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  1. Hello! Two questions in a single hour! Crazy! Anyway, I'm trying to create a beach ball sort of coloring pattern, and am running into a problem. I've tried selecting alternating columns, using the patch select tool, and by selecting CPs, but when I assign a color, it's affecting the entire ball. So, I tried applying the color to just one group, and then adding more patches to that group, and I can't seem to make that happen, either. When I select a patch on the next column, it does a kind of "select everything in between original group and new selection", kinda like shift-selecting an entire line or paragraph of text in a word document. Does the same thing if I try to Ctrl-Select. I then tried to set the entire ball to one color, then go back and use "Remove from Group" on the stripes I don't want in that color , and that seems to be affecting patches I'm not selecting as well. I don't see any option to select patches and then "add them to group". So, I'm kinda at a loss here, but I'm sure there's a way to do it. Here's a pic where I have at least one column colored, so you can see the way I'm looking to color it. I'd like it to have alternating blue and orange stripes. Thanks!
  2. avi mp4 file in old post cartoonscatter1.prj decided to post new stuff here see next entry
  3. Heya! Cracked open A:M (v17 Mac) for the first time in ages, and it seemed like something was missing. Sure enough, it's the Project Workspace! I think it must be off-screen somewhere, but I'm having absolutely zero luck getting it to show up. Tried all the usual tricks (changing resolution etc). I've poked around in the prefs and even done a complete factory reset (which unfortunately does not seem to affect window position). When I open a model or a project, all the other windows are here... but the Workspace is completely absent. Hitting control-1 (hide/show) produces nothing. Any suggestions? Is there a way to reset window positions (reseting form the Help menu, the Customize... menu option and deleting MasterPrefs.ini all don't reset them)?
  4. This is a random question for you guys/ gals. Anyone interested in modelling/ rigging the Jonny Quest(1964 original series) Characters?? :)
  5. robots.mov robots.zip this is probably posted somewhere else now I have another idea to use this project ...going to try attaching camera to one of the robots ....
  6. Sprite starlet.tga it acts strange showing only edges getting color flowera.prj project file flowera.mov 32 bit version qt flowera.avi 64 bit version avi
  7. Okay you know this stuff already right? Because I'm a big fan of Right Clicking I sometimes forget about the ease of double clicking in the Project Workspace and use alternative ways that often add a few extra steps. The primary exception to the rule in double clicking in the Project Workspace is the top container (Project). As you are already in a project double clicking won't create a new project. In fact it won't do anything. When clicking on Image, A:M will prompt you to open an image. The same goes for double clicking on Sound. A:M will prompt us to load a audio file. Double clicking on a Material will create a new (default) material, ready and waiting for it's attributes to be customized. A good example of saving time via a double click is when creating a Post Effect. As with Materials, if we double click on the Post Effect container it will directly create an empty (new) post effect ready for the assignment of the Type of Effect we want. Right Clicking will get us there too (via the New option) but not as quickly as a double click will. There are some default behaviors that go with the double click to consider too. For instance, there are a lot of different types of Objects we can create (Model, Camera, Light, Null, Force, Motion Control Device, Layer...) but double clicking on Object will create a new (empty) Model. To create the other types of Object, Right Click and run through the available options (New, Import, Wizards, etc.). Once an Object has been created, double clicking on the next tier down (the Object itself) will open that object. Double Clicking on a Camera is an exception like clicking on Project. Nothing will happen. I suspect a reason for this behavior is that as with Projects we can only have one default Camera. We can add additional cameras by Right Clicking on Object and selecting New/Camera. At any given time while in a Choreography the view can then be set to a different camera (or even a light, which can be viewed from almost as if it were a camera).. Single Clicking on an Object in a Choreography will activate it (for animating) while double clicking it will open the original Object (for editing).
  8. From the folks behind Animation Mentor (Bobby Beck, Shawn Kelly and Carlos Beana) comes a new online collaboration platform; Artella. There's not a lot of info at present but the Artella FAQs suggest the goal is to make it something of a GITHUB for creative projects. One of the primary motivations appears to be that many folks want to get involved in creative projects but not everyone can do that for a living (i.e. there are only so many paying jobs to go around). What do you do with all that knowledge and experience? How do you keep from losing motivation? What exactly do you do with your talent? Additional info: - Creators maintain all rights to their projects. - Project content is stored on Artella servers. The big question is how much will belonging to Artella cost? No word on that yet. Artella plans to go live in late 2015. http://www.artella.com/ (I might need to start a separate forum area just for all the various online collaboration services that are popping up these days)
  9. Late night thinking here so bear with me... The term 'best method' is relative here but I'm looking to find a good way to combine a whole lot of Project files (hundreds?) into one single Project file. There are some difficulties in this. One of the primary obstacles: Same name assets (i.e. materials named material1 in more one project etc.) Those may have to be dealt with on a case by case basis. One method that works fairly well: Embed everything in the Project and then save as a Choreography Do this for each Project Import all the Chors into one Project (I tested this with good results but I believe an important step will be to rename all assets before exporting to Chor to indicate what part of the new Project they belong to. I believe this has the downside of not exporting any asset in the Project that is NOT in the current Chor. Those assets would not be transferrred.) I'm curious if I'm missing something simple here. For instance, can we import a Project into another Project? Going the text editing route is an alternative but with that approach the chance of breaking stuff increases dramatically. A similar approach might be to use a text merge tool (i.e. with Notepad++) and keep those parts of the file that are required.
  10. As more and more collaborative teams hit the internet to bring their projects to life small and large services are popping up to address that need. In the past I've mentioned a few and several of those have since had significant upgrades. Shotgun (recently purchased by Autodesk) is one that gets the majority of press because they got a head start on their competition and have invested deeply in the features needed to bring projects through production. Frame.io is another of these services. Will it work well for your next project? Answer: It depends. On the low end (the space which most independent creators occupy) where a team of two or three work on a project services such as Frame.io may be well worth investigating. Frame.io's starting tier is free for 5 or fewer collaborators (although note this is not the same as 5 team members). http://support.frame.io/article/13-how-much-does-frame-io-cost There are a few getting started videos: http://support.frame.io/category/5-getting-started-videos At this time the Project Management/Approval part of the service appears to be limited to a simple toggle of a 'Completed' tab in response to comments posted by collaborators but this may be sufficient in many cases. Project/Media Management has improved significantly from the days of 'Tin Woodman of Oz' and DotProject**. A few other services that have been vying for attention that have been covered in the forum before include Shotgun, Sony Media Cloud Services, RGBNotes, and Tactic. All have their various pros and cons and associated price points. Related applications/services I haven't looked into: CineSync **While it started off with excellent potential DotProject seemed to have plateaued and hasn't been updated since 2013.
  11. Had an idea for a game for tablets/phones and was wondering if anyone here uses the Unity engine and can help produce it. Will need animators, texture artist, sounds. Idea is this: Zombie Taxi Driver. The idea is the player is the passenger, the driver is a zombie. You have a set amount of $$ that diminishes as time goes on (meter). You need to get from one end of a town to another before you run out of time/money. View would be inside in the back seat of the taxi and as you give directions the zombie would look in the rear view mirror and make a zombie groan. Controls would be slightly delayed since your directing which way to turn when to stop and when to go. Repeated tapping will distract the driver causing the reaction to be slower so there isn't any button mashing but takes more timing. Traffic can be random and the city would be very simplistic looking.
  12. http://premiereclip.adobe.com/videos/GwoAtou7EY5 I have no other information on this but realtime facial motion capture is always going to be a useful thing. I suppose the real trick would be to export the captured data for usage elsewhere (such as in A:M). For those of you that use Adobe CC, they are accepting signup for beta testing. DIsclaimer: The video was taken by an audience member so the audio is pretty rough. Here's a bit more from their site: This relates to something I was trying to set up in A:M a few years ago. Not facial capture from a webcam... that is way beyond me... but driving bones/motion via Group Names, which is something A:M almost does already as Named Groups can correspond to CP assignment with bones. As I'm no programmer I left off when I ran up against the need to automate the process of programatically assigning those Grouped Names to Bones. In short, I wasn't up to doing the actual work.
  13. Was wondering how interesting would it be to see another community movie based on James and the Giant Peach? I know Burton did a version, but how cool would it to see a version done in CG. especially powered by AM.
  14. Did you know... There are more than 12 different ways to add a spherical shape or model into a project in A:M? (and there are a few more when we consider the variations on those). Here are some basic approaches: - Double Click on a Sphere in the Library - Drag and Drop a Sphere from the Library to the Choreography window - Drag and Drop from anywhere in your computers file system or desktop into A:M - Use the Primitive Wizard - Import a Sphere Model (via one of the many different ways possible) - Import a Sphere Prop (STL, 3DS, OBJ, etc.) - Borrow the Sphere from another project (copy/paste from Model to Model) - Use the Duplicator Wizard (also very useful for creating partial sphere meshes) - Create the sphere out of Light - Fake the sphere via a 5 point circular patch - Fake the sphere via standard patches - Composite the sphere into your scene via image/bitmap - Fake or create the sphere via Font or Adobe Illustrator wizard (bezier curves/vector graphics) - Ask someone in the A;M forum if you can borrow their sphere for your project And last but not least is number er...15... Model the sphere via the classic lathe technique. I'm sure I've forgotten a couple and I haven't included any method I haven't used yet (such as creating the sphere via data in Excel). Where/if there is interest we can explore each one of these methods in detail. This isn't just about adding spheres into a project. Knowing more about these basic processes can open new avenues of approach to solving problems and improve workflow over all.
  15. Here's a clever pricing strategy for all you free-lance types... Freelance pros take the zeros out of project bids. Here's Why.
  16. When I load a project that then looks for files, such as jpgs etc that aren't in the location the project expects, AM opens up a file window to locate it BUT the file window will not allow me to drill to a lower level - only to a higher level. AND, having navigated to a higher level will not let me navigate to the original lower level. iMac - OSX 10.9.1. Most likely a Mac issue - can someone confirm before I lodge a AM Report. Cheers
  17. I recently finished work on a new character called Reiko Isn't she cute? She'll be starring in my new video game project. I haven't made any firm decisions other than it'll be a heavily story driven adventure/puzzle game with 8 directional movement. Over the last couple of days I've been working on getting some basic things organised. Such as Reiko herself being controllable and her being able to walk around objects. Below is a quick video of what I've got done so far. Sequence_01.mov
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