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  1. Thanks a lot! My actual goal is to become an animation director, so I think adapting an existing animation through my vision is good experience. As a director someday, I would love to work with talented writers, character designers, and animators to make original movies. For right now, though, I'm enjoying working on this project. -Noah
  2. Hi Ernesto! If your project won't load or crashes, try opening the file in a text editor (notepad p.e.) and deleting everything between [WINDOWPLACEMENTS] and [ENDWINDOWSPLACEMENTS]. (as seen on "Animation:Master" 2002 A Complete Guide" by David Rogers) I hope that it works. See you in the Cole3d
  3. This is one of the main characters for a series project I'm working on.
  4. By the way we have him in the project files ready to use. We just can't get the bones to work right to make him move. The concept is not hard if you know what your doing. We are just to new at it.
  5. We are still looking for someone to help with this project. Sorry Ken we lost your information
  6. okay and if you're are interested here's the project file got the right fir(pine) this time but hey its late fir.zip
  7. We use bmp files like animated gifs. So each animation is a sequential series of images that are in bmp format and then displayed at a frame rate of 15fps max. It works the same as gifs, but has the advantage of more colors and you can compress bmp files, too. Plus bmp files are a Windows standard and the program only runs on Windows. What we need is a 3D look and cells that can be played as animation for various movements that we want the characters to make. I hope this helps clarify our needs. We can convert though from any format to bmps. More details about this project follow: I need frame cells captured from a moving character. We use a type of bmp animation with DirectX. Examples of what I will eventually need are below: The character (dog man, cat man, elephant man, duck man) needs to bend down and pick up reach up turn left turn right reach out to right reach out to left at chest level walk right walk left smile jump up and down hop left hop right I would like to start with this: A frog that does many of these things and uses his tongue to catch things smiles talks eats things turns right turns left turns backward I need the frame by frame movement in 16bit color bmp 200x200 pixels
  8. Sorry guys!. My intention was make some modifications to the animation, like you critic me before,and post here, but.................what a surprise, when I start the program and select the project.................Taraaaaaannnnnnn!!!!!!!!!.................I LOST IT!!!!!!!............ . But at least I wrote all your critics in my notebook, and I'll try to apply them in my nexts animations .................I'm a "bad lucky guy" ...............
  9. Just trying out an idea with a tree and leaves and trying to seee if the controls get saved. All but the last frame .. saved fine... the last frame highlights a leaf and I noticed that after saving and looking at the frame it shifted slightly but I did have a random factor checked in the sprite window so that would explain it. If Vern says its okay I'l posted the project since he inspired part of the leaf Tinkering Gnome moneytree.mov
  10. Just looking at this image and what I remember of Fay's dress, I believe the clothes are different enough to keep people from confusing the two -- especially if the color schemes are different. All the same, if you intend to do a re-design, you can easily avoid great similarities. I'm glad to hear you're putting more time into this project. It's always hard, scraping together enough time to dedicate to work like this, but it's always a pleasure to see your updates. Nice image, also. You're really pushing the envelope on toon rendering in Hash.
  11. I feel bad saying this, but I also feel it needs to be said. Back off on the flashies on your web site. I could not hang around long enough to read the web site content because the buttons and flashing images were driving me crazy. A complete distraction. The moving spheres on the first page do not warrant a Java load. From what content I did read the project it looks great. The models seemed very nice. Wish I could say more. Hope your endeavor goes as planed.
  12. Which part are you interested in? A:M->GBA palleted sprites? Coding for the ARM7? The hell that its sound to GBA? We basically searched for resource straight from google. The official NOA documentation is a big no no but there are some good groups out there that have basically reverse engineered the whole platform and opened it up to amateurs. First stop will probably be the HAM SDK which include an gcc arm compiler and some neato tools. I must warn you though, you either need to be a C++ coder or working VERY closely with one, this stuff isn't cake. There is no file system, which means all images/sounds/scripts must be converted to headers to be compiled directly into the flash. I love developing for it though, in fact the only reason we stopped in the first place is my buddy Guy took a job at Backbone Entertainment in Emeryville to do GBA programming (hence he can't do it outside of work). So if you are interested in doing a project, let me know! delaney@gsddevelopment.com. P.S. Love your work man! I'm a big pinup fan.
  13. Here's a quick test. Close project...bring in bump map, set key color to not set, import chanter, apply image, increase percentage to 300%.
  14. If you blur a bump map, as Yves suggested, you will get a nicer result, but you should see bumps even if you don't. I think you still have a problem with the key color. If you apply a decal image that you haven't imported to the project, my experience is that the key color change doesn't have any effect on the decal . The solution is to close the project and reopen it. A better method that works for me is to import the image first, set the key color and then apply the image as a decal. The first image is an example of with your unmodified bump map and the second one is when the bump map is blured:
  15. Hello everyone. Someone in HASH community chat asked me about a constraint system to allow both suspension and steering for an automotive project. I'm sorry but Hash Chat went down for me and I lost the connection. And I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't really pay attention as to who it was that was asking. Anyhow, here is the project if anyone might need something like this. Zipped Project (bones only) Hope this helps someone
  16. I've been playing with the Osprey tutorial from JohnArtbox and am pretty happy with my progress. I still am driving myself batty with getting the lighting that I want (trust me, it's more difficult than lighting a real set!). Of course, the requisite checkered floor has to make an appearance, although I'd like to have a better handle on materials to generate a grungier texture for the floor. I'm experimenting with decals as I can whip up terriffic textures in photoshop, but as for my ability to get them into A:M, well, I'm still in the embryonic stage there. This attached picture is about the 15th generation of the project (thanks to John for some of the models, as well as the Hash libraries).
  17. Folks, I'm working on a side project using this practice chanter. I wanted to dress it up and add a bump map to the chrome collar. But the tga image doesn't seem to create the definition I wanted. The decal was applied with as a cylindrical decal, type bump. Any ideas on how to best set up a bump map to get this decal to show as etched in the chrome?
  18. Hey Raf, Looking great! The sword flip might feel off because it seems to spin around the center of the sword, and most swords center of balance is much closer to the heavy handle, meaning the center of the spin is not the center of the sword. The rope on the second one passes throught the column. How big of a project will this be? Can't wait to see more, how soon will you finish it? -Alonso
  19. I really like the directors cut. I need to go back and compare the two to really understand what was changed though. As it stands, your project seems to have been a great success. I can only guess that you might convince yourself to do it again next year after the memory of those sleepless days fade. Very nice work and efforts from all! - Rodney
  20. Looks really, really good. Movement is nice and fluid. I hope the animation in my project is even half as good. Only one nitpick though. In the first clip the pirate's left hand goes through the cube beside him when he is landing on the ground.
  21. Alas- NO. I can NOT get my dynamic restraint to render. I can see it working in the choreography but it WILL NOT RENDER. I just tried it 20 different ways and all were for naught. I wrote hash support. The only thing I can figure is there's a conflict between the dynamics of the hair and the dynamics of the dynamic support. When I send my project file to Hash do I need to send all the models, decals, matierials etc. separately? Yeesh!
  22. Hey Forum! Thanks for the kind words... I am attaching the 'final' version of the movie from earlier and another one I did quick on the side. Both are actually tests to use action blending, which for the most part works pretty cool, with a minimal of hitches. I think I stumbled upon a 'bug' or 'limitation' whereas when using v11 hair with dynamics'on' that any 'dynamic-constraints' do not appear at render time, like the program is only able to arithmaticly handle one, not both. I say that because I (naturally) put a bone in Miss D's 'chest area' with a dynamic constraint to add a 'jiggle' factor... and in my chor I can see it bouncing away REALLY nice...but when I render the movie that secondary action does not appear. Pity. I'll prepare a project file and send it to support. THIS IS THE SAME MOVIE FROM BEFORE BUT WITH A LOT OF REVISIONS. CrimeBomb2.mov
  23. Hello all. It's amazing what great things happen on #hash3d, not only interesting conversations, great guffaws and of course now the monthly lectures But for me a couple weeks ago the idea for a "new" story came out of IRC. I don't want to give much a way but the 2 main characters are loosely based on 2 of our well known A:M ers. It will be an action adventure type story if all goes well. Hopefully through diligence on my part my skills will match up to my imagination and I can do the story justice.
  24. Your animation is very floaty. You might want to read up on some animation principles like anticipation and creating a sense of weight, particularly in the woman's jump off the mountain. If she anticipates the jump by crouching down before jumping up off the mountain it will look much better. Right now it looks like she flies off the mountain. Looks like a very ambitious project. Kudos to you for taking it on.
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