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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by entity

  1. Amen! We are here to help each other. We should all keep this as a standard. Will, you have generated a lot of heat here, and I'll be watching this thread very closely!
  2. Okay- A good working title--- "Good to the Last Fairie" Just kidding-(I started thinking of those "Maxwell House coffee" commercials)
  3. Ummm, I believe that that is the overall big picture here... He could have used the last fairie... but he freed the fairie, when the fairie had no hope. I like the whole emotional grip of it. It's a very interesting concept... and very original... see the emotions he got out of you with just thumbnails/storyboards? Get it? Conflict = story. Although, you could have the troll at least have some regretfull look on his face when he frees the last fairie. That wouldn't take the troll completely out of character... We need to see his struggle in freeing the fairie to show that he, at last, fought something in himself.
  4. Zach, I love what you show everytime! Eventualy I will subscribe. It really inspires me to learn how to animate, but I'm afraid I will never have the quality that is in your animations... why didn't I get the "animator gene" too? Next meeting... the DVD will be available along with the bonus DVD with 6 hours of explanation on how we did it-(I have A.D.D., as you could tell at the meeting) When??? Oh my GOD!!! How many times did I stutter?? Uh-oh. That's my line!-- Dude, if you only knew... you don't have to bring anything really... you could just bring "ideas" and it would be fine... and If you brought some cokes... that would bring tears to Zach's eyes... and cookies, that would fill Vern up... or "another lap-mac" to the meeting, but please show up! PLEASE? ...and then burn them! I'm a "Sith Lord" so I guess they are -HEHEHEHAAAA- evil! Four 5-point patches can make the crouch area? Only on a toon.
  5. I have to say I really felt so comfortable at this meeting... Don, the meeting place is just beautiful. It was perfect! I'd have to say that at this meeting everyone was at their best! So much beautiful work and inspiration. I'm officially the meeting jester- next meeting I will find the "court jester" hat or something similar. Thanks soooo much for the T-shirt Don... I wanna see your first posted model on the forum (somewhere even e-mail) by 12:00 PM Sunday 26th of February! Completed or unfinshed, it doesn't matter. That's your homework assignment. If you post it on the forum... you get an automatic A+! otherwise I will be posting to let you know what I think. Thanks so much for taking me all the way into Vineland!
  6. IT WAS A COLD BODY! Not a warm one in philly tonight!!!!
  7. Yippy! I'm bringing nothing. I have nothing prepared. See you at 10:30am Don. See y'all at 12:00pm. Just another warm body here.
  8. It still looks very good to me, but only if you want to push it beyond what you have, you might want to consider these things as well: I agree with the lighting tips... the truck is lighter than the sky- and the sky on an overcast day is your light source. Your sky "lights" should be the color of the sky... and don't forget to change to specular color to the color of the light source too... that will keep highlights in check. If you increase the ambience amount in the CHOR you will get rid of the high contrast look. When I create the color for black objects I make them just below visibly "gray"... what I mean is, the object has some color close to black, but not "0,0,0"- something that allows you to still see the shadow... otherwise all that modeling you did goes to waste! You still want to see shadows on black objects, because that is true in real life. The same with white objects... no matter what you do, don't make it bland white... you should look at the temperature of the color you want or are seeing. Even though it's just white... it's warmed or cooled by edging it from gray based to blue/violet or red/yello based (based=hue). That's just the way I do things... I know it doesn't matter when the clip is just going to be a few seconds long, but it can ground it even more in reality... or what we expect to see.
  9. Scott... I'm willing to "try"... I'm not a great cook or anything, Vern. I've been known to use food as a weapon, though. Hopefully I have all the ingredients. I warn you... I use lots of butter- in everything I cook!
  10. thanks... but I'm not sure I'm getting it to look like the "constantine" ones...
  11. Here's the project file with everything embeded... along with the feather map. NewAngelWing.zip
  12. Well, I threw something together to test the hair approach ... The render took my machine too long to render with translucency+transparency, so I rendered it without. I guess it doesnt help to have a huge map for the feather. anyway I think it would just need to be rendered with some ambience and it would look more angelic... you may have to change a lot of parameters... I changed the ambience and it looks more angel-like... I also added a render of the mesh splines. FeatherMaterials.zip
  13. You would get a faster responce by posting this at: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=1 That is the General discussion/Animation Master topics. Well, you are not asking for something easy here... You could use decaled geometry , but hair would be the easiest way... you would have to use a map of a feather with an alpha map that cuts the shape of the feather out of the hair. Hair can be shaped like a feather using the timeline editor... and the feather color can be varied using the features of hair available in properties. There is a tutorial for this. goto the A.R.M. and search there. Or do a search on this forum... try "v12 hair" or "hair feathers". http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...545&hl=feathers
  14. Saturday, Feb. 18th 12:00 PM The location: 125 North 8th Street Philadelphia PA 19016 or 777 Appletree Street Philadelphia PA 19106 I'm going to assume the building is in one zip code, but after I read: and I, or someone like me will answer and buzz you in (it's a magnetic lock so when its opened it doesn't really buzz, actually it makes no sound at all so don't wait for a buzz to pull on the door handle just assume that when I say it's open, it's open) Come in get on the elevator and you will be transported to the 6 th floor. I've been wondering if you were a "TimeLord" or something... Just kidding.
  15. OH MY GOD!! IT'S FULL OF STARS!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! PLEASE SEND!!! I'll have to give your friend credit for doing it when I use it... it goes on the uniforms, space suits, space ships, space stations. Of course I'd rather have it in blue for my purposes, because of the NASA look. Actually, in my story, the back story suggests that NASA becomes the EFOP, although there is still a NASA headquarters on earth and the leading governments also... the merging of spacetravel-aeronaughtics and government is the EFOP.-- hope that wasn't TMI.
  16. I missed your birthday John- sorry! HAPPY B-DAY!! And Bob, it's in "Center City" Philadelphia to be specific. I'm posting the logo here John... If you want the photoshop document, with layers and all, I will send to you after I find the damn thing... I think I archived that sucker. I used the photoshop tut that Vern did (over at the A.R.M.) to get the text around the circle. Took a lot of trial and error!
  17. John, this is starting to sound like "geek style S & M". Besides... I only have so many "ports" to choose from. You may have to bring in a "HUB" too.
  18. Can do! I thought I already had that one covered. What? And risk having to become a Hash employee??? The work arounds are too much fun... LOL... Only if you tell me I looked like I gained weight. What is UV/decaling?? They pay pretty good... I don't know about the 401k, though. How about I just dress up like a member of Al-Queda and strap myself with gernades and visit them? Actually, it is. As long as I don't have to look at it! So, I am the "court jester" of the MAAMUG meetings.... I knew it! John, will I be doing that the "A:M" way or the "Doctor Frankenstein" way? Sure, I'll be there!
  19. So, at the risk of sounding like an airhead... is there anything I can do Don/everyone? (Besides show up?)
  20. Like Vern, I have been "inside" way too long... and my social existance has been - WORK-SLEEP-EAT-WORK-EAT-SLEEP-EAT-SLEEP-WORK - anyway... it's getting old! Any date would be fine with me... I have no other focus at this time, so I'm available to throw myself into this completely as possible. I miss y'all greatly. I don't have anything much to show. I have not moved much from what I've shown you last time around. Thankyou sooooo much, Don, for this. I think we all are ready for this.
  21. your color map is different from your bump map---better check those poses, Vern.
  22. I see he has some weight. But it's not enough from this camera position. The director would tell the actor to give it a little more "umph"! The weight is just not there... needs some more lifting in the arcs as he steps forward. Not too much or he'll look like he's leaping.
  23. Yes... and actually if you make your own rig just make the names the same and try to keep the proportions similar and you can even use the actions with your own rig. Adding bones will not change what is already in the action... hence-"reusable action"... And I welcome new users, too! Can't wait to see your work.
  24. What exact, positions are available for freelance?
  25. You could do the volumetrics as a seperate pass and just flat render the objects in the scene as black objects. Then take the volumetrics pass and add it in later. The render time will be better. Plus you will be able to edit the intensity of the volume lighting later if you wish. Light effects are best done in post anyway, I believe. It depends so heavily on other objects in the scene to make it look good. Just a suggestion of a work around till it's fixed. EDIT****** You and Flog and Smudge are so inspirational. There are a lot of talented people here and hope you guys keep it up. Don't be a quitter like me! By the way... Once you work out the kinks in the rendering and modeling and rigging and animating... things will start to go faster for you. I've modelled my main character four times... I'm getter better and faster at it and my rigging has become more refined... it won't take you five years to do a half-hour movie! momentum is on your side!
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