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Everything posted by ernesttx

  1. I'm in. I pick window # 16. I hope I win haha
  2. Just chiming in on this. My thoughts (and only my thoughts)...but would the camera view be set too far back to really "see" what might be going on in the apartments from some of the window areas? Unless it was render 1080p and seen on a 50" screen, it might leave too narrow a space to create action in the window spaces. I presume that a bit of zoom can be implemented to accomodate a "closer" view. And again, just my thoughts.
  3. How about reaction shots from Thom based on what he just witnessed/saw. Oh, and I'm in on this one. Set looks great mtpeak
  4. Thanks Wildsided. It was more of a test I did while learning about Newton Physics. But thought it was good enough to show off AM. Bigger and multiple explosions are always better. hehe
  5. OK, I uploaded the new trailer. It is still not in My Videos, but this time I captured the URL: http://amfilms.hash.com/video/1788/New-Sca...w-of-Oz-Trailer I removed the other trailers. Sorry about messing up the link to the old one.
  6. I tried uploading the new one to A:M Films the other day, but I don't see it in My Videos. I'll check again tonight and try to straighten it all out. Ernest
  7. Thanks Nancy but that is version 4. I'll take it down and the others and put up the new one. Minor sound and graphics fixes.
  8. Here's a test I did with shattering glass: http://amfilms.hash.com/video/226/Shattered I'll see if I can upload the project when I get home or this weekend.
  9. Busy as always. I'm working on the new opening sequence at the moment. Just to let everyone know that I'm still working on the episodes. I've had to learn some new software, mostly Fusion, but I also got 3D Painter. Things are really look great so far. I apologize for the wait. Hang in there.
  10. Elm, I wouldn't know what has "changed" code wise in the .obj exporter. I have just been recently testing it out with various programs that I have, since there has been talk here about a new version of the exporter. But, yes, I right click on model > plugins > export .obj or .lwo. Only .mdd uses the front camera view only (or as far as I can tell).
  11. I've had a chance to play with the new export in 16 RC2. I'm loving it. I've been able to export .obj files of my models and be able to import them into Fusion 6.1 for compositing. I've also been able to export an .obj sequence into Fusion, as well. The Groups in a model also transfer making it easy to re-material, texture or shade a group in Fusion, as well. Other things I've been playing with, .obj export model, export .mdd and import both into messiah 5. Also, works with the .lwo exporter too. I was testing messiah to be able to export out .fbx, but I'm not sure animation of .mdd files follow through on that. Also, playing with Blender 2.56 as well. But, it's nice to have A:M models playing nicely with other programs. Don't get me wrong, I love A:M and it's features, and with the new .obj exporter I can model and animate in A:M, and now export out to Fusion for compositing. That is nice. Plus, can always export .exr as well. but it's nice to composite with "real" model in 3D environment. My biggest area of exploration is in UV mapping and texturing (as I'm not that well versed yet and I have some personal learning to do to correlate from A:M to Fusion or messiah or other programs) and being able to apply, resurface, texture, use shaders in the other programs. But, it's fun learning.
  12. Hey guys, me again, been busy last few weeks with SXSW here in Austin, TX. I can't gripe, lots of networking and recording bands and editing videos, etc. But, back to animating this new episode. I'm working on completing the video animatic and then it will be dialog recording time. Dialog will be interesting as none of my actors have done face tracking before, so, I have to ease them into that. But, once done, I'll have some technique videos on my site to show sort of the making of stuff. Hang in there, year of the Rabbit is proving its chaotic upheaval. Chao
  13. Oh, wow! Rodney, everything looks great. Thanks for the updates and banners. Sweeett! Still making headway with Episode 10 and website updates this week.
  14. Thanks, Rodney. I'll be putting in more imagery. I've been delving into texturing and UV wraps, thanks to Will's tutorial. My initial tests with Zign Track were very promising. But, I'll have some more on that later this weekend when I update the website with some pics and video stuff.
  15. Hello, everyone. Well, took longer than anticipated to complete the script for Episode 10. Not that is was a particularly hard script, it was more due to ideas, storyflow, and time to complete it. The cool thing though is that Episode 11 was written as well, so you get a two'fer. And the rest of the episodes should come easier. I was stuck on how to resolve some characters storylines, the main arc, etc. With that, I'll be chronicling the process more. It will be more for a "Behind the Scenes" kind of thing. For me, it's always nice to see how something gets made, as well as, watching the episode. That way I can appreciate more certain aspects of what I'm watching. Also, I will be exclusively using Zign Track for all the dialouge actions vs. dope sheet. I want to compare the processes in a full episode. Plus, I have to rig all the characters with the face model that I'm going to be using in Zign. Almost done with that process. So, long and short of it, I will begin animating this weekend and posting snippets along the way. Whew, finally. As always, check it out at www.animace.biz Thanks for hanging in there to everyone.
  16. hey mouseman, I'm mulling over my options right now. I'm involved in some music projects and CD's, and video taping, and audio recording music bands and such. Somethings I'm mulling over are: 1. creating a new series with a more relaistic look to it 2. creating a graphic novel of Subject 99 and others 3. I've got a few movie ideas, and writing scripts 4. I've got a few animated music videos I'm currently doing 5. testing my production workflow, bvh, Zign tracking, UV decals, modeling techniques, physics, etc. I plan to get back to Subject 99, I would like to continue Subject 99. Luuk's Zign Tracking software is great and helps to aid in the facial / lip sync and I'm converting bvh files to use to aid in animation. I'm testing a different production pipeline to be able to kick out episodes quicker; whether it's Subject 99 or others. I just recently upgraded to A:M 15 and a new Quad core laptop, so I'm trying things I wasn't able to test out on my old system. I'm really into the physics stuff at the moment and want to blow things up. hehe All in all, I'm continuing the series, but it may look more photorealistic; since, A:M 16 is out and I can render using multiple cores. That would help alot. I'm not dead, just testing, figuring out new methods, and all that. Thanks for prompting me to realize that someone out there would like a new episode. hehe
  17. ernesttx


    Weird. I uploaded this to A:M Films, but it's not showing up there. It's not even in My Videos tab. And now i see it here, but it's posted not with my signature. Is there a correct process to post things to A:M Films? This was a quick test using Newton Physics to explode/shatter something. I'm working on a glass breaking test and will probably post a little tutorial on it. I'm also thinking of creating VFX tutorials for A:M. What would people like...something along the lines of 'how they do that in movies'? I'm going to be working on exploding buildings, fire, etc. Let me know what you think.
  18. Oh, come on, Largento. Don't introduce such a great looking alien and leave me hanging like this and then go off and write. hehe I'll be tuning in. I'll be doing this sort of thing with my workflow in Subject 99 starting soon. I'm just finishing up the next episode's script and storyboards and want to detail it for people that might be interested. Happy writing
  19. Started working on this workflow last night and everything is working great. Thanks again for your help mtpeak2. I'll try to have something posted up tonight. I have to work with the BVH files to have cyclical actions work a little better; ie. walk cycles and such. For the other actions types, it should be fine. I had to relearn blending actions; as I hadn't used that much in my production of Subject 99. But, blending worked well, too. The hard part will be breaking up the BVH files into smaller snippets and then seeing if blending will work there. I don't forsee any problems, just have to tweak the BVH files. I really like your zombie video. Hmmm I have zombies in another movie I am working on.
  20. Thanks Gerry. Glad you are still enjoying the episodes as well. I'm enjoying making them. This weekend I have been delving into UV maps and creating Actions from BVH files. Lots of stuff to learn and this community makes it so great to learn from. I should have something this weekend to show on the new front. Maybe I'll post in Works in Progress section. As well, as on my blog. Happy Animating everyone!
  21. hey thanks mtpeak2, I walked through what you are stating. However, when I go to the Main Menu (the one at the top of the screen?), I'm only getting the first frame in a new Action (Baked) file. Not sure what I would need to highlight (if anything) in the PWS. Would you be able to shed any light with more steps? Thanks again. *** Addition: I think the step I'm missing is when you state "...and capture the sequence for the BVH." These are the steps I'm doing: 1. Import model 2. Create new Action 3. Import BVH sequence 4. Constrain to rig 5. Highlight Action 1 (the New Action) in the PWS 6. In Main Menu (at the top of the screen/window), select Bake Action (remove constraints) 7. New Action is created **** Second Addition: I'm not sure this is how it works for you. But, after constraining the rig, I have to Save the Action. Then, after saving, I can choose Action>Bake and all the keyframes come into a new Action File. Thanks as always.
  22. Hey, HomeSlice, I'm glad you're still enjoying the episodes. The story is quite involved, as there are actually 3 storylines all converging with one another. This project was created for various reasons. One being to challenge myself to write a complex story, with various characters and storylines, and then try to be able to portray that in a movie format. It's one thing to be able to tell a story from a main character's point of view. For example, introduce hero, have hero embark on journey, battles for hero along the way, pivotal point for hero, hero's victory, and conclusion of story. It's quite linear. For me, I wanted something that I could delve into deeper. Everything isn't as black and white, who is our hero, how to tell a multi-faceted story to an audience, how to edit it, how to etc. All in the framework of periodic episodes. My next project will be more along the lines of the hero story. Main character, supporting characters and evil doer.
  23. Hey Mark, just ran across this topic. Very nice work. I was wanting to go down this path myself and have experimented with a few methods, but never found a workflow that was easy. I am trying to create small reusable ACT files from BVH, kind of like snippets of motion. Would you mind sharing your steps for converting BVH to ACT file? You mention at the first that you "Then baking the action with the motion capture sequence and deleting all unnecessary bones from it." I'm unfamiliar with the "baking" process and how that goes. Thanks for any help you can provide and look forward to seeing more.
  24. No problem, Rodney. I thought you might need a fix. It's been too long. hehe
  25. I am proud to announce the next episode of Subject 99 - Episode 9. Whew!! It took a bit longer to finish up this episode. You know, life gets in the way. I have a few tweaks that I want to correct after watching it with my focus group (aka roommates). But, I am pleased with the overall episode and the continuing of the story. Feel free to leave feedback as well. Now it's time to work on a new series. But, Subject 99 will continue. This episode finishes up the Season One kind of catalog of episodes. I'll have to spend some time to write the next episodes and see what I can add for excitement. A big shout of thanks goes out to Martin and the Hash team. When you are in production, and have software that is dependable and easy to work with, it's certainly a huge blessing. Well, it's late now, time for bed and having to get ready to go to the job that pays the bills. hehe Please visit www.animace.biz and tell all your friends. Caio.
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