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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Steven547

  1. I had this same problem. When you update to the new version, it will ask if you want to copy all your data over, just select yes. That copies your library over to the new version.
  2. Quick on for you Robcat, under my "about AM" where you can view the Help Files, I don't have any? Do I have to install those help files? I thought they would have been with the initial installation?
  3. "Sorry , if dumb question" Trust me, with the questions I've asked on here, NOTHING is a dumb question. Don't be afraid to ask, i've found everyone on here to be extremely helpful and friendly. We're all in the same boat...(although I feel like i'm more of the guy in the canoe being pulled behind the yacht!)
  4. If you put everything in the book that could be in the book you'd have a book that was about five feet thick. I'd still read it! haha
  5. Wow...i'm actually starting to understand this! Ok..so it took a LONG time to understand ONE issue....but hey, i'm learning!
  6. What is "ENHANCE" A:M?
  7. Well, I sincerely appreciate all the help and assistance....now and future! So let's see if i'm getting this right on these steps (i'm at work so bare with me here) To make right foot move, THEN left foot: 1: Click the left foot bone 2: Create a Keyframe by shift+force keyframe and select "pre exist" option (I think it's option 1) 3: Move the right foot to where I want (would I need to create a keyframe on this too?) 4: To move the left foot now, shift+force keyframe on the left foot bone again ("pre exist" option) 5: For RIGHT foot, shift+force keyframe on the RIGHT foot bone ("pre exist" option) so it stays in that place. 6: Move LEFT foot to where I want. 7: After LEFT foot is where I need it to be, shift+force keyframe on RIGHT foot bone ("pre exist" option) Run animation....... correct? or?
  8. OK...think i'm onto something here. I force the keyframe (ONLY IN FILTERED CHANNELS THAT PRE EXIST) for the left foot at the beginning of the timeline (because I dont want this to move yet). Then, I move the RIGHT foot. When I want to start moving the LEFT foot, I force ANOTHER KEYFRAME for the left foot (IN ALL FILTERED CHANNELS). Is this correct? And if so, can someone explain a bit further the difference between the two option when you SHIFT (click force keyframe)? Am I correct in saying that after you force a keyframe, you want to now only select ALL FILTERED CHANNELS when forcing a keyframe because you've already started the "keyframe" process on that bone? OK...ive uploaded my file. Don't think i'm doing it "exactly" right, but it worked. Still need detail on the "keyframe options", but I think i'm slowly understanding it now. Keyframe_NEW.mov
  9. Hmmm...still not working. I copied the location for the version 13.0 and still didn't work.... Tried again....still won't list any libraries. Guess I have to resort back to v 13 for now. UPDATE: Ok....i'm not really too bright at 11pm i'm realizing. I did what you said, copied everything to the harddrive (library) and it works. (shameful) Thanks!
  10. It's starting to. I realized I was also forgetting to hold the shift key down before selecting the keyframe (big duh on my part). I'll have to look more into this tomorrow. It's 11:30 pm here and i'm sure i wont learn too much half asleep! I appreciate all and every bit of help you can give! Thanks! steven
  11. For some reason, the Keyframes issue is my biggest nemesis. So, no insult taken...heck, if you have to, teach my like I was 2 yrs old if it will help me! It's a very frustrating thing. I keep trying what everyone is saying, but no luck at all. I'll have to make a quick movie and post it or something so you can see it.
  12. Where are these tutorials located? I'd be very interested in using them!
  13. I've installed the new version (14), but when I open the program, I have no libraries to select models, etc. The folder to select is grayed out as well. What happened? Any ideas?
  14. Thanks. I"ll have to look into this more when I get home. Just hoping I figure this out!
  15. Ok.. still confused on this keyframe issue. All I want (for starts) is to move the left arm, then then the right arm. However, my character moves the right arm and the left begins to follow. Can someone please clarify this to me in a "book for dummies" mode please? I'm seriously lost again...I thought I had it, but lost it again. I've attached a screen shot of my work. Maybe that would help? Right where the vertical line is, his left arm begins to move. Thanks.
  16. Not sure if you're doing this, but let the program add the file extension for you. Make sure you're not typing in the "*.prj" extension (rabbit.prj) Just save it as rabbit . Make sense?
  17. Quick question for you, and please don't take this the wrong way, but when you saved your filename, did you use the full file name: rabbit.prj or did you just save it as rabbit and it defaulted to the *.prj extension?
  18. How long is your filename you are saving? If it is long, make it shorter and remove any spaces. I was looking that exception error up on the internet and some say its a long filename error. Might be the cause. ??
  19. Make sure you're using the correct internet browser. I found that with IE Explorer, I can view a lot more (probably just plug ins) on websites and videos then I can with Mozilla. Try and open your file with the internet...
  20. I guess you could do that, but I would contact Hash first and see what they say.
  21. A good place to go for video codes is PCWORLD.com ( I believe that's the website). They have a ton of downloads for free. They also have programs and some are video editors that are free (might be limited use, but they do the job).
  22. Make sure that where the STAGE prop is located, is where your program is pointing to. Just hover the mouse over the "stage" icon and it should tell you the directory. Or, try and copy your Disc Data to your harddrive and point the program there. Not sure if those will help, but just some thoughts.
  23. I'm creating a "dance" animation. My action is the character "hopping" forward (puts his hands in front, pulls them back at the same time he jumps forward.) I created this action. When I'm in my choreography, I drop the action into the character, then create a path for him to follow. What I want is for him to continually perform that action while moving on this path. Do I have to do multiple paths, or somehow "cycle" that action? He performs the action once, then stops. thanks. Ok. Nevermind. It's working now. I now have to "extend" the action so it looks like he is stopping after one "thrust" forward with is arms before the next action.
  24. Try here too: http://www.eggington.net/Hash/Models/
  25. What do you mean? update: ok...in my TOOLS > OPTIONS under RENDERING, I had ADVANCED checked. When I unchecked that, and re-rendered the animation, I have the appropriate background now. Must be something in the "advanced" settings that wasn't ON.
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