sprockets Learn to create your own tool bars! Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. It's been my pleasure Will. It's just what the community needed I think. 6 entrants was more than I thought would enter and I hope it grows as we continue.
  2. Thanks for catching that Rodney. My spell-checker decided it didn't like the email address and changed it. I didn't notice. It's been corrected above
  3. Here are the entrants in order. Please bear with me as this is the first time I have done this so I'm new to it. I have named each movie after the person who created it to help distinguish each from the other. Please review each entrant and email your vote to hash_animationcontest@outlook.com Voting will be open until Sunday. Please keep in mind this is a contest on animation. Models, lighting, and sets are not to be considered in choosing the winner. Just the animation. Please be sure the subject line is Contest Vote and the body of the email should have the name of the entrant you are voting for. Thanks Markw.mov Xtaz.mov Ilidrake.mov David_Higginsdj.mov Sebastian_Pfeifer.mov Simon_Edmondson.mov
  4. I like it. I love the fact that you are able to tell a little bit of a story with this. Really good acting.
  5. Thanks Rodney. I've really enjoyed doing some animation, which I have not been doing! And need to. I think I'll call this one done and put it up in the contest for giggles.
  6. Here's the final rough cut of going over the wall. I'm kinda pleased because this will be the second animation I have used Latimer in. Jump_Over_a_Wall_Pass_1.mov
  7. Still working on the getting to the top before I move on to the drop Jump_Over_a_Wall_Pass_1.mov
  8. Yea I'm running the contest. But it doesnt mean I can't animate...or try to... This is my first roughing in. Jump_Over_a_Wall_Pass_1.mov
  9. Thanks Rodney I myself consider the last contest a success. Didn't have a thousand people enter, but we did have some really nice pieces entered. And considering that was the first contest I ran I am extremely happy. I'm just glad to see some AM stuff being done. That's the goal of these little projects of mine, to get people working on some stuff. Even if it's only a couple it's nice to see the community working together on something. So since today is Sunday I'll be posting the opening of the next contest and I hope to see everyone there
  10. Okay. So I have an email account opened I'm going to use strictly for entrants and voting. Going to work out the details for auto-reply with it and get the remaining rules together. Still waiting on Rodney to see if we can make a forum prize for winners.
  11. Just to keep things from boiling let me just say that all your suggestions have been great!!! I think a week would be better than the four hour thingy because it'll keep things simple for me. I do like the idea of the voting by email so I'll be setting up an email address strictly to help keep the burden off of Jason. Hey Rodney I have a question. Is it possible to add some sort of award ribbon to a person's forum name? A visual that let's everyone know that they won a contest here? My plan is to also allow the winner of one contest to pick the topic for the next, and so forth and so on. It's not a great reward but it definitely mixes things up enough to keep it interesting.
  12. A show down... Could you explain the concept completely and how we can do it on this forum?
  13. Would it be easier if we all had one model to use? If this is the case, which model would be appropriate? I'm just trying to streamline things for later contest.
  14. The project continues!!! I know I haven't been active on here but I assure you I am still hard at work on this. As always, thanks for the feedback and keep tuned for updates.
  15. That sounds great Robcat Okay. So I'll make a new topic for this with the rules and what not. Good luck everyone.
  16. Okay. So we do this one just for the fun of it.
  17. I was thinking a week. Just quick enough to animate something but not so long people loose interest. That will keep things simple too. Still brain storming on prizes. What about a video crit from you Rob? I always enjoy having you review my work. What if the winner gets a video feedback from you?
  18. Just a thought. I'm not really sure what prizes I should offer. I'm open to idea... I still have that copy of the Animator's Survival Guide available....
  19. It's Sunday and the poll is over!!! Climbing over a wall seems to be the winner so I will be writing up the rules and making it official. Keep your eyes peeled while I work out the details.
  20. Was trying to make a video tut but the file size is coming in at 4 gig and I'm having trouble capturing audio...
  21. I love the fact AM was used for those old games. Back before I was using the software I did play those games. I never knew but they definitely influenced me to pursue animation.
  22. Climbing over a wall seems to be winning
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