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Posts posted by bob

  1. Here's the concept for the Farmhands.


    And here's the face so far. It 's going to need alot of tweaking, but I hope to get it right before I'm done :).

    Great start Jeff, I made a few tweeks, biggest one is the eyes should be more oval.

    great job!



  2. Of course, all this could be wrong so maybe you should wait for Bob's comments also.





    I think I'll wait to see what Bob says, also.


    I will probably do the farmhand before I finish the loons because they come sooner. Of course, it depends on the order they're doing the animation. Starting to get complicated, ha.


    I also notice that the feet are different from the original incarnation - ie animatic has little dainty feet as opposed to big bulby toes.


    Nancy brings up a good question. Also, what about the hands? Mittens, or what I have?


    I made some really fast sketches in an attempt to clear up any confusion. They are all basically the same loon, just different head gear and expressions .They all have plump fingers and sock feet ,nostrils and brows and regular eyes.The chief has a crown and the big guy has the 2 feathers and the generics all have like a baloon tie. like in the service the chief has the most hash marks on his arm 3 the big guy 2 and the generics one but no boob tats and only he and the big guy have boob tats on.

    hope this helps



  3. Here are some views of the first proxy house. I've got it sitting on Woot's Mom's lot. I blew up the map, and I'm using it as a placement guide. Bob, if you had something else in mind for Woot's mom's house, I'll move it to another lot, just let me know.

    Mom place is great. keeping them simple makes the design stage easier .I can see a few tweeks Id like but I dont want to interfear with you at this stage, stop your momentum, The only thing I might add is You might want to keep the color down just use default greys so we just see the overall design we can art direct it later We will get Jim involved at that stage also I really like your work.

    I am a great believer in blocking it all out then moving in to refine as we get deeper into the set.The pinoccio reference is a good one some of those houses are still there I was on the lot for years and a friend of mine and I would go paint at lunch they appear in several of our paintings. them was de good ol days.Very smart of you the blow upthe map view.and yes I encourage any one to get involved, please do so the more the merrier.There lots to do.Contact Lazlo directly if he needs help he can instruct you .

    Bob T

  4. OK, I reduced the size of her eyes. Let me know if it's how you want it...

    The mouth seems a little big. It'll probably look better with teeth etc.

    Looks great Ken side view is right on Id still like to see the eyes a little wider apart size is great shes a sweet ol lady that loves only her son in life... so the more lovable looking the better.Bt ythe way shes only about 4"10 carring a little more ballast than most.I can smell the cookies cooking.

    Thanx, BT


    OK, I reduced the size of her eyes. Let me know if it's how you want it...

    The mouth seems a little big. It'll probably look better with teeth etc.

    Looks great Ken side view is right on Id still like to see the eyes a little wider apart size is great shes a sweet ol lady that loves only her son in life... so the more lovable looking the better.Bt ythe way shes only about 4"10 carring a little more ballast than most.I can smell the cookies cooking.

    Thanx, BT

    more like this, I see its also that we need to widen top of head distortion bok should do it nicely makes her a little cuter



  5. Thanks Bob. I just need a clarification on that.....is it:


    eyes a little bigger? So, make them bigger




    eyes a little big? So, make them smaller.


    I'm assuming it's the former. And when you say wider, do you want the both corners of her eyes to move out or just one?


    lol I'm probably scaring you more now! :D

    sorry I meant please make them a little smaller



  6. Aw, thanks Bob. No problem. Here's what I've got so far.


    I'm laying down the gauntlet to the other guys modeling the farm hands. Bet I get my model finished before you get yours done. Take the challange if you dare. :D


    PS I should add that the ears and eyes are the stock ones floating round the forum. I reduced the splinage on the ears, so if anyone wants to use them with less splines, let me know. In fact I'll post them....hang on.

    your a scary guy Ken.... eyes a little big and widen a little otherwise I love her.


  7. Thanks, Bob, that map was exactly what I was looking for! I had thought we'd need a bigger section for some reason, so I'm glad you cleared that up.


    Should I dive right into proxies, or should I throw together a few sketches of some individual buildings for approval first? I suppose I could work on both at the same time, too. I could lay out the proxy town and experiment with the rough shapes of the buildings, and work out details for the buildings in sketches.

    I trust your sense of design, why not rough out the town and we can build from there.


  8. Thanks, everybody, I'm glad you liked my reference pics. I've got a front elevation sketch for a cute little storybook cottage that I just finished. I started it before you got back to me, Bob, and I had started a shingled roof, and after I read your reply, I switched to thatch. Although, I was thinking about it, and it might be better to use thatch on the rooves in the rural(farming) areas, and shingles in the urban (town proper) areas.


    Anyway, here is the sketch, let me know what you think.


    Great sketch, Ive crudly suggested some more distortion and inverted forms.love this one you did /Also I tossed back one of the designs you posted I particulalrly liked for its interesting shapes .Lets get a mixture of roofs etc, As I said in my email the set should be a little rural and a little towny .Paul forward also has some wonderful trees hes got going to add the foliage.You might think about a proxy layout first then build on that. Something real simple to get the layout down.For our little section in the film early on, perhaps 6 houses maybe just 2 actually built at at different angles and scales and a field or two .Dont forget to feature Moms little cottage.If I have time today Ill try to do a map view just to kick it off.Im in dopey meetings about a feature today so it could take me a while.




    Heres a quick Map view sketch of what the little village may consist of. It really is taken from the path woot takes in the animatic, plus the little river is where the scarecrows song takes place.Hope it helps.



  9. Thanks, everybody, I'm glad you liked my reference pics. I've got a front elevation sketch for a cute little storybook cottage that I just finished. I started it before you got back to me, Bob, and I had started a shingled roof, and after I read your reply, I switched to thatch. Although, I was thinking about it, and it might be better to use thatch on the rooves in the rural(farming) areas, and shingles in the urban (town proper) areas.


    Anyway, here is the sketch, let me know what you think.


    Great sketch, Ive crudly suggested some more distortion and inverted forms.love this one you did /Also I tossed back one of the designs you posted I particulalrly liked for its interesting shapes .Lets get a mixture of roofs etc, As I said in my email the set should be a little rural and a little towny .Paul forward also has some wonderful trees hes got going to add the foliage.You might think about a proxy layout first then build on that. Something real simple to get the layout down.For our little section in the film early on, perhaps 6 houses maybe just 2 actually built at at different angles and scales and a field or two .Dont forget to feature Moms little cottage.If I have time today Ill try to do a map view just to kick it off.Im in dopey meetings about a feature today so it could take me a while.





  10. Wow! - I agree - that is a gorgeous set Bob, and great references Lazlo


    hmmmm...group hug...(hey! who's hand is on my butt?)

    does it feel directed.........by the way I liked your yoop we have to talk


  11. Hi lazlo

    I love the reference ,It is exactly the direction Id like to see happen /In the past Ive had entire villages built from one modular design and all the houses set at various angles with streets akimbo

    heres a still from one of my movies to give you the idea.Id love to see you start off on one of the houses.From your reference material.



  12. Well done Robert! You're French aren't you? This is going to be a cultured movie! :D I look forward to hearing your dulset tones. That's when things are really going to take off.

    Keep your expectations low. Cultured is not the word.

    great stars are often low key............




    another idea, make the packpack smaller. I like this one best.





    I like this version better, too. As far as I know, we are going to try to use particle hair. At least try anyways. It looks like simcloth is out of the picture, though, so I can't say for sure if particle hair is still an option.



    Id like to try to move this wonderful model into rigging today if possible.I assume the back pack is removable and is liable to have dynamics on it .We are trying to rig him next as well as the servant as we are close to handing out layout .






    another idea, make the packpack smaller. I like this one best.





    I like this version better, too. As far as I know, we are going to try to use particle hair. At least try anyways. It looks like simcloth is out of the picture, though, so I can't say for sure if particle hair is still an option.



    Id like to try to move this wonderful model into rigging today if possible.I assume the back pack is removable and is liable to have dynamics on it .We are trying to rig him next as well as the servant as we are close to handing out layout .


    The larger back pack as will and Jim designed it, is actually perfect he's a little boy carrying a big burden.I like that..... very symbolic for the movie.


  14. Here's Woot with hair and his body.



    One more thought David,the hair on his left looks a little strange you may want to cover the left side part im not sure .Just a note: the hat is going to be expressive with him .You know, on backwards,tilted to the side, brim up etc.cant wait to get him Rigged.Robert H is doing a wonderful job with his voice it fits the character to a tee.


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