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Posts posted by bob

  1. I'd recommend a similar (slimmer line) version to a standard yoke (as used in Horse and Cart)




    Hi ken

    this is more like what im looking for wacked .crazed quasi real use the distorsion box to pull it here.




    I'd recommend a similar (slimmer line) version to a standard yoke (as used in Horse and Cart)




    Hi ken

    this is more like what im looking for wacked .crazed quasi real use the distorsion box to pull it here.



    smaller size sorry




  2. Im actually concerned that we need proxys for the characters as well the are gorgious but heavy and proxys animate fast.In the past weve parented the proxys to the bones and switched out layers .Unfortunatly we dont have layers in AM




    Are you thinking about a kind of full proxy "animatic" step ?

    Something roughtly animated to replace the storyboard animatic ?

    ( without lipsynch, detailed facial , lights, texture, dynamic and effect etc )



    Hi Alain

    no, all I was thinking was these character models are slow when you get 2 or more in the same scene. A very simple model animates super fast .It illiterates quickly and avis jump to completetion. I was just dreaming out loud .We need layers to do that .so we could turn off the complex model ,animate with the simple proxy then when were satisfied with the action render out with the full model.rapid iteration is everything when your trying to perfect acting.

    As far as the sets are concerned everyone should animate with the proxy as the real ones are being built then at rendering we throw in the real ones.


  3. Very nice Alain. How are these proxies going to work? We'll start animating on them but what if the real models aren't exactly the same. You might have a wall where there isn't one in the proxie. Or the steps might be slightly different......

    Hi ken

    no the idea is we will enhance the proxys but all the dimensions, door s window, should be the same its only the detail that changes.Im actually concerned that we need proxys for the characters as well the are gorgious but heavy and proxys animate fast.In the past weve parented the proxys to the bones and switched out layers .Unfortunatly we dont have layers in AM





    Kuklip workshop outside proxy.




    Just wonderful Alain!




    Ken and Alain,





    My thought was to make absolutely certain that walls, floors, steps and props match the proxy.


    Then any animating that is done should not be effected... or not much anyway. Might need to tweak.


    For instance... I already have a pretty detailed tree (tree will need tweaking of course) and front facade for the workshop exterior... those won't have any effect on the animation.


    I see that a "front porch" type element has been added... so... as long as the floor and railings are the same height... it should work.


    I am treating the interior proxy the same. Keeping the locations of the main things in the same space so any animation of the characters would match up...


    ... anything specifically "touched" may need to be tweaked but it would be minor I think...






    Ken has a good point... if I stray to far from the proxy set it would probably screw up any preliminary animation.


    I would like to lock down the big picture layout decisions. If you remove the window... it looks... funny... if I change the size of the front... animation might be messed.


    I am on board completely with this process of adjustment and change... problem is... I started big... went small then really small... now... if we keep the sliding door I am big again...


    BOB! Door? Hellooo? Bob! Mechanical door? Lose a window? Regular door? Bigger exterior?




    Vernon "!' Zehr

    Hi Vern

    Regular door please, tinman knocks on it and it swings open .We need the window for sure tinman looks through it trying to locate klu klip



    BTW: Where were you with that Yoop character ?


    Working on her clothes. Still have a problem with whether I should do a cape on her. I didn't get an answer on the other thread. I guess I need Bob's input on it. I'm also working on the Turkey atm. He's just finished.

    Hi Ken please do cape.... it can be a seperate object so we can lose it during sleep It's fine to constain it to her With the rapter collar.


  4. Keep in mind that 'little loon' doesn't even need Woot to blow up. He can blow himself up.

    Go on... try it in a mirror... take a really deep breath... Now hold it... and let it fill your cheeks full.



    Good thing you have a skull in there or you'd have blow up like a loon.


    Rodney :)


    But scarecrow turns into a bear... without a hat. Where would the loon be?


    My suggestion would be that we never see him fully until that very scene.

    You see... little loons are VERY good at hiding. ;)


    In other words according to the added arc in my brain...

    Little loon hides in the woods

    Little loon hides in Woots backpack

    Little loon disappears in the castle (where its hard to tell which one of the scary things he is amongst all the shadows and moving things so care would need to be made to make sure the viewer knows it is little loon and not some new monster)

    Little loon reveals himself and scares the wits out of Mrs. Yoop.



    I like that solution !


  5. Okay. Everyone is busy modelling characters and sets. Riggers are busy building rigs and putting them into the models. Everything is moving forward and what am I doing? Cutting grass! Well, playing around with it anyway. It's all for the sake of testing the boundaries.


    Here though is an example of a 40 metre x 40 metre area of 10 cm grass. Compression makes it look a bit naff but it looks pretty good in the 100Mb version.


    EDIT: Uh! I compressed the video to Mp4, it was the only codec that would handle decent compression of something as busy as grass, but they can't be uploaded here. Oh, well.


    EDIT 2: Following Luckbat's guidance I changed the file extension and the file uploaded okay. I tried playing it from here and it didn't work. I guess you could download it and change the extension back to mp4. All my attempts to compress it with QT were just too blured, too choppy or the filesize was way too big. Mp4 reduced the image to 320x240 but the quality wasn't too bad and the filesize was amazing. Too bad it doesn't work here.


    I am following Bob's and Alain's example now and will be posting proxey sets shortly, instead of attempting the finer details too soon.


    Umm. The trees in the foreground below are not to scale. that grass is only 4" long ;-)


    Fantastic Paul!!!! Theres a lot on your shoulders this stuff is tuff but your off to a wonderful start.I just love it!


  6. Woohoo! He's alive! This rig is great. (I don't think I even used the most recent one) The Squetch makes him so lively and jiggly. I felt I could really push the Squetch since he wouldn't really have a skeleton anyway. Hope you all enjoy it.




    Real nice Matt youll definutly be animating with me


  7. Here is yoop castle2 proxy


    NB: The castle should scale up to 200% to fit with scarecrow size.

    I haven't do it for now cause I didn't want to resize my camera and lignting setup.


    There is 3 cameras that show 3 scenes in the animatic...they can be split in 3 choreo further.




    Magnificent Alain


  8. Hi

    Here is what I've done so far about the Yoop Castle.


    I wasn't sure about where I'm going with this castle ...;) so it's time for comments and critiques

    I'm posting a picture and the project files , if someone wish to add things or want to go further in the modeling go ahead... take the files.


    Maybe I'm totaly out of the track with this design so... lets discuss it


    I've made a tree, not completed NB:I pose it in skeletal mode by moving bones with manipulators and the ctrl key ...to move geo at the same time.


    I'll work on the Yoop kitchen proxy... it'd be better use at this time.




    I Love this Alain I just saw it .I never worry about world situations or politics its omnious and strange.Nice job


  9. it is difficult to be sublte with the roll handle in fk probably the same thing but because the switch is odd i m animating in fk any way.


    I changed it in the most recent versions to be aiming the end of the bicep bone (grab the end of the bicep instead of the roll handle)...it seems alright, but, I can always change it.

    Thanx David

    yes with ik on its great maybe down the road and external small null to grab, but the rig is totally wonderful.


    heres a perplexing problem in a simple little scene when the model goes prone the knees cease to act right and the feet ar on the verge of some kind of gimble lock is it me?? heres a zip with the scene and a movie thanx and happy thanksgiving




  10. it is difficult to be sublte with the roll handle in fk probably the same thing but because the switch is odd i m animating in fk any way.


    I changed it in the most recent versions to be aiming the end of the bicep bone (grab the end of the bicep instead of the roll handle)...it seems alright, but, I can always change it.

    Thanx David

    yes with ik on its great maybe down the road and external small null to grab, but the rig is totally wonderful.


  11. Hi Bob.


    The zip you posted has the throneroom model in it. Nice proxy sets by the way.

    oopps....too much turkey thanx ill fix that




    Hi Bob.


    The zip you posted has the throneroom model in it. Nice proxy sets by the way.

    oopps....too much turkey thanx ill fix that


    This should be the drawbridge



  12. still needs elbow stuff


    Something different than the "5e3" version of Scarecrow or the "scratchpad" version of Squetchy Thom, Bob?


    Shouldn't the knee aim point up when the leg is stretched out?


    It's going to change, Matt...I had limited the 'X' on the knee controller because too much play was causing problems the way it was built. The "scratchpad" version of Squetchy Thom is getting closer to working with the IK/FK switch, but still needs some more fixing. I'm on it again tonight...and I haven't forgotten about the finger controls, they are on the list as well.


    In ik I keep feeling if we had an bone or null that aimed at the bicept bone{elbo joint} it would be easier to manipulate from all angles. Im used to a kinimatic at the forearm and an aim at at the bicep ik rotating at the shoulder feels odd and it is difficult to be sublte with the roll handle in fk probably the same thing but because the switch is odd i m animating in fk any way.


  13. This is a proxy set of the act tin castle bridge we will use it as a stage for the animators.Im looking for modelers to help perfect the look of thjh ethe layout .


    This is a proxy set of the act tin castle bridge we will use it as a stage for the animators.Im looking for modelers to help perfect the look of thjh ethe layout .










  14. Woohoo!


    Good one Steve...


    I discovered that the best way to constrain a guitar is to translate/rotate the guitar to some part of the body... I used the chest... then translate the hands to the guitar... add one bone each for each hand to the guitar.


    On the last one I simplified the whole darn thing and rotatated the "hand" bones in the guitar model at the same rotation I need for the hand nulls in the scarecrow.


    I move the guitar hand bones... and the hands stay on the guitar...


    so I can slide his fret hand up and down... make his picking hand move... while his whole body (and the guitar) swivels and bops... and it all stays together realistically... still have to tweak the hands on a few extreme frames but not much.


    I love this idea and plan to use it elsewhere.


    Vernon "!' Zehr


    So thats the way to do it ,I triede constrianing the guitar after I had done most of the animation lol but had to get rid of it .I was wandering how you got it to stay together so well ,thank's for the info Vern


    scarecrow's horrified to find out the movie is in, fun rig still needs elbow stuff



  15. I'll wait until I hear from Bob before changing the legs any more. It's hard for me to know what they'll look like in a "Rabbity" pose when he is in the stretched out rigging pose. I may put in some temp bones to see what the legs look like moving.

    Hi Matt

    Great Job, Im thinking he could be slightly plumper in the belly and legs would go accordingly but, you know hold it there for now because with the squetch rig we may get enuff in a squash it's a wonderful modelling job ,Post the mesh and let me take a look.

    congrats, and happy thanksgiving.


  16. Hi all,


    Here's a look at the reproportioned Tin Owl, modeled by Stian, reproportioned by Bob and cleaned up by myself.


    He's so cute, I want a real one of these!



    looks great Jim !! approved!! needs a rig, them wings are gonna be fun.


  17. David,


    Your tireless work is apprecaited by more than thos who are already working on the movie. It will be appreciated by many new users too! Get the rest you need and keep up your strength...


    This "Straw Man" is proving to be pretty fiesty! But you will best him yet. I'm lookin' for a KO in a few rounds at most... so pace yourself... My money's on you!

    Here here!


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