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Posts posted by bob

  1. Mark, David and Ken.


    Tasks have been assigned in dotProject so you should have received emails. Please update the tasks as you progress. I have assinged finish date of 18/01. This is NOT a hard and fast date - just a review date - ie if you aren't done by then, the the tasks needs to have been updated with progress and comment (by adding a new log entry with progress report, comment and check the boxes for 'Notify Creator' and all the other contact boxes under the comments box)


    Bob - I think I'll have everyone trained up on dotProject by the end of the movie :P



    Your the best David,I may even understand it by then....


  2. Thanks David,

    On top of that this tree is totally customizable and animatable. Just create a new pose or action and you can have this one tree look like many different pine trees. You can bend the trunk and the leaves will follow to match the new form and they will still behave correctly for the camera. So we can have the trees swaying in the wind and have the leaves rustling too! ...with the characters walking through the woods with a hundred of these trees...all animated. And the Director could say I want these trees over here bent like this, and I want this tree's leaves to do that when the character walks by it...and we could do that for him.




    ...and this one was just a test. With this method the plants and trees can be more easily art directed to look exactly like the concept artwork.


    Frank Silas


    very nice Frank


  3. Bob, those are great drawings and will be incredibly helpful. Thanks a lot for doing that.


    I'm knee deep in working on the FACE poses for Woots Mom. Frank Silas suggested last week that we need Woots mom and Skinny Farmhand first. Should I keep going on Woots mom, or would you like me to switch to Scarecrow?


    This is going to be a very long, involved process to get decent looking poses so we could still use as many great modelers as we can get. The people who did the initial modeling would probably be best suited for this task. The rigging part only involves weighting the eyelids and jaw. The rest is pure muscle posing (unless you want to get fancy). If you've read "Stop Staring" by Jason Osipa, that would also be a huge help. Later tonight I'll post the first of the steps in the process.

    The Mom is a secondary character at best, I'd prefer to get the mains going. Like all good mothers, I'm sure she can wait. Scarecrow, please.

    Thank you



    OK. I'll get on Woot soon. Yoop's hair isn't too critical is it? It's usually done during/after texturing, but if you need it now I can do it.....

    No, Ken. You are right: the face is the important thing, and as it turns out, Woot is quite a star. Ken, please pull Woot's hair around on his left front, more like Jim's drawing. It's been driving my nutz! gratzi



  4. I can fit some face rigging in...I'll just have to get familiar with the setup. Are there any examples of how the expressions for each character should look or do we just wing it?

    Thanks Ken and Good question, David. A character sheet for each one showing several of the expressions would be very helpful, but I'm assuming we have to go by the animatics drawings. Anyone else know the answer to this?


    In the next day or so I will be starting a thread listing the step-by-step procedures I've been going through on the Woots Mom FACE rig/pose procedure so that people can follow along with their models. Everything will be in one post and I'll add to it as progress is made and questions come up. When it's done I'll add those instruction to the FACE PDF.

    I did 3 already: Tin Woodman and Scarecrow and yoop. Jim did Woot. . Mark, take Scarecrow. David, take Tin Woodman. Ken, take Woot. I'll draw more tomorrow.Dont care who takes yoop.Ken yoop still needs hair?

    Ill do tin servant tommorro We need him after these.







  5. It could EASLIY be made into a double handle operation.


    In the original animatic sequence, I see what appears to be two loons on one pump handle.


    Also, keep in mind from the animatic, that the regular Loons are only about half the height of this machine.

    definutly a 2 loon job


  6. Okay I took a shot at the split and unsplit cut wood.


    All these pieces are in their own model file. Each piece has a bone in it and can be piled/stacked however you wish in an action or choreography action (as I did here).


    I was also thinking I may separate the split pieces from the unsplit pieces. i.e.- two models... split wood and unsplit wood. That way you could add more than one instance of each model to get the amount of wood you needed.


    You can also put pieces below ground level so they do not show up.


    Let me know if the seperation is a good idea and what more variety I can add.

    (Twigs, More pieces with branch nubs, etc.)


    (I can already see I need another model with some half logs (split just once).

    Well done please send


  7. Everything I'm posting to this thread is from the list at the top.


    I'll go ahead an post the model here for the team.


    If you need a different style let me know.


    EDIT: I was working on the Loon Pump and kind of had a few design questions since there is only one rough sketch in the animatics.


    I was thinking the bellows would alternate up and down on the pivot lever I have on the front. I will make a hook for coiling up the hose and will make the hose later.


    The main design question I have is: In the animatic there is a brief shot of two loons pumping up and down on a 'T' shaped handle (like a hand car handle for railroads). Is this on the back or the front?


    Also, is this a machine that belches some kind of smoke? Seeing as there was a smoke stack in the animatic sketch.


    Let me know... Here's what I have so far...


    Excellent thats a loon pump al right nice job!


  8. Ken,


    Here's a mirror for you. Anyone have a sketch of what the actual mirror should look like?


    All you get from the sketches I can find is a vague outline. VERY vague.


    Let me know what kind of style you want Ken.

    If this is the one in act 2 for scarecrow? it's actually the right size its part of a castle bathroom,


  9. Hi everybody, I'm back! I was so sick I had to go to the hospital and get rehydrated -- ugh! I hope I don't have to explain how that happened :). I should be able to start working on the loon again by tomorrow.


    When I start posting pics of my WIP should I do it in the new modeling subforum?


    Also, I just put in my order for the upgrade so I should be getting that Tuesday or Wednesday.

    wow Jeff

    you were sick sorry to hear it ,you can start a fresh thread if you want .feel better dont push.


  10. Hi,

    I started this thread to collect conceptual images that explore the 'looks' of the various scenes in the TWO movie. I'll be using Bob's storyboard sketches as a starting point for the images. Hopefully they can serve some purpose as inspirations for set design and mood in the movie.




    First up is the sketch: Landscape 4





    Next is the scene: Act 2 Big tree



    on the nosey Javier


  11. I updated it. Some of the closer hills look bigger but it's just an illusion. Is this ready to put onto the svn site? If so, how do I go about doing that? Also, what should I name it?


    the mound the castles on has too be much higher.More like this when your done email it to me Ill get it on the svn Also use a longer lens to add perspective in chor.




  12. Here's the start of the Tin Castle proxy. I'm going by the animatic....there are some flowers in the foreground, but I assume the proxy doesn't need them. Let me know how it looks.....


    it looks great I would like to see the castle sitting on the highest mountain and the rest below it however.



  13. Thank you Stuart and David for answering my question about AD's and lead animators.


    EDIT: I would love to do some editing if it does not interfere with me animating too, so maybe just post-production editing? Is iMovie HD enough for this task? I've been using iMovie for three years now, I know how to work around its simplistic limitations. I also have Final Cut Express, the "low-end" Final Cut Pro, sitting in my computer. This would probably be better since it can handle large files easily, and of course it has a bunch more features then iMovie (It's pretty much the Mac equivalent of Adobe Premiere). The only problem now is for me to learn it! So, did I get the job? ;) What is everyone's thought on the software I should use if I choose to edit TWO?


    EDIT: I just read David's first post again, it looks like Final Cut Express is the way to go---will I need the HD version?


    Josh :)

    The first thing to find out is can you get along with the demanding director.I hear hes mean as a tornado.


  14. Ken I have the oridginal castle


    OK. How do I go about getting that?

    First down load the tin castle proxy from the svn thats the config I want to see then view the animatic we never actually go in closer than long shots we need2 hilsl in front and trees.This is handout day for me but Ill try to zip it and send it too you/.It s hard load high patch.


  15. Hi Paul,

    I haven't posted in the forums in a long time, so I hope I'm not being too forward with this. I have just gotten a chance to start using AM again and I ran into this whole movie project right in the middle. There are great models everywhere and a lot of good work all over the place. So I thought I would try to give what help I could. I noticed, like you, that the sets weren't getting too much attention (at least I didn't see many clear examples on on the website). So I thought I'd try my hand at making some inspirational artwork for set designs. I just finished the sketch of landscape 4, hope it can be of some help. The sketch was somewhat fuzzy so I just took the idea and ran with it.



    Nice work Javier your there




    Okay, Ken. Sounds sensible. I will concentrate on one set as much as possible. Now lets see if I can just rough out those last two proxey sets before I choose which one to start refining.

    Any preference?

    Hi Paul;

    Agreed its way to early to start refinning we have other sets to design the ideas are great javiar did and we should incorperate them but we dont need to run off in a panic into a phase of the project we dont need yet.Actually the next thing we need to address is the thicket and the loon sets.Keep going here looking great and thankyou Javiar for your input.


  16. Finally got around to doing some serious work on Ozma. I've only gotten to her head so far and it still needs a fair amount of tweaking (might be a bit too 'gaunt'). Let me know what you think. Thanks.



    Kevin definutley Your off to a great start, She is an avatar after all amagic lady with great knowledge .all of you modelers amaze me a t how quickley and well you arrive at the shapes. shes very nice if you dont mind ill draw a few hopefully helpful tweeks tommoro im blurring eyed tonight keep going your definutley on the right track .Im sure Jim will have some great ideas as well hes been of fixing up a couple of other characters to day .The wild news is we are actually starting production wed,handing out the first scenes.This is just to much fun.\\

    The animation revolt begins..........


  17. I have the proxy almost completed, David.


    Here's a picture:



    I still need to do the fence for the cows, and one of the buildings in the foreground needs to be replaced. If I have a couple of days left, I'd like to do these two things and a couple of other minor changes before I upload.


    If you can wait until wednesday night, that'd be great, but if you need it sooner, just let me know.

    Lazlo take your time it looks sensational brother Ive made a quick and dirty mom place from your parts for the animators to start with ,so relax and do what you need to .Your work looks great Il let David know.


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