Hi Nemyax ... Animation Master's(A:M) files (model, action, choreography) are readable text files. Meaning you can load them into a text editor and be able to see how it deals with each. It would just be a matter of parsing this text file to create your own format. Depending on your game engine choice though, you would need to to be able to convert things into a format that the game engine recognizes. Personally, I export my game data to an .X file and then can convert that .X format into whatever I need using another piece of software. Mainly I work in Ogre so I need to convert from A:M files to .X to .XML to .MESH. I'm not sure if the plug-in to convert A:M's files to .X is already included with the recent version of A:M or if you have to manually install this plug-in yourself. If you have any more questions then please feel free to ask ... Bruce