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Posts posted by bob

  1. Latest update on the bed.


    I agree it should be able to take her weight but I love the bed, and it is what was in the animatic/even though shes a mean avatar I think she pictures herself as quite feminine and demure at a full 680 and 9 feet tall so the bed suits her . I think its rather funny seeing her act dainty bow the mattress .Gorgious job by the way !


  2. Martin,


    Sent the email...





    Just to be clear on what you want: you want the sequences marked as seq.A...seq.Z and each sequence will be broken down into scenes sc1...scN, with each sequence starting with sc1, correct?


    Do you want the sequences broken out into individual .avi's or do you want one file with all sequences included?



    One file all sequences and scenes and please include act number in sequence slate thanxs


  3. Ok, I think I've addressed all of your change requests Jim/Bob. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to address, otherwise I think he's about done. B)



    Congrats It looks great Kevin!... on to rigging.Thanks for a great job as usual.


  4. Finally made some progress now that Ku-Klip is about done. Made a few changes to my model based on the Woot WIP so here's what I've got so far. Working on rendering a hair test as well...



    looks great Kevin

    just a heads up the monkey may end up in oranges and yellows the bear may end up green thiinking about the hair


  5. Right now we have a running movie it needs to be segmented in to Sequences and scenes with numbers deliniating them, so we can hand out and track the individual sections. It's tedious but neccessary.I would suggest color keying the slates also.For instance say 10 frames of blue leader in front of the first sequence saying "seq.A"opening" then 2 frame slates sc1 thru what ever in front of every scene break until we get to the next sequence and say color it yellow for 10 frames before the start of the sequenece again and then number the scenes with yellow slates sc1 thru what ever. and on and on until we get to the end whew.....I can get with whoever wants to do this and show where the sequence breaks are and what well call them .


    Do you have a version of the script with the sequences/scenes specified? Are the 10 current animatics individual sequences or do they include multiple sequences per file?


    I could work on this over the weekend if you have the necessary info available for the sequences/scenes.



    HI Richard

    WE just got the latest revised script .To answer your question each of the 10 sections have sequences in them .Im on another gig this week but ill try to find the time to sequence out the latest script and get it to you thanx for you time and interest.


  6. The animatics for TWO need to be cut into scenes. You need to have Adobe Premiere and lots of time on your hands.

    I have Premiere and some time. What needs to be done?



    Right now we have a running movie it needs to be segmented in to Sequences and scenes with numbers deliniating them, so we can hand out and track the individual sections. It's tedious but neccessary.I would suggest color keying the slates also.For instance say 10 frames of blue leader in front of the first sequence saying "seq.A"opening" then 2 frame slates sc1 thru what ever in front of every scene break until we get to the next sequence and say color it yellow for 10 frames before the start of the sequenece again and then number the scenes with yellow slates sc1 thru what ever. and on and on until we get to the end whew.....I can get with whoever wants to do this and show where the sequence breaks are and what well call them .


  7. To avoid ANY problems about who is doing what, NOTHING should be done without first having the task allocated by a Director AND recorded by a Project Manager. ie Get the go ahead in writing on this forum first.


    That goes for everyone please (you to Bob :D )


    Sorry I have been away for so long. I recently took a promotion to executive level and my time is no longer my own. Might I suggest that this project take on a second Project Manager to help keep things ticking over!



    Congrats David

    Higher tax bracket I hope.Thanx for singleing me out, I need all the publicity I can get .

    Good Luck.


  8. I'd like more to be made of the separation of the group in Yoop Castle. Monkey is put in a "cage" and the other two are separate (where?). I think the splitting up of the group (and emphasising of it through camera angles etc) would add to the desperation of the situation. We want the viewer to feel that there's no hope for the group.

    Good idea! I also intend some rusted out bits after they jump into rushing rapids just befor e inviability stuff.We have fixed time problems when woot left etc.and having him show up in yoops castle hallway when in fact he is still a monkey,


  9. Hi Kevin,


    Here's one more tweak based on the gesture sketches Bob did. Can you give him a bigger butt? It needs to stick out more, and the angle of the apron tie will give it a bigger look, too.




    If I may add my 2 cents thisis why i wanted to see the side view Thanx its a great Job we just need a few tweeks



  10. Perfect! Nice simple spline layout too. He might need another ring around the length of his body. You're probably going to do it anyway. Just a small point....it's a cow with udders right? Then it can't have horns too. ;) Unless in Bob's world......

    To be horny or dee udder way hmmmmmmmmmm all is well in my world


  11. I've finally made some progress on the cow. I had a little trouble sticking with the rotos since the front and side weren't quite consistent. Have I taken it the right direction?




    Ha ha just great maybe a litte more butt, its sheer beauty!


  12. Ok, here's the latest updates to ku-klip:


    I made him a little wider, shrank his arms (still not sure it's enough). And reworked his face/glasses. I still want to redo his eyes/brows...

    Wonderful job!!!can I see a side view im interested in his butt...uh oh..

    looks ready to post and rig to me


  13. Here's a few more things added. Just the belt and necklace left. I might also add some thickness to the apron. I've done that for the cloak.

    That looks great Ken!!! I think the hat was mistaken for a bee bonnet of hair she had bad bangs and wisps of hairoutthe back and tendrils in front of the ears . in an attempt to look ahem, feminine. Ken will we be able to get a wider stance on her legs when we pose?

    Your the best ,thanx


  14. So many great characters!


    The thing that bothers me is that of all the characters, the Tin Woodman has the least appealing appearance.


    By "appealing" I don't necessarily mean "happy" or "friendly". I mean "engaging-to-look-at".


    Are we sure we're done with him?

    Your going to make him shine robert, when you start giving him your lifes breath I have faith. Were done trust me however when you see his rococole and the glint in his armor you wont be able to take your eyes off him.I know... I dress like this on the weekends.




    I think the cart looks way to large

    I think it may be too large too I want to get some hay in it then adjust it will all work.Im excited about the rigs ,getting woot and the green monkey rolling and ANIMATING!!!!!!


  15. Very nice end result. Great work on the joints. He's got personality. Bravo.


    I got to add my voice the the size/height difference though. The height difference seems too large.

    Theres an interesting point about the size difference, for a portion of the movie I intend him to slouch too be less then confident but when he finds him self .... and gains the confidence that was always there ,He'll stand tall the size difference wont bother you. He becomes the protector or the challanger For instance when he looses it at klu klip. Watch the dynamic when he stands up and dominates the scene against this sadistic little franken stien with a santa approach..


  16. You can be the movie grammarian!

    Oh, come now. Bob's posts aren't that bad.




    I am so glad you mentioned this first.


    I have these pictures in my head of Bob typing with his foot while holding a phone under his chin, a cup of coffee in one hand and typing on a Blackberry with the other...


    If I don't imagine this... I uh... have to imagine... other possibilities... possibly a bottle of tequila and a beer in each hand while typing with his nose... in this one he is in his underwear.


    Damn! A tequila sounds so good right now...


    Vernon "!" Zehr

    You've been peeking again ......


  17. Here's the final (Yeah, right! But it's approved!) version of Tinman. Originally designed by Will, modelled by Stian, reproportioned by Bob, additional design by Paul, and finally remodelled by Stian and myself. Now that's a group effort. He's shown with his buddy, Scarecrow, to show how they go together.



    YES!!! and its a great group that put in that effort. Congrats everyone! on to rigging...................


  18. I wonder, those turkey have no wings ?

    I was thinking the same... And with those oversized leggs I think it looks more like an ostrich than an turkey. But I love the model anyway :)

    I like to think of it more as a wingless oshurkey.Found mainly in the plains of new Jersey


  19. Eh? Is that a proxie? I'm still working on your new design. The one I posted was the first design just to have it all together in the one thread.


    I'm just finished the new one and I'll post it here in an hour or two. You can use which ever one you prefer.


    Also, I imagined the "Turkey" to be about 6 foot high (Or the same size as the human riding the cart....about 4 feet). IMO he looks abit paltry to pull a cart of the size in the above image.

    hi Ken

    Pretty funny, I assumed you were turning it back in you said you were "snowed under" and left the latest version ,No thats not a prozy its the real deal Ken.Your turkey looks great too .So now we are loaded with turkeys.Incidently in this world things dont have to seem logical. Little undersized turkeys can pull oversized carts, wait until the hays on it it will look even funnier.When I compared it to the scarecrow it seemed like another movie ..maybe "attack of the gobbler monsters"

    Have a great day


  20. I was just dreaming out loud .We need layers to do that .so we could turn off the complex model ,animate with the simple proxy then when were satisfied with the action render out with the full model.rapid iteration is everything when your trying to perfect acting.


    One can essentially do this by changing the "shortcut to model" in the chor. Use the proxy model when testing, working out the animation, then change the shortcut to point to the real model when needed.


    However, currently in 11.1i - problems occur when doing this with respect to constraints between the model & "props" or other items in the scene (paths, other models, etc) - hopefully this can be worked out so that if models have the same skeletal system/rigging, then switching shortcuts would work without having to redo external constraints in the chor. (hope I was clear, probably wasn't).


    Also I always find that working with 1 face/patch in real-time (as well as turn off hair, decals only if necessary) - speeds up the real time "stick input to display change" considerably. (I'm on a PC 3.4 ghz 1 gig, nvidia 6800).

    how true Nancy, good points


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