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Posts posted by bob

  1. How does this look? I went as close to your proportions as I could/dared. Do the legs look ok? Too far back?

    Totally cool, senor Ken. Thanx; your definitely in the will.



    How does this look? I went as close to your proportions as I could/dared. Do the legs look ok? Too far back?

    Legs also cool. If you shove her belly back just a tad, legs will look even more in-balance but I just think you did a remarkable on job on her Ken... Kudos!!! As well as Alain's direction and drwgs - what a team we've got all the way around? Just so you know, the show I ended up sending by snail mail before I left on this little vacation, (too big to send on net.) It should be there tomorrow or Wed. It's the entire thing: 280MB in 10 downloadable pieces. Load 'em in Premiere and enjoy the movie. I'm sure Will will post it all!!


    Ain't A:M's lattices great! (I guess they're called "distortion boxes") Okay.... I'm going to have dinner.


  2. Some minor updates. I added some thickness to the end of her pants (underwear?). Modeled the dress abit to make it look better. Modeled sleeves on her arm. Finished teeth.

    I'm not sure if the angle of the bottom of the dress is right from the side. It should go up at the back right. Is that enough?

    Hi ken forgive the sketch and the scan im using a little dopey hand thing in the hotel butI love what your doing !! maybe just a little more butt



  3. Just a suggestion....but would an "aim at" null for the knee joints work? It might be handier to grab the null to move the knees. Maybe for elbows too? It might be too many nulls though.


    PS I think I found a bug with the arms in the latest one. Or maybe it's the one Ed is talking about...


    If you change the bicep bones while in IK arms mode, then it messes up the positioning of the IK arm. The arm doesn't follow the null after doing it. Here's an act file to see it on. Move the left arm null.


    PPS The left bicep is jittering for me in a new action when I move it by the roll handle.....and in IK arms.

    same comment , same trouble, mainly with the elbows, roll handles at shoulders is to wanky we need perhaps an "aim at" the elbo itself in ik.


  4. Here's Scarecrow with nulls for IK hands and feet.

    Fantastic David !! you are great!! how do I operate the elbows in Ik now?

    so you know, in IK the left shoulder when rotated will move the elbo but the the right wont. dont know which you want? In fk we could put kinimatic Constraints on the forearm to accomplish the same thing I think.


  5. Very interesting points being made in this thread.


    It seems like this might be a good place to gather some direction on the forest sets. I am still building a variety of trees and other forest plants in preparation for set building sometime in the next few days. I was going to hold back until I had seen the new animatics but the discussions here have been running along similar lines to my own train of thought and I am wondering about a few points.


    Are we now going for a more stylised look? Shall I get a bit more abstract with shapes? Am I now way off track?


    I will start a new thread soon for the forest sets and will post as they come together. Hopefully Bob's animatic will be up on the Wicki pages soon and I will be able to see what is still relevant.

    Paul many of the ruff board landscapes are posted on the wiki

    if you didnt already know.


  6. I'm getting the upper arm bones straying away from the hand bones in FK. Not sure if it's normal or not...


    At the moment it's normal, Ken....it may change. It looks like the IK/FK switch might require it to change (I'm still testing that theory). I'm working on that tonight on both the arms and legs.


    slightly smaller nulls on the Left and right ik foot controls and to the left and right hand controllers would accomplish the same thing ,pickable from all angles..


    So nulls for the hand and feet controls, Bob? I can put that in tonight if that's the case.

    I did say forarms and feet right? the hands are cool as they are.



    I'm getting the upper arm bones straying away from the hand bones in FK. Not sure if it's normal or not...


    At the moment it's normal, Ken....it may change. It looks like the IK/FK switch might require it to change (I'm still testing that theory). I'm working on that tonight on both the arms and legs.


    slightly smaller nulls on the Left and right ik foot controls and to the left and right hand controllers would accomplish the same thing ,pickable from all angles..


    So nulls for the hand and feet controls, Bob? I can put that in tonight if that's the case.

    I did say forarms and feet right? the hands are cool as they are.


    kinematic Constraint to the forearms right?


  7. I'm getting the upper arm bones straying away from the hand bones in FK. Not sure if it's normal or not...


    At the moment it's normal, Ken....it may change. It looks like the IK/FK switch might require it to change (I'm still testing that theory). I'm working on that tonight on both the arms and legs.


    slightly smaller nulls on the Left and right ik foot controls and to the left and right hand controllers would accomplish the same thing ,pickable from all angles..


    So nulls for the hand and feet controls, Bob? I can put that in tonight if that's the case.

    yes, please if you have the time, It will make this fabulous rig even easier to use.'



  8. I was hoping you would!



    I love your approach Jim and as in most features we must think of each scene as it own composition so the characters are the focus and all other eliments secondary, except of course if we are featuring landscapes or interiors as the shot etc, For instance when I did the Goof Troop on Disney, we in many cases got rid of much of the texture behind characters and let the characters take the light and even designed bg's to geometrically point to the action on screen. Of course it was 2d but we half toned all the line over the bgs so to kill back the black and let the zerox line of the characters dominate .A trick first used on 101 dalmnations.


    Then theres the old warner bros saw, where Paul Julian or Dick Thomas would paint those interesting geometric patterns on walls or shadows reflecting unknown objects on the walls to point up the characters on screen .In many instances leaving it somewhat flat just behind the character is also effective compostionally Dreamworks in all their movies takes your approach althought they noodle too much in my view .However the overall point of view is very painterly and beautiful to watch on the big screen.


  9. Here's Scarecrow with a null for the hips...I'll update Squetchy Thom and the installation version later tonight, I think I have to add some things to the installation instructions.

    that works like gang busters David! slightly smaller nulls on the Left and right ik foot controls and to the left and right hand controllers would accomplish the same thing ,pickable from all angles..the rest is easily acessable on the rig as I see it.


  10. Here's round 5. Frank I changed some setting in the dynamics, let me know if that is any better. Use lower percentages on the dynamics. I changed the angle limits so it should flop better. This version is current with the updates that David has made. 11/18 squetch rig


    I need to concentrate on the shoulder for the tinman, so any updates from David will come at the end of the weekend, unless it's a quick fix.

    2 things I noticed

    1. His left forarm allows rotate arm and hand perfectlyas does left bicept bone ,His right you can rotate bicept bone but not forearm it wont rotate at all.

    2. when removing hat, hair comes with it. I guess its the dynamics, but hair should be on head unless hes doing a Gallager impression



    Here's round 5. Frank I changed some setting in the dynamics, let me know if that is any better. Use lower percentages on the dynamics. I changed the angle limits so it should flop better. This version is current with the updates that David has made. 11/18 squetch rig


    I need to concentrate on the shoulder for the tinman, so any updates from David will come at the end of the weekend, unless it's a quick fix.

    hat dynamics better,thanx




    Here's round 5. Frank I changed some setting in the dynamics, let me know if that is any better. Use lower percentages on the dynamics. I changed the angle limits so it should flop better. This version is current with the updates that David has made. 11/18 squetch rig


    I need to concentrate on the shoulder for the tinman, so any updates from David will come at the end of the weekend, unless it's a quick fix.

    2 things I noticed

    1. His left forarm allows rotate arm and hand perfectlyas does left bicept bone ,His right you can rotate bicept bone but not forearm it wont rotate at all.

    2. when removing hat, hair comes with it. I guess its the dynamics, but hair should be on head unless hes doing a Gallager impression



    Here's round 5. Frank I changed some setting in the dynamics, let me know if that is any better. Use lower percentages on the dynamics. I changed the angle limits so it should flop better. This version is current with the updates that David has made. 11/18 squetch rig


    I need to concentrate on the shoulder for the tinman, so any updates from David will come at the end of the weekend, unless it's a quick fix.

    hat dynamics better,thanx


    squetch controls are a dream come true! . they should get us in tons of trouble its like giving a crazy person a tommy gun... I love it ..im, not sure what the head and neck squetch do though ?everything else is just too much fun... great job all of you.I love the chest and belly stuff very funny


  11. 280MB in one hit?!

    That's probably going to make it very difficult for some to download and impossible for others!

    Actually, Paul and Frank, I'm uploading the entire movie: that's the 280MB, (There are 10 individual parts). You need to watch the whole thing, so when you are animating a scene, you'll know arcwise where your character is in their development. There's lots of gag stuff added, and of course, the crazy Act III itself. I tied all the arcs together with backstorys and endings... I hope thats what I did, anyway: the audience will let us know.


  12. I think in the touched up version his shoulders are lower. By that I mean the arms come out from the center of the spheres and not the top. Maybe that'll come good in rigging?


    Also, his stomach area (above his hip sphere) seems more defined in it. And the feet are a little different.

    In general, he appears slightly more elongated in Paul's sketches. He also has more neck, and a thinner face; and his feet seem flatter, (even though they are tiny sketches). As I was working on the animatics, Tin Woodman began to evolve. In the end he's a bit lankier, sorta Jimmy Stewartish, (the "never-ending love" stuff got me thinking that way). Plus, he could be powerful if needed it, (not Conanish - more like Stewart in his 50s).

    Does any of this make sense or am I babbling incoherently? I have been up for months..............


  13. Testrender

    note: have added an ankle balljoint



    Why does he look soo different??

    confused Director





    note: have added an ankle balljoint



    Why does he look soo different??

    confused Director


    I should have said from this one I liked...


  14. Bob is the Director. There's no higher word than his. So if he says it's fine then it's fine.


    Vern, I do like the smaller more upturned nose though. It's cute-er.


    Either way it's allll goood.


    Frank Silas

    Oh, I just realized something: you guys don't know this rabbit's actually an avatar. It's really Ozma. You'll see what I did in Act III. Not that that changes anything - if it ever uploads. It's 280 megs. Ha ha ha - poor server........ By the way, you're all correct: I'm just an odd bird.

    No, no, not Brad... But Bob - odd bird........


    By the way, Frank, please tell that to my wife, she thinks shes the highest power........


  15. Definitely the best rig I've ever used! It must be a bear to setup, huh? Today's the first day I can play a little with it. The movie's uploading - all 73 minutes. I'm done for now. Congrats on the rig, its a real masterpiece. I'm using "4a"... I assume thats the latest? And, yes, Vern, I love A:M too! Soon the whole world will see.


  16. Some more progress. The nose still looks like a dog's. i think I'll move onto the eyes next.


    Here's a look at the mouth. All those neat little circles...I love Jason Osipa!


    And a new view of the smoother, nicer cheeks!



    (Frank, I'm looking forward to animating this guy, too!)



    I dunno... I like the nose. Rabbits with big noses make me laugh. Remember, we don't have to be anatomically correct: caricature is the name of the game. It's funny, and fine as far as I m concerned. You're doing a beautiful job.


  17. I tried my hand at the throne a while back. I guess it's "obsolete" now though.....

    Actually, if you look at the animatic, you're very close. I just have a back to the chair and a side table holding a fruit bowl, and a drink glass can. Post your mesh. Nothing goes to waste here. I like what you've got, Ken.


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