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  1. Hi doug ... until 2010 i finish this project hey you Elm .... i didnt use the YP´s dome yet in this project , in the internal picture i used this cho (attached) ... in external picture i used only 1 sun lght widht=5000 / Rays = 30 / BIAS=.1 thx for your comments cho.zip
  2. Yeah, I knew you were going to get weird artifacts around the decal given your prior image. There currently is a problem with alpha channels on transparency maps only trimming the areas that are pure black. You could have made a gray scale image and done a semi-hack to make the black look more like the underling material, but the problem will go away all together when the alpha problem gets fixed. (And yes for any one wondering the problem was reported with a sample project)
  3. Here is a model of the New Horizons Pluto Spacecraft. Not that impressive, but a paying client is extremely happy with the final model. Animation and Texturing will be done by others. My contribution to the project is complete. I just provided the mesh model. New Horizons Link
  4. Greetings I had to abandon the project for some time.. but I am back now, and little by little I will continue it... i did a little animation to test Two2go´s rig ... comments are welcome ... always cheers Xtaz two2goandando5.mov
  5. Finally getting to the end of this project. A couple things left to but thought I'd post a pic so as to ask the following question re: the backdrop. I added a gradient backdrop as someone suggested but i'm not pleased. The question is, why don't the colors behave the same in the chor as they do in the model window? I presume it has something to do with light color? I'd also love to hear any comments on this scene. Cheers. Doug
  6. you will also need this tga for the project .. treemap.tga
  7. and here is the test project file TreeZ_03_test.prj
  8. Step 2: Test for Depth now invoke the TreeeZ plugin. we are doing this to find out how many levels your tree will have. depending on your target surface and on your locality curve the number of generated levels may vary greatly. the example tree had 8 levels (0=the topmost level, 7=the trunks base) note the number as and reload your saved project
  9. ok heres a small tutorial on how to create a tree with an animated target surface: Step 1: Build Target Surface first you need to construct your target surface. i have just made a "half-torus". i have also added a bone and assigned the targets cps to it. you can also see the "base" group. now is also a good time to adjust your thickness, branchlength, regularity and locality curves if needed. save the project.
  10. Thanks Marcel, without TreeZ and AM11 it would have been a lot more time consuming This project is illustrations only.
  11. "ah... codec trouble!" I DL'd the MOVs and AVIs of your "deck" and "patent" anims to see why you got such different results. Here's what I got... Deck.AVI is compressed with Cinepak while Deck.MOV is compressed with Sorenson. Sorenson (not available in MS Video for Windows) can compress far better than cinepak (written long ago for very slow CPUs with slow CD-ROMS) So why are the "Patent" anims so similar in size? While patent.AVI is also in Cinepak, the patent.MOV is "compressed" with the "Animation" codec. "Animation" codec is a mostly lossless thing. It's usually set to "no compression" and used in situations where the footage that comes out of your 3D app needs to be taken into some other compositing app like Adobe After Effects for use with other visual elements. It is good for this purpose because it's the only codec I know of that preserves the "alpha" channel. But once the project is finished it is compressed with some other codec to reduce the distribution size. "Animation" codec does not produce small file sizes. It's really badly named because it leads many to think that's what they should use for their animation. So, you're patent.mov could be much smaller if you redid it in Sorenson. MS Video for Window (AVI) really doesn't have any good codecs built in. Divx (an add-on codec) compresses very well, but: - most people don't have it installed - many are confused into thinking they have to buy it when they go to the DivX site to get it. - Some people never get it to work. If you need to publish a PC-flavored file, how about downloading the FREE "Microsoft Windows Media Encoder" from the MS site and use it to create WMVs? Microsoft Windows Media Encoder has great audio and video compression, really about the best there is right now. And every PC owner already has what they need to play WMVs.
  12. Hey Gerry, nice work! Dunno if you've tried it, but FlashMX has a video import from Quicktime that gives you more granular control on the compression. It uses the Sorenson algorithm and it worked pretty good for my newbie project in AM. For example, my first animation since picking up AM about a week or so ago cut the file size in half using Flash MX. It outputs as a .swf file and naturally can play embedded with a browser that has Flash installed which is almost all major browsers. Depending on how much clarity you want, it might just work out. Try it out and good luck!
  13. I can tell just looking at the image that most of the normals in the nose are pointing in the wrong direction. The 5 pointers might be pointing out, but some of the other patches aren't. All the patches surrounding 5 pointers have to all be facing in the same direction as the 5 point patch or the ones facing in the opposite direction will cause the black creases at the edge of your 5 point patches. Remember you might also have to save and reload the project after you flip the normals to get it to render correctly.
  14. Please tell me this won't trigger the Apocalyspe. But if it would, then don't tell me, because that would be the 1000th post and... I downloaded the project but it seems to be looking for an external model which is not part of the file.
  15. *Hope this isn't my 1000th post... It's not suppose to be this one! Forgot to update here: Since I probably won't be able to retrieve my 3D walk cycle anytime soon... I'll post the basics idea here... with more to come. The *trick*: What the previous images consist of is 3 instances of the same model dropped into a choreography. From the choreography adjust any one of the models CPs/Splines to create depth. Don't adjust too far if using line rendering or the separate lines show. Lines that are extruded into patches have much more flexibility in thickness... *Note: The models do NOT have any solid patches (in the middle of the model) so only the outline renders. The background is white set in camera settings. Attached is a pretty much useless line test project. But it shows some of the basics with both line rendered and patch render lines. I may recreate my 3D walk cycle if I can't retrieve it.
  16. looking great, a subtle splash of a colour theme and some nice lighting would do it wonders. is it going to be sandy or rocky? did you get the light to project a fake caustic? perhaps projecting a looping video would be good for animation? Nixie
  17. Thanks zacktaich! Here's project files... skull.zip
  18. Thanks for the comments. I wish I could work on it right now! I am in the middle of a disasterous project. deadline looming....total brain lock! Oh well. Always the weekend. Question about your username: Is it "mediaho" like "westward Ho!" or more like the prostitute thing like "You're just a damn mediaho!"? Just curious. Vernon "Media Prostitute" Zehr
  19. Wow, he is really turning out. What exactly is your project?
  20. Dear all i did not look at this pose for along time Because i try to set a trainning center 3d character in thailand but i can not because i can not finish deal(nigotiation)with hash and my company so ... trainning centre did not use hash as main 3d app. Bizzle : your pasa thai is yiam are u stay in thailand before? Mike Fitz : i will convert it for u and every soon Alien_Films Is it a real commercial that actually aired or just your own project with a product you made up? at the first time this Character is my own project but my client come to my office and talk about new Commercial ad and look at my project..he said he like my character and want all character in a new Commercial ad at this time my project is still in a paper because it need alot a money to run ... Srmjr: What's Ditto mean? Charoensak TAM (THAILAND animation master )User
  21. no the groups are just used for grouping. no groups will give the same results. of course you could select the group AFTER growing the tree and delete it to get rid of a level. but keep in mind, that on unbalanced trees this might not work as expected so applying a hair material will actually let it grow along the whole tree. a simple solution to this problem would be a modification of the plugin to add an additional spline ring for each main branch. that way unsuspecting intermediate branches wont be caught (if anyone would like this, it would be easy). the other way to work around it will soon be available: the tree will automatically have a decal applied that can e.g. control hair density along its lenghth. Well, the funny thing is if I take your project in AM beta for OSX, it works without modifying anything. If I create a new project, add splines for the base and then the branch targets, and call the base "base", without the group levels, it crashes (but then OSX beta is just that). I should try it out on my crappy PC (yes, it is just crappy, not because it's a PC, although... ) and see what happens. The extra spline sounds like an interesting idea. Wow, the decal for density sounds cool too. Would be nice if it could be a randomly generated one.
  22. Possibly when you made the character in modeling mode, you may have ended up with a group that was copied over the pre-existing project. One set of mesh being boned and the other not. Try checking in the modeling mode for an extra copy of your character.
  23. yes. but if you delete the old "base", the groups "level0" through "level20" will be empty. this means, that no new cps can be added by the plugin (this is being fixed in a:m - thanks dan!). so if you want the plugin to assign the cps to the levels (to be easily able to assign hair), you'll have to add cps of the base to each level you want filled. selecting one cp is sufficient (have a look at my example project to see how i did it .. difficult to explain (for me) but actually very simple ..) the model is actually created in the MODEL. the action is just used to get the curve controls (and soon the target surface animation). so you can just select your tree, copy it and insert it into a new model in your desired project. Aha! That's why I saw just the one CP light up when I clicked on the different levels in the PWS...makes sense now. Question: What happens if you add more or delete levels? Will the treeZ generate more or less branches (yes I know it does this based on target CP's, but what will happen otherwise)? And, thanks for the info on the model. Simple and should have thought of that, but being at my current day job (until we get the game studio off the ground) and using an old Dell drains any creativity from me...no matter how simple something is. Can't wait to get home and try this on my Mac!!
  24. One last stupid question: How do I get it to render so the targets (and patches) don't render? 1: dont use4 patches for the "target". splines are enough, you can just draw a freehand spiral object and get great results. this spline of course wont render 2: delete the target surface after tree generation (OR: copy only the tree object into a your desired project) 3: give the target surface transparency and/or a leaf texture if you are after that kind of look.
  25. That was pretty cool!! Awesome job!! Is it a real commercial that actually aired or just your own project with a product you made up?
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