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Posts posted by bob

  1. oops!

    wrong file above.



    I find myself watching the tin man more than the scarecrow.which menas hes dominating the scene .Dont forget to antic the arm for the gesture and go beyond the stop point and pull back[cushion]Also think in terms of a meaning full pose on scare crow as your tablu to emphasize the point in the scene.


  2. It may be bad but it's here. No one should be afraid to get started after this.


    (rerendered with "use front light" setting)

    Remember a couple of basic ideas ...anticipation and cushion. antic before bow ...slowin at bow stop[cushion] also antic before coming back up from the bow.It is always a good idea to go beyond your stop point and cushion back in.It may be a bit broad in and of it self. but its forgivable .Pat yourself on the back you've taken a giant step Ol boy

    name unknown...giggle snicker......

  3. I'm on the road since one week ago and for a while. But I did some tests by changing metal reflectivity properties and did some re-renders. Here are the results so far. What do you think?

    The lighting on the castle is great but I feel the grass is way to lumunise yellow green I assume eventually youll use hair or at least a map of grass in the final, especially in the foreground As a rule, generally the forground elements tend to take on a purperish hue and I would love to see the trees run a purple to green yellow color blend, forground to back ground, As they are they tend to stick out as if from another world and long shadows at a 45 to cam would also help the foreground .The double chain shadow is a no-no but im sure you saw that. Im not a lover of the soft shadows but thats an individual preference.


  4. Hi Mark!


    It would be much easier to comment your WIPs if you include a frame-burn in the videos. Then everybody knows which action someone's talking about.





    Ok What is a frame burn and how do I do it?


    I have rendered his as final right hand roughly animated still need to do left

    Looks good Mark! You've come a long way .It may be more effective however if the tin man arched his back in reaction to the servants push as he polishes.Also the tin mans left arm is raising up for no apparent reason Id keep it more down at his side and let the right arm gesture as you have it dominate the action.Just passing thru hang in, your doing great !


  5. Just made a quick pass on this shot. I'm curious if this is how he should be acting? I'm not sure if he should be more excited or not. the voice sounds kind of serious and mellow though.


    [attachmentid=18424] H.264




    David most acting is reacting even though he's telling the universe his feelings its the guys around him who should react to his promises.Its like a guy telling his buddys of his new plans he'd look left and then right at them then finally at the stars and they should respond accordingly with agreeing nods or what ever says we agree or comedically "like what a jerk".Even though the dial is sleepy Tin can punch cartain thoughts in the dullness with fist accents or with determined head nods.The point is the less he does and the more they do the more youll tend to believe the cornball dial.I think i might straighten his crown on his head on the line rather than present it to the stars. look in the mirror, long speeches really force us to see our own acting. Something new and meaningful usually imerges rather than pulling it out from our internal acting instincts.thats why alot of animators work in the same room with each other to observe each other at these times.Just passing thru hope it help s.Incidentally in my oridginal storyboard i got off him and cross faded to music and got to the long shot as quickly as i could just because io felt it was alittle long winded but neccesary to show his intentions.


  6. I kept the right arm raised since it gave a more concerned pose than dropping it which gave a more resolute walk pose. I also hunched his back a little to add to the feel.


    Let me know if it comes across as such.

    The key here Dhar is as the scarecrow stands up dont rush him out yet. A little frantic antic back with perhaps some darting head looks .. hold before he takes off.... would add to the the thought process going on in his head "im gonna help but im a little paniced "then cut in half the exit time.Of course the speed of exit increases as he leaves the cut.The hand continued held up is a nice touch just manipulate the fingers as if a finger wave toward the tin man saying "hold on Im coming" in pantomime on his exit, This would help the panic a little and enhance the acting.


  7. that looks alot better then the last one! :) I think that it might look better if he dipped his head a little before he swoops to the side to make more of an arc, and if instead of putting his hands down he puts them to his heart.



    THe dude abides .....more arc down ,eyes closed on the "o" in love and then up, eyes open, also it takeas at least 12 frames at a minimum to register a look or atitude so the hands folded anti could use a few more frames before the arc down and then into the final look heavenly.with the cushion you added mutiple blinks at t he end would enhance that sarcasim,keep up the good work Dhar


  8. Last night I watched The Wizard of Oz, just so I can familiarize myself with the Scarecrow character. He seemed goofier than in TWO, so, I thought I play around with a completely different take altogether.


    What do you think?

    remember to cushion in and/ or recoil back at the end{subtle}steal 16 to 24x more.You need it to register that funny look


  9. Just a question about how this is going to work. The people you select would record the voice tracks themselfs through PC mikes and send them to you or would they have to go to some kinda of recording studio and have the tracks recorded?


    For the audition samples, yes, just record through whatever means you have and send them in.


    When it comes to the final record, it will be different for everybody. Some will record themselves on their PCs, some may have access to higher end facilities. Those local to Portland, OR (or close to) could be brought in to one of the studios I work with.


    I will be working with everyone who is cast individually to find out what is going to work for them to get consistent results.

    Nancy G re did all the Mrs yoop tracks for me .Contact her to ge t the tracks .She worked very hard and did a good

    job .


  10. I thought some atmospheric effects might be nice, just to add to the mood. This is one of the first that came to mind. Still a little stiff, but a nice effect, I think.

    Nice Think mrs yoops bedroom if they were blueish little fairie dust. the calm before the wakeup fury

  11. Well, it's something that should be cleared up before any more animation is done.

    All is so serious in these threads as a 2d guy we all thought at 24 x as a 3d guy I still think that way 30 x video is for the mov.and avi ultimatly we will be at 24 the animation is not even close to seeing the difference yet


  12. I'm not sure why you would want to animate in an action rather then choreography. Drop your characters in the choreography that contains the set your working with. Then hide all the lights, cameras, set ect. and it will look just like your animating in an action with the benifit that you can animate from the camera view.

    Exactly. Actions really should only be used for repeating/cycling animations like walk cycles.

    I love this argument when I was running imagineering animation at the mouse house 2 hash user guys actually came to blows over this subject ,Its kinda like in a cuban cat house what ever works for ya is the answer. Directors like me change cam angles alot ,nuff said


  13. Bob ? just wondering ...will TWO be rendered with Toon settings?

    Sorry if you have already answered this somewhere....




    no sweat, we are not rendering in toon....full photo real.so far theats the plan but who knows...


  14. I love the look of that flame, especially if we were doing toon, but as far as I know we're not. I still think some sort of spritacle flame will probably work the best. This flame just looks too cartoony to me. But since I have crappy lighting skills I'll just wait and see where this goes :).


    No question that looks kinda toony right now, but that's 2 hours work on a proof of concept. I think you could push it closer to realism.

    Having said that I'd love to see some good spritacle fire. Have a go at it, or just point out some you think works really well. My intent here is to work in public in hopes that people will see what I do and show me the easy way to do it, or the better way to do it.





  15. Right...I had already modelled that bit. I notice in that one the steps are huge compared to the characters. Unless that's what you want, I made them smaller and also, I thought they were going up the stairs to the throneroom. In a video on the svn they're going down them.


    I've got a whole complex made linked with corridors. I'll send you the model when I'm done Bob.


    I think more like this, this is the route the movie takes.The garden is where they exit in the beginning of act 2



  16. A proxy is a very basic quick and dirty representation of the end result. For example a 30 patch matress at the end could be reduced to just 6 sides. But the six side one is made first. This allows us to get models out quickly for animation to start. Also, it means the layout can be finalised before too much time is spent on modeling.

    PMing is a personal message and you can send me one by clicking on my user name. I'll send you my email through it to send the bed.


    I agree there is alot of gaps in the animatic. Too many for me to go ahead without Bob's input.

    So, Bob if you're reading, should we fill in the gaps or do you want to sketch something?

    I think Dave higons is doing a proxy interior I have full trust in you ken as long as our basic proportions are in the v]ball park im ok with it



    Hi Ken,


    Here is a proxy for _1_02_30 inside Tin Castle.





    Mr higgins proxys is fine for the first one we now need a second that is basiaclly a long multi hieghth corridoer nice job David I put it on the svn Be my guest Ken or avid


  17. Chances are she's going to have trouble with any preconcieved notion of a frown as it is. Her teeth are fairly snagly and would accomodate many normal mouth shapes.


    That said I could go back and make her teeth normal but uneven vertically like some of Bobs later drawings. This would preclude the one tooth jutting up from her lower lip though.


    Smiling would be a chore as well, I'm guessing. The truth is .. that for her to do anything other than have a tick you'd have to rig her teeth and gums to stretch as well.. I'm guessing that was always the intention based on the shape of her face.


    I'm indifferent either way.. you guys let me know and I'll modify her.



    such a beautiful model I hate to mess with it ,but the truth is she will probably smile with evil eyes so we might straighten the mouth to nuetral but make the angry frown mouth you have a pose I dont want to lose it.Its approved make what ever alterations you want and then send it to mark for rigging.fantastic Job!!!!!!!!!!!


  18. Thanks Rodney for your vote. I really would like to be considered for a "color stylist" position.


    You must have a good colour sense and it is desirable that you have a good grip on lighting


    Ummm...er...well, I have my own color/colour/couleur sense...& I'm not so sure about my grip on lighting (kinda slippery) ... I am probably going to be tied up for the next month (at least) on & off with "family health issues", & so if, as I hope, the need isn't immediate, I would like to throw my pink, puce & ochre trim chapeaux into the ring. I shall gather up images for a portfolio & post a link here sometime later ...

    See you in a month Nancy


  19. This is funny.


    Ever since the script was "final".... I often thought of promos involving the "Lion"...


    The main "theme" is the stars of the film being interviewed on a talk show... or at an awards show... or a film premier on the "Yellow" carpet... with screaming fans in the crowd or audience... Lion in the back somewhere very miserable with his arms crossed.


    Possibly "Dotty" and or the "mutt" are clapping and cheering next to him with the WWW. You wouldn't see their faces... just a bit of their outfits on either side of a very angry CL grumbling to himself...


    I ramble...


    Vernon "!" Zehr

    I have written a bit about him not being called to do the film, the bitterness and heartache is riot. In the end a knock at the door, a telegram, hope springs eternal ......then he reads it . back to zero .I also have a bit for him with the witch.could be good.


  20. Exxxxcellent. White doesn't seem to be her colour! :D I imagine her nails to be yellow/brown, or maybe she paints the black.


    PS I just noticed...her braclets look like they'll interfere with her hands when they slip down her wrists.


    PPS The lighting is so soft! Is it a skylight?

    braclets are fine a witch can handle that nicely.



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