was modelled direct from furniture catalogue photos. I use mostly texture maps because of rendering speed. Jurnco: Shucks, but they're nowhere near that good.
  14. Thanks, I've always had a fascination with hands, as seen in the screen shot below. The screen shot shows a short film that I never was able to finish due to technical limitations on the software I was using. I used a freeware program called Alice which was very hard to work with. There is actually some fun stuff in it that will most likely be carried over to hands down, I wish I could show what I had completed of the film but the file is so huge my website would probably crash. That project was my first encounter with 3D animation.
  15. Very nice! How about using pens with erasers as the steering mechanism/rods and maybe a zippo lighter (the leather covered ones) as the seat back, just to reinforce that 'made at home' feel? Anyway, i hope you'll post more as your project progresses. .. (great, now I want to go and make something...stupid job gettin in my way again.... ) -Drakk
  16. Well, I have resumed work on me pet-project and have been adding things to Peg's Mansion as well as colouring it in! It still needs work on the tree leaves and bark, and the obvious tile pattern on the tower - but hey! - I have never really done this texturing bit before I have the '3D Painting & Texturing' book on the way which should help alot! Looking forward to your comments
  17. I like the scene and I think the look is quite fun. I think that style of house is called "half-timbered"? If that's the plan you maybe might add some diagonal timbers; those seem to be a hallmark of that style and would add some detail. I can go for the stone tower (ya gotta keep your damsels somewhere, right? ) but I'm not sold on that stone structure in front of the house, though. It seems out of place for such a dwelling. Keep the tudor front door but move it back flush with the front of the house and maybe have just a stone arch framing it? But it looks like a very promising project.
  18. Fun project, Jeff! Very creative, and well done on such a short timeline. Kudos!
  19. Zaryin said: I am glad to be back at my project again, not only that but using AM again is a GREAT feeling! Jim said: What do you mean wacky? My middle name's wacky! Vernon adopted it I invented it
  20. Glad to se you are working on your project again. The modeling looks great so far. And except for the repeatable pattern of the texture, that also looks good.
  21. Darklimit said: That's exactly what I want - none of this photo-realistic stuff - takes too long to do that LOL Mega said: I am not planning on doing too much with the backgrund at the moment... I think I will render out some trees as a layer and slap it on to make it look like a wood in the background or hills or something. AS for the lighting I haven't done a thing other than just mod the default lights that a new choreography creates. Sean C said: Again, that's exactly what I want! It's intended for a series of Children's stories that I have been working on since I was... oh, let me see now... er... hum... Thanks for the comments people, I really appreciate them it! Helps kick me into gear and get on with this project
  22. Here's a room I'm making for a game with Alpha 8 Win 2000. I'm having abit of trouble getting it to look good. The current issues are: 1 Shadows within shadows. That can't happen in reality given that there is only one light source. 2 Anomaly in wallpaper which is a decal used on all the walls. There is no spline located there 3 The outline of the table(and shelf) is taking on the colour of the wall under the decal (I have the opacity at 50% to get varying shades on each of the walls) Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks. [img]http://kenheslip_1.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/room.jpg[/img] PS After loading the project it takes an age to save the first time, but then it's back to normal after that. Is there anyway to avoid that?
  23. Hey all. I'm looking for a little input for my little, on-going merman project. I am now attempting/struggling to texturemap the head. Jim Talbot's video tuts have been really helpful in this capacity, since I needed to know how A:M allowed the magical UV process to take place. But from a more artistic standpoint, I really don't know what to do. What sort of skin tone would look best? How thick should a person lay on shading and facial features? Does he need color mapping for wrinkles, or should I leave that to bump mapping? Any input is quite welcome. Here are some pics. [img]http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rossmith/gallery/mm_tm_side.jpg[/img] [img]http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rossmith/gallery/mm_tm_front.jpg[/img] [img]http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rossmith/gallery/mm_tm_angle.jpg[/img] Thanks for lookin'. :) --Ross
  24. Genius! :lol: bags of character and a bundle of laughs, I really cant wait to see this project completed! V Impressed!
  25. [quote name='MixePix' date='Jan 10 2004, 01:41 PM']Here is some old stuff I’ve made in AM A commercial for a children hospital (I did the 3d-stuff and tracking.): [url="http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/Silvia.mov"]http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/Silvia.mov[/url] The first commercial I did in AM (of course it’s only the island, ocean and bird that is A:M): [url="http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/folkreklam2.mov"]http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/folkreklam2.mov[/url] This was one of the first tracking shots I did in A:M. It was part of a project where the theme was ‘crappy television-superheroes’. This was the ‘Gaffa Tape-man’ (he even had his own theme-song :) ). : [url="http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/testa_tentakel_comp.mov"]http://hem.passagen.se/petterse/test/testa_tentakel_comp.mov[/url][/quote] That children's hospital one is very good. I like it. Edit: Damn, but the more I look at it and think about it- that commercial is awsome. It is so well done and craftily designed I almost cry watching! I'm serious! If you were responsible in any way for the crafting of how the overall meaning of that commercial plays out, you are one savvy marketer! It all dawned on me as soon as I ran the thing in reverse using the scrubbar. One funny cultural thing though (not a crit to you obviously!)- over here that many white-skinned blond-haired people would look might funny or... insulting. Interesting how I've been affected by my society's concern for representing people as potentially any race. Can't get the superhero one to run in QT- what format is it?
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