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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by cosmonaut

  1. That is awesome, all it's missing is that authentic transformer sound... Kevin
  2. Looking very nice Ken, can't wait to see him textured... Kevin
  3. Just noticed this made the front page over at 3D Total! Still can't figure out why this didn't make the front page on cgtalk.
  4. Very nice!
  5. Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow Wow.... um, wow
  6. Nice start, you try and use displacement mapping for him
  7. Very nice texturing there Will.
  8. Congratulations Zach! Any chance we can get a peek at the new version?
  9. Thanks for the comments guys ... finishing this model up was a lot of work. I've finally included the wire frame I promised to add last week... It was actually two renders composited together. One pass was just a standard pass with all the lights, materials, specular highlights, reflections, etc. The second pass was a white Ambient Occlusion pass with an all white material for everything (which took 50 hrs at poster resolution!). I then layered the occlusion pass over the standard pass and multiplied it to get the final look. Kevin
  10. Thanks guys... Thanks, I agree about the hardware, mine is very shiny also. I probably should push the reflections more. I was actually more concerned with the odd stair stepping in the reflection and the controls knobs look a little odd. One of these days I'll fix it. I'll post a wire tonight... Do you mean where the top of the body meets the side or somewhere else? I do have a bevel there but it's very small.
  11. Very nice model Jeff. Kevin
  12. Finally finished up my guitar from the contest for the full shot. Let me know what you think (sorry no stereo, this thing took forever to render at poster resolution). This a smaller version of the poster shot. Kevin
  13. Wow, that is amazing! I'm not sure how I missed this one before (don't think I even noticed the thread till KenH said something about it). That has got to be the best looking AM characters I've ever seen! Can't wait to watch this one progress. Kevin
  14. Great work guys, I've been meaning to comment on your models for a while but never got around to it. Great stuff! My only comment would be with the hands (as others have mentioned). The fingers look too long and too much like plain old cylinders. Other than that amazing work. Can't wait to see more. Oh, and another vote for the setup machine/anzovin rig. Kevin
  15. Dude, that is INSANE. Great work! I don't think I've ever seen so much detail in an AM model before and after my experience with mechanical modeling for this past contest I will say my hat is off to you. That takes some serious patience. Can't wait to see this thing completed. Kevin
  16. Awesome work Noah, watched it last week but never got around to commenting. Amazing sutf Can't believe you did that all on your own. Just out of curiosity, how many passes did you render with multi-pass? Thanks. Kevin
  17. It's really easy if you have version 13... Ambiance Occlusion I think for this I used 1 light (sun) at 30% and the rest was AO at 70%... A bug apparently. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Several other people have had the same problem...
  18. Nice .... I gotta ask, how long did it take to render the AO pass with hair? My experiments with it so far haven't worked at all...
  19. I'm on it sir ... Anyway, here's a Sorenson3 version of the turn for those who couldn't view the Mpeg4: sully.mov
  20. yeah, i'll post one tonight after i get home from work...
  21. Strange, it's just an mpeg4 created with quicktime pro...anyone else having problems? Thanks Robcat, we'll see about the thinning out, I got some pretty good reference off the monsters inc extra's dvd. The models they showed were pretty fat to begin with...
  22. Very nice work, I was thinking about entering this one too if I can find the time. My only complaint is that the boards in the airship look too lumpy. Other than that great work so far. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Kevin
  23. Well, I figured that since my Yeti character was based on him and my goal with some of the shader work I've been doing (samples coming soon...) has been to get as close as possible to the monsters inc hair AND since I haven't done much modeling lately I decided to model Sully from Monsters Inc. He still needs some color and, most importantly, a whole heck of a lot of hair, and his hands and feet were taken from the Yeti and could use some work also but here's what I've got so far... Let me know what you think. Kevin p.s. has anyone else run into those weird black artifacts with ambient occlusion? If not I'll submit a report. sully.mov
  24. Awesome work Colin!
  25. Those are really cool looking characters! Very nice stylization. That rat looks M-E-A-N...more please
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