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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jason1025

  1. Worked as it should, the decal did not jump. Using a AMD gigabyte 5700xt 8gb
  2. Impressive
  3. Thanks guys
  4. https://youtu.be/1WSxujQAmxM Hey folks all the CG was done in AM about 5 years ago. I used BVH mobcap for the Animation which worked great with AM. Im actually going to start selling the tubes shortly because of the corona virus. I still have 30,000 tubes in my basement. 004.mov 003.mov 001.mov 002.mov
  5. Cool the 1st 2 frames came in at 1:14, but the last frame was 1:15
  6. Did I do it? DO I have the All time fastest record? AMD 3970x 32 core 64 threads 256GB DDR4 3200mhz ram ASROCK TRX40 Creator motherboard 2x Gygabyte Radeon 5700xt GPUs
  7. But if you use bootcamp to partition your drive and dual boot into windows, AM is very stable.
  8. Hey folks So after testing a little bit more AM is unusable in parallels on a mac. Sure you can render and the render will be fine, but its chalenging to do anything else because the shaded modes do not display properly.
  9. wow AM bench test results. 2013 mac pro trashcan Same system but booted into windows 10 (not emulated) AM 19j win version render time 2:00 min even. Same system but booted into mac using parallels running win 10 Am win version 19j render time 2:04 seconds Conclusion Emulation is basically as good as booting into windows on a mac with a dual boot machine. In the passed when using am I generally liked to boot into windows because at that point its a real pc with no compromises running AM, and it's taking advantage of the full power of the system. But the downside is that I'm locked out of my mac while rendering something, meaning I can't answer my mac mail and do my everyday mac related tasks while rendering booted into windows. Now with these parallels AM bench test results showing almost no performance slow down I have eliminated this issue having my cake and eating it too. Well with 1 downside, If I want to render an animation I need all the cores and threads which in parallels are decided up between the mac and the windows, but if its just 1 frame no issues.
  10. Hey buddy Its always good to talk to you. Is it support@hash.com for Jason?
  11. Hi Folks It been a long time. I got the latest version of Parallels for my mac. But can't get Am running. It says an internet connection is required and I have one I can access the internet but I guess the app ca not. Any ideas?
  12. thanks so much
  13. never mind, simple right click and export.
  14. Hi Folks Its been years since I've been on the forums in a contributive way. I have a question. I made a cloth, dropped on a model with a deflector in a chor. Its great. Now I want to create a model from the cloth that was simulated in the chor, from a specific frame in time. Said differently. The original cloth was a flat grid. After the cloth simulation, the flat grid is now deformed by the deflector model, and that deformation changes through time with each frame. I want to take the cloth from frame 4 and export that model as a new model so I get a new model with the new deformations from frame 4. Im, sure there is a way to do this. I tried copying the splines data from the chores action for frame 4 and then paste it to the splines in the original flat grid model but it didn't take. Thanks for help.
  15. Cool thanks
  16. Hi folks Happy Turkey Day!!! I know its been a while. I still use AM. Mainly for my 3D printer. I was thinking of upgrading to V19. Is there a list of the new features that make getting V19 worth the investment?
  17. "Having lost faith in myself, I separated from the situation, left programming forever, and tested my meddle & intelligence in other fields. Turns out, I'm still brilliant: one of only 20 people in the world with doctorates in science, medicine & law; traveled to 100+ countries on 7 continents; wrote books & magazine articles, produced podcasts, developed a philosophy, and showed that it was always me who was the special one, everybody else was a hanger-on. And you know what? I also gained wisdom enough to not care. So what if I lost back-in-the-day? It was still a good ride: achieved my big goal of making-movies, got recognized by newspapers & magazines; and did something noteworthy with my youth. So now, after a decade away & regained self-confidence, I can look at Hash & Animation:Master, and see how excellent they are. I want to get back acquainted with tradeshows, customer art, and the forum community." A lot of personal intimate information in there. I really appreciate you sharing that with us. I believe without question that you are brilliant. I say this with respect, love and appreciation for all that you have done for us. For me particularly I have used your software in multiple commercials. I can't help but feel after reading the above that there is still some mental emotional cancer ailing you. Perhaps I'm wrong but if not I highly recommend going to an UPW event. I bet my life it will clean out whatever is left. Despite any preconceived notions, you might have it has the effect of a je ne sais quoi. Being as brilliant as you are I suspect you may believe there is a possibility of something new and great in yourself you have yet to discover.
  18. Hi Version the mac download is V 18.0n not version 18.0O
  19. Thanks for the support
  20. its not looking good. Out of 900 views on my kickstarter video only 11 backers so far.
  21. Hi Friends Thanks for the kind words Ill be posting videos showing some of of I did what I did with AM. I used image based lighting for the hero shot of the cube with 5 colors. I took stills from the set and just plugged them into AM. The animation from the Android character was done with Ipi soft. I just took the info it gave me and set a few constraints in AM to my character Funny part is I only needed to do a few shots so the free demo worked fine. Shot4T6_export05_.mov Shot4T6_export05_.mov
  22. All CG in this video was done in Hash AM http://www.cleanercube.com
  23. Wow thank you so much Jost, Gerald and Robert. I really appreciate the offers and results. Its amazing that I could feel like im in a jam and the next day when I log into the forum all my fears are set aside. If any of you ever need help let me know. I would like to return the favor.
  24. Anyone have a 3D heart model they could donate. My attempts are not smooth. I have attached a shape for roto. and a reference someone made in another package.
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